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Surprisingly enough, the next morning was just as calm as the night before.

Clay woke early and worked on making breakfast, careful not to wake the girls on the couch as he passed. Ophelia was the next to join him in the waking world but stayed put, apologising for not assisting and gesturing vaguely at the sleeping Keres on her by way of explanation and excuse. Clay, feeling generous, accepted the excuse.

George appeared next, sleep-addled and rumpled. He greeted Ophelia with a wave and Clay with a lazy kiss to his jaw, shuffling past him to scrounge for the apple juice.

It was rather nice, to experience what it'd be like to be normal. A normal morning as normal people.

Though, it didn't last long.

"Guess who's fucked!" Clark announced, bursting his way into the room and jolting Keres awake. To be fair to him, he had waited until a reasonable hour of the morning, everyone else was just attempting to sleep in.

"G'morning," Keres murmured in answer, rubbing her eyes as she slowly gained consciousness. It didn't take long for her to notice that she'd stretched herself entirely down the length of Ophelia's body and had been clinging tightly to her as though her life depended on it. She apologised quickly and shifted away, face a bright pink, but Ophelia just smiled and pulled her back in.

"We don't want to know about who you fucked, Clark." George stated, grinning when Clay walked over with a stacked plate of food for him.

"One, rude, I thought you'd be happy for me when I announce who I fucked," Clark began "and two, it's us. We are fucked. As a collective whole." He finished, eagerly trotting to Clay's side in attempts to beg some food from him. Ever generous, Clay began fixing him a plate.

"Why are we fucked?" Ophelia asked, stretching her arms above her head before settling them back around Keres' waist.

"Big D conveniently got the post and account taken down and knows it's us. It was up long enough for people to be talking about it and searching into it further so I'm not worried about that, just about what he's going to do to us. Meg's messaged to say the dude has already figured out that none of us are home or where we said we were, bet he's already assumed we're all here." Clark explained, bashfully thanking Clay for the food.

"Please never call him big D." George shuddered and Clark laughed around his mouthful.

"How is Meg?" Keres piped up and Clark glanced around confused for a moment before realising where the voice had come from.

"Good! Still snarky as ever but it's charming." Clark answered easily, quickly distracted.

"Are we all ignoring the fact that Damien knows we are planning something against him?" Ophelia asked before Keres had the chance to continue conversation. "Because I think that's kind of important, to be completely honest with y'all."

"I feel like this is a conversation for when everyone's together and awake." Clay supplied after a few moments of Clark pretending his mouth was too full to speak, Keres suddenly being incredibly interested in the carpet and George simply ignoring the question. "We can call the others to come over later, Nick won't be awake for ages." He added, knowing damn well that Nick had not fixed his sleeping schedule like he said he would on George's recent streams.

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