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It had taken equal parts will, fear and pinning Jethro or Clay or Vincent or - you get my point - to the ground to stop them all from leaving before the signal.

The second they received it, however, all hell broke loose.

Damien was torn from Clark by his shoulders and, before anyone could really register what was going on, a fist collided sharply with Damien's jaw.

And another then with his nose.

Another his eye.

Surprisingly enough, it wasn't Jethro they were pulling from Damien's chest. Nor was it Ophelia or Clay or Vincent or even Nick.

In fact, it had been Geo that yanked harshly enough to bring Damien off kilter and make him drop Clark heavily to the ground and it was George that was now sat on his chest, delivering punch after ruthless punch until his face was black, blue and bloody.

Vincent and Clay worked together to tug George away, Clay wrapping around him protectively, when the sound of sirens faded in. Zak and Ophelia shielded Darryl and Keres away bodily, despite Zak having a smaller stature than Darryl, and Jethro had immediately made his way to Clark's side, cradling him closely into his lap.

He delicately pressed Clark's head to his chest, gathering as much as he could of Clark's body into his other arm and holding desperately and tightly.

There was a pounding at the door and Geo was quick to answer, guiding police and paramedics in and answered questions left by the call. Apprehending and escorting Damien to the car was easy.

Prying Clark from Jethro? Not so much.

Jethro was in an almost animalistic state, curling around Clark possessively and dazed, even when approached by paramedics.

"Jethro, dude, you gotta let him go, they're going to help him. It's okay, Damien's gone." Zak tried carefully, Ophelia and Geo crouching beside him.

"He'll be okay, you just have to let them help him." Darryl murmured gently and watched as Jethro loosened his hold.

Just like that, the whirlwind was back in motion, Clark being whisked away with Jethro trailing helplessly. He was stopped, however, at the doors of the ambulance. "I'm sorry, sir, but you can't come back here."

Jethro peeled his gaze from where Clark was laid, distant, and took a moment to register what they'd said. "Please." Was all he asked in response.

The paramedic, clearly young and sympathetic, turned to address their coworker for a short second in question. The elder sighed before answering. "You better not get in the way, kid." Jethro shook his head in a silent promise, taking the step forward before being pulled back.

It was Ophelia.

"I'm going to his office." Jethro tilted his head, not entirely certain as to why she needed to tell him that now. "We all heard what he said. If there's any chance that that note is still around, Clark deserves to read it."

"Take someone with you." Jethro managed to reply. His reasoning was wordless yet heard. She nodded.

"Take care of our idiot, Ro." She murmured shakily and Jethro pulled her into a tight hug.

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