Vegas x Pete [1]

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Pete gripped Vegas's head in his hands as he arched off the bed, about to cum. But then Vegas batted his hands away and before Pete could ask what was going on, Vegas pointed his wand at Pete and spoke.

"Petrificus Totalus," he said as Pete's body stiffened and he looked down at Vegas in surprise. "Thank you, again."

Vegas bent down and planted a kiss on Pete's mouth as Pete just watched him, on the cusp of an orgasm that he was, apparently, not going to get anytime soon.

He really should have expected this. Vegas was always asking for weird favors and having Pete do strange magic with him. He's asked for every bodily fluid Pete has, his blood, his pee, even one time, when Pete was in the infirmary, Vegas had visited just so he could collect samples of Pete's vomit.

It wasn't Pete's place to ask.

It had taken a few weird times, before Pete started to look at the drinks Vegas brewed with suspicion.

"Don't worry, there's no pee in it," Vegas had said, laughing quietly, as all their friends shared a bottle of another one of Vegas' concoctions. "I promise."

But Vegas was a liar. Pete knew. It didn't stop him from going along, but he knew Vegas was a liar. And it was cool. Pete wasn't looking for an angel, anyway. He just wanted Vegas.

When he'd pulled Pete into the Room of Requirement and proceeded to push Pete's pants down, Pete had wrongly assumed that this visit would be one of mutual benefit.

But... no.

"Gimme a minute," Vegas whispered, his breath brushing over Pete's frayed senses as Pete lay there, waiting, as if he could do anything but that.

Vegas soon disappeared from his view but when he appeared again, straddling Pete's legs, he was holding a pocket clock that had a tube running down, beneath it into a golden ball at the bottom where orange and blue liquids swirled around, pursuing each other.

What's that? Pete wanted to ask, but his lips couldn't move.

Vegas touched Pete's dick, caressing it and spreading pre-cum and spit all over it and Pete didn't know if ever there was anyone in history to have experienced torture quite like he was at the moment.

"I'm going to cut you, Pete," Vegas said. "It'll bite but just so, okay?"

Pete didn't move because he couldn't. He didn't even blink. He just lay there, watching Vegas pick a knife from thin air that the Room must have provided.

"I don't think anyone has tried this before," Vegas said with glee. "But they'll see when I'm done." He looked down on Pete. "Do you love me Pete?"

Pete didn't know how to answer.

"Hum if you do."

Pete hummed.


Vegas pressed the cold metal to Pete's dick and Pete nearly had a heart attack. But when he cut the side and Pete felt the tiny, prickly pain, he just knew he'd finally hit rock bottom.

"I'm sorry about your orgasm but I promise. It'll come," Vegas said.

As if that was the only thing to worry about in the situation. Pete was lying here and feeling powerless. But not in the emotional, intellectual way Vegas made him feel all the time. Now, he was physically less than Vegas. The one thing he'd thought he had.

Pete was brought to Hogwarts to protect Vegas. To see to it that Vegas got the backup he needed. That was Pete's entire reason for existing. Knowing that any time he wanted Vegas could overpower him and leave Pete physically at his mercy was not something Pete wanted to think too deeply about.

"Finite Incantatum," Vegas said.

Pete's body unfroze as the orgasm hit like a bus. He sat up on the bed, splattering cum all over his robes.

He'd never felt so used and unfulfilled in his whole life. He honestly didn't think he could feel any worse.

Turning away, Pete stilled the tears from falling because he was not going to cry... not even when his blood was still dripping from Vegas's knife.

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