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"I'm sorry for scaring you, Skeppy." Darryl murmured upon the, maybe, fifth time he'd caught Zak zoned out and staring at him. The man in question was quick to snap back to himself

"It's- I wasn't scared, Bad." He reassured with a sigh, rubbing at the back of his neck. "Well, I was a little but that was because we could have been caught."

"Zak, you keep just staring at me. Sometimes you don't even hear me call your name." Darryl pressed sadly, coming to sit at Zak's side on their couch.

Zak bit his lip, knowing full well that he'd properly worried Darryl if him not calling his stage name was anything to go by. He sighed softly, figuring he'd simply have to tell the truth rather than lie or drag it on any longer.

"You looked good... when you broke the drawer." He finally managed, staring at his own hands in his lap, face tinted a lush pink.

"What?" Darryl asked, confused, and placed a smooth hand on Zak's forearm.

"Well, you always look good but especially then. You looked... badass," He ignored Darryl's murmured 'language' "like I'm sure you do when you shoot or throw knives, I just- you looked hot and I can't stop thinking about it." He rushed out, on one breath, and distantly wondered whether Darryl had a single clue what he'd said.

"Oh." Seemingly, he had. "So, you weren't scared, you... liked it?" Zak covered his burning face with his hands before nodding - he'd already said the words, there was no backing out now. Darryl didn't bother fighting the blush that rose to his face, nor did he bother fighting his smile.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm- I'm glad you find me attractive." He reassured, only receiving a seemingly pained groan in response. "It's normal for people in a relationship to find the other attractive. I find you attractive." He continued, squeezing the hand rested upon Zak's arm.

Zak made some high-pitched, embarrassed noise in the back of his throat and Darryl decided to elaborate.

"Do you remember when you were figuring out the drum line for our new album? And I kept coming in?" He asked softly, waiting until Zak nodded. "You said it was because I'm clingy and that if I wanted attention, I should just ask." He teased lightly, contented in the way Zak shifted to peak from his hands.

"The real reason was because you looked good so I kept making excuses to come watch." He finished truthfully, smiling at where Zak had lifted his flushed face and dropped his arms to his lap.

"Wow, you have problems." Zak deadpanned.

Darryl gasped dramatically in offence, causing Zak to bubble up into giggles, curling away from his boyfriend slightly. "I can't believe you!" Darryl shrieked, only causing Zak to laugh harder.

Before Darryl had the chance to continue his indignant speech, Zak brought a hand to his jaw and pressed smiling lips to his boyfriend's. Needless to say, Darryl was adequately shut up.

[SPICE WARNING! Skip to the second warning if you wouldn't like to read it!! (Again, I don't write NSFW, it just gets spicy)]

So very definitely shut up that he certainly didn't hum as he shifted hands to Zak's waist. Nor did he hum when Zak took the chance to swing a leg over both of Darryl's and situate himself in his lap.

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