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"Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't just married him yet." Nick commented, head hanging off the edge of his bed obnoxiously, looking at where George was displayed on his screen - both of Nick's arms were stretched above his head to hold his phone.

"I don't want to marry him because I can't wait the time it takes to get my immigration Visa, I want to marry him because I love him and when we're both ready." George huffed and Nick scrunched his nose in disgust - he decided not to remind George that Clay had been ready to marry him within the first few weeks of their relationship. George distantly wished Nick wasn't across the ocean so that he could slap him.

Realistically, it hadn't been all that long since George had returned to England - a few months tops, if he had to hazard a guess (he had promised himself not to count the days) - but it felt like an eternity to George. It had been alright at first, he passed the time streaming, recording, video-calling Clay, texting the band, hanging out with Nick and occasionally having the outcasts make the roughly two hour trip up to visit.

But then Nick left, finally having all the paperwork filed out and approved, and moved overseas and in with Vincent, which threw everything off balance. George still had streaming and recording and calling his boyfriend but it didn't feel the same without his best friend only a car ride away.

George never thought he'd see the day he genuinely missed having Nick invite himself over and raid his pantry. It all felt out of place and George wondered when he'd started buying more food to accommodate Nick's appetite - the excess food was one of the first things George noticed.

"Plus, my parents only just found out from the photos, mum would kill me if I married him before she could meet him." George reasoned, distantly remembering a terribly awkward phone call near a month after Clay left.

He'd already come out to his parents long ago, thank the lord, but they hadn't expected that the lead singer of a world-wide popular band would be a viable option for George. Well, the sky is the limit, they supposed, and George was heading for the horizon.

"You're coming up on your one year anniversary right?" Nick asked and George nodded, glancing at the date. May second. Eleven days. Only eleven days until he'd been with Clay for a year - they had decided not to count the odd week of confusion as an official break. "That's romantic. Maybe you should get him an engagement ring." Nick suggested with a smirk and George rolled his eyes. The persistence of some people.

"I'm not going to propose to him on our first year anniversary, from halfway across the world, Nick." George stated over the loud noise of Nick's groan.

"But I miss you, dude!" Nick huffed. George was about to reciprocate the unexpected sentiment when Nick spoke up again. "And I'm tired of hearing you and Clay whining about the distance. I'm surprised you haven't set up accounts dedicated to yearning for each other." George decided that Nick didn't deserve the sentiment returned after all.

"Isn't that what the fan accounts are?" A voice quipped from somewhere around Nick and George decided that Vincent was possibly the worst person he'd ever met. Simply horrible.

"Shut up, as if you weren't just as bad before you moved." George countered. It was clear Nick was finding something to shoot back with when the distinct ping of a discord message echoed around the room. George positively lit up - eyes suddenly wide and shining, perfect white teeth on display causing his nose to scrunch and back now ramrod straight. "He's back, I'm hanging up." George informed giddily.

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