Time x Tay x Tem [1]

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"Alright," Tay said, standing to his feet as the fire cackled behind him. "Fourth-years and below, get up."

"No!" Macau whined, crawling behind Big and hiding, as if everyone couldn't see him.

"It's time for bed."

"It's the weekend," Big said, raising his hands to protect Macau as if Tay was some looming villain.

"It's Sunday night," Kim replied, getting to his feet. "Let's go before we get in trouble." He held his hand out to Chay who took it, happily.

"The rest of you," Tay placed his hands on his hips. "Don't make me report to your Head-of-House."

Grumbling, Macau and Big followed Kim, Chay and Ken out of the inter-house lounge where they'd all been lounging, as Tay escorted them.

"I thought they'd never leave," Vegas said, conjuring up a bottle of bubbling, purple liquid.

"What the hell is that?" Jom asked, horrified.

"Just a little something."

"Yeah, I'm going to need a list of ingredients before I ingest anything you make again, Phi," Arm said, also frowning at the bottle.

"What's all this?" Porsche said. "Where's your adventurous spirit?"

He grabbed the bottle as Vegas let out a loud, happy whoop.

"Babe!" Kinn yelled, but Porsche already had the bottle turned up-side-down as he downed the contents. "Now, that's enough," Kinn said, holding onto Porsche as he eased the bottle down.

"Whoa!" Porsche shook his head, blinking quickly. "Umm," he pressed his lips together and looked at Vegas. "Am I crazy or is that...?"

"Yep," Vegas said, smiling and nodding.

"Hunh," Porsche said, licking his lips.

Before anyone else could say anything, Porsche turned and slid into Kinn's lap, wrapping his hands around Kinn's neck as he pressed a deep, sucking kiss onto Kinn's mouth. Kinn moaned, bracing himself behind him, to stop them both from toppling over as Porsche continued to kiss him.

Behind them, all the others in the room slowly looked from the bottle to Vegas.

"What's in there?" Time asked, pointing at the drink.

"Some ultzy, cinnamon, blood, hotash, red wine-"

"Blood?" Arm asked. "What kind of blood?"

"I'm not sure we should be drinking blood, either way," Jom said, looking even more worried.

"Is it human blood?" Time asked.

While they waited for an answer, Vegas looked around the room, his face as passive as a blank sheet of paper... then he gave a tiny shrug.


"Did you say hotash?" Tem asked, recognizing the herb.

"You put human blood in there," Pol said, stunned.

"Who cares if it's human blood?" Pete asked, folding his arms over his chest.

"That's... guys, hotash is a very potent aphrodisiac," Tem told the whole room, once again getting their attention.

Jom, Arm and Pol pulled away from the bottle as Time picked it up, examining it with more interest.

"Hey," Vegas said, sitting up. "We need to let loose."

"You brought a sex drink to a hangout," Pol said.

"The drink doesn't make you want to fuck someone you don't already want to fuck. Besides, everyone here is fucking anyway."

Kinn groaned from the corner, where he and Porsche were now practically humping against each other. A couple years ago, Tem would have blushed at the things Kinn let Porsche get away with in public. But he'd since learned to just block them out. Either that or get horny all the time and he wasn't about to deal with that kind of problem anymore. Not since Tay started clocking Tem's hard-ons like a beacon.

Seriously. Every time. Tem couldn't catch a break. Tem couldn't have a single naughty thought without Tay turning in his direction. Sometimes, it felt like Tay could read Tem's mind. Which was weird. And supposed to be impossible. But there were times when Tem was sure of it.

"Let's be nice. Not everyone is fucking," Pete said.

"Please," Vegas said, rolling his eyes.

"Not in front of you," Arm said, covering his chest with his hands.

"I think we may have skirted past the whole human blood thing a bit too quickly, no?" Jom asked the room.

Time swirled the drink around, watching the purple liquid dance before he said, "Fuck it," and took a big swig of the drink.

"Umm, Phi," Tem said, rushing to Time. "Phi-Tay isn't back yet."

Tem knew how much Time's eyes liked to wander. The last thing they needed was him taking the drink and accosting someone in the room, while Tay was about to come back in. If Kinn wasn't focused enough to protect his friends' relationship, then it fell to Tem to do something.

"Phi-Time, come on," Tem urged, pulling the bottle away as he set it down on the floor. "That's okay."

"Come here," Time said, pressing Tem down to the floor as he got on top of him.

Tem's head hit the floor.

"What are you-" his question morphed into a moan as Time's lips attached themselves to Tem's neck, sucking softly as the skin. Tem hadn't meant to moan. "Phi." He held onto Time's hair, tugging it to move Time. Time grabbed Tem's hand and slammed it into the floor above him. "Ung," Tem moaned again as Time kissed and licked his way up, till he was kissing Tem on the floor, slipping in his tongue, sliding his hand between their bodies to unbuckle Tem's belt.

"Okay," Pete said, suddenly appearing behind Time as he and Jom pulled Time away.

It took a couple of seconds for Tem to understand what had just happened as he lay on the floor staring up at the ceiling. Oh god, he thought to himself in horror. Oh god.

"What the fuck was that?" Arm asked in a whisper as Vegas laughed in the background.

"I..." Tem didn't know what to say. His heart was pounding in his chest, his hands quivering at his sides. "Oh god." He covered his mouth with his hand, still able to taste Time.

"Are you okay?" Jom asked, coming to help him up.

The door to the lounge opened and suddenly, Tay was standing there, looking tired.

"Those children will be the death of me." He sighed and came in. "Okay," he said. "What did I miss?"

The entire room was stunned into silence, as Tay watched them all, with the background music of Kinn and Porsche going at it like bunnies. But in all that tense mess, Tem wasn't even a little bit surprised when Tay immediately zeroed in on him, eyes widening in that shocking way it did every time he caught Tem having thoughts he shouldn't have.

Which would have been alright, if Tay's gaze didn't suddenly zoom over to where Time was sitting in a corner. Then come back to Tem, and then go back to Time, signally to Tem and everyone else in the room, that Tay was well aware of what had just transpired.

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