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"I think I vomited in my mouth at least three times during that alone." Geo shuddered out once George had successfully seen Damien out, wandering back into the sitting room. He plopped himself down on the couch comfortably

"Three? Weak." Ophelia said, rummaging within the DVDs to find her phone and end the recording.

"Make sure to make some copies of that. Harder to delete that way." Jethro reminded, pointing at Ophelia's phone and Ophelia nodded absently and slumped onto the couch beside Geo, shoulders pressed close. Jethro had already talked to them all about keeping copies of their evidence in different places to make it harder for Damien to cover it up or get rid of it.

George had returned to the room wordlessly, curling himself back into the single chair with a vacant stare. He kept his fingers rested gently against his bracelet but didn't entirely register the way it whirred against his skin, too caught in his own head. He wasn't certain he was thinking all that much either, simply lost in an endless void of exhaustion.

It took a few long moments for the other three to notice George's still silence. "Hey, bubba, you alright?" Ophelia asked, leaning forward to jostle George's knee with one hand. George blinked slowly before nodding sluggishly.

The other three shared a concerned look, some silent conversation that George wouldn't have heard even if he was of sound mind floating in the air between them. Then, they each stood and parted off in various different directions, leaving George alone in his chair. He didn't have the energy to wonder nor ask where they were going or what they were doing.

It was rather odd, how physically draining a single person could be. George felt as though he hadn't slept in months and hadn't eaten in years, a hollow sort of ache echoing deep in his bones. He hadn't the energy to eat or nap so he stayed idle instead, eyes unfocused and distant.

What could have been anywhere between a few minutes to a few hours later, Jethro reappeared with a soft, gray blanket in hand that George vaguely recognised as his own. He carefully draped it around George's shoulders, tucking it around his bent up knees. George couldn't find it in himself to do anything more than watch as Jethro smoothed the fabric down his limp arms before disappearing off again.

Next to resurface was Ophelia, who wandered in with Mew in her arms. She gently placed the cat in his lap, waiting until it had settled into a small, purring ball. She then stood and ruffled George's hair before following after where Jethro had left not long before.

Finally, Geo waddled in, closely followed again by Jethro and Ophelia, with a mug in hand. George had seemingly thawed some, eyes coming to focus on the cat in his lap and hand rested in it's fur. Geo placed the mug onto the coffee table in front of George, turning the handle towards him.

Jethro then set George's laptop down beside it, Ophelia crouching to tap away for a few short moments. When she moved away, George distantly registered the familiar waiting screen as a call dialled through. It only took a few short seconds for the screen to change to a sight that he was all too glad to see.

"If you need us, feel free to message." Geo reminded gently and Jethro squeezed his shoulder before the three gathered the last of their things and headed for the door with a quiet, customary and polite goodbye. George waved wordlessly before turning back to the patiently waiting boyfriend on his screen.


🤩 C r i s i s a v e r t e d 🤩 for now
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I've learnt not to ask anymore, I don't think I even want to know
Ophie,,,,,,, this sounds incriminating sweetheart <3 you may want to reword or add context <3
Don't worry guys, it was just Ophelia nearly pissing the bed again 🤩✨ she couldn't afford to buy a fifth mattress this week
Why am I friends with you all when all you
     bring me is pain
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"Stop staring at me." George said, covering his pink cheeks with half hidden hands. Clay simply grinned in return.

"Then stop being so cute." He countered and George groaned, slouching further down in his chair. He was careful not to disturb Bartholomew all too much.

"You're so cheesy." George sighed through a begrudging smile, pulling the blanket around him tighter.

It had been hard at first, bringing up the words to hold a conversation. But, the longer that George spent with Clay, the easier it had become. All the while George was slow and unresponsive, Clay was more than happy to chatter away to him about any and everything, nonplussed by the lack of reply.

With each of Clay's sunny smiles and wheezing laughs, each time his eyes crinkled and he gestured expressively, each of his quiet pauses spent simply looking at George, George began to warm. He could feel his tongue loosen and his lungs go lax with a relaxed, fuzzy kind of energy.

Nearing an hour later, George was back in his own skin entirely. Jokes came easy and words even easier. Clay had successfully brought him back to the world with little more than his company.

"Are you alright now?" Clay asked in an uncharacteristically gentle tone that he was almost certain only George and Patches had ever been victim to.

"Why wouldn't I be?" George shrugged off easily, absently working his fingers through Bartholomew's fur, finishing the last of his now-cold hot chocolate. Clay raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him. "Seriously, I'm fine. I'd tell you if I wasn't." Clay scoffed, George attempting to fight away the smile that caused.

"You would rather die then tell anyone you're not okay." Clay corrected with a roll of his eyes. "Just... I don't want you to think that you have to do this. There's other ways." He continued, once again lowering his tone to something caring but not patronising.

"And this is the fastest." George countered softly. "I know I don't have to do this, Clay, but I want to. I want to do this." He emphasised, hand pausing.

"I know how shitty he is to be around, George. It was terrifying to get a message from Ophelia on your account saying that you needed me, knowing that you'd just been alone with him for hours. And to see you so out of it and not answering... I don't want you to force yourself through it, we both know how stubborn you are." George pulled an offended expression, ready to counter with just how stubborn Clay was. Clay laughed, elated mostly to see the quirk at the corners of George's mouth. George decided against his argument.

"He's just... tiring to be around. It'll get easier to deal with. And we won't have to deal with it long, just until we have enough to get rid of him for sure." He said instead, eager to sooth Clay's nerves, though he'd never admit it.

"Just... please promise me that you'll tell one of us if it's too much. I don't want you to start believing any of what he says and I don't want you going through any of this on your own. Even if you don't tell me, tell someone." Clay asked and George huffed softly, resuming petting Mew before nodding.

"Okay. I promise." He whispered gently, bringing his knees up closer to his chest and smiling at the way Mew began to purr. He watched Clay silently for a moment before speaking again in a dramatic tone. "You and me, together, we're unbeatable. We can go against all odds and come out on top. I'm better than you, obviously, but I guess we make a good team. We'll be fine."

Clay smiled, something warm and accompanied by half-lidded eyes and a fond sigh. He chuckled to himself for a moment, shaking his head and George felt a selfish pride swell in his chest. "Obviously." Clay echoed

"We'll be fine."

1.4k words

I'm late again please forgive me T~T

The enchroma glasses video had me so soft I couldn't function.

Feedback is welcome and appreciated!!

Yours, Dandelion

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