Time x Tay x Tem [6]

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Tem wanted to break Porsche's head. And Jom's. And Kinn's but Khun Korn would probably kill Tem and his entire family if he so much as breathed in his son's direction the wrong way.

But Porsche and Jom? Tem could kill them. He wouldn't even bother making it seem like an accident because Tem would want the whole world to know that he did it. It was him. Because he had disloyal, overdramatic, cliché friends who truly believed that this bullshit would work.

"Fuck!" Tay said, reaching out to feel the wards as the transparent edges shimmered greenish-pink and then disappeared again.

Needing some space, Tem walked away from the other two, keeping his hands out in front of him to know exactly where the other edge of the wards were. Luckily, Porsche had left the lounge sofas in, along with the water dispenser and the shelf of books that nobody ever cared to read.

Settling in the sofa closest to the shelf, Tem pulled one of the dusty books from the shelf, blew on its top and watched the dust rise and float away.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Tay asked.

"Come, sit," Time lured Tay into a seat. "They can't keep us here all night. If we wait, it would be time for bed and they'd have to let us go. Okay?"

"I'm going to kill Porsche."

Well, at least Tem and Tay could agree on something.

"What are you reading?"

Tem looked up to find Time looking at him. He appreciated that Time wasn't too mad at him for switching out the painting. It had been appropriate when he'd finished it, but as the days went by, the three merman slowly began to develop habits that Professor Quelton couldn't sanction, much less display at a school event.

"It's a book by..." he turned to the cover again. "Philomena Kasetsky. "Zodiac Myths Confirmed.""

"What's your sign?"

"I want to see the painting," Tay said, speaking up and cutting in, before Tem could reply.

"Seriously?" Tem asked. He was getting fed up with Tay.

"I've heard so much about the damn painting that I may as well have already seen it."

"Then why do you need to see it?"

"Why are you hiding it?" Tay asked, sitting up.

"It's my painting."

"I'm not asking you to show everybody. I just want to see it." Tay looked back at Time. "Tell him. You want to see it, too."

"No, no." Tem closed his book. "Don't bring him into this."

"I kind of want to see the painting, too," Time, the traitor said.

"Of course you'd take his side."

"There are no sides here," Tay said, sitting on the edge of their sofa. "I just want to see it."

"I said no!" Tem snapped.


"I am done talking about it," he stood, shaking the book at Tay, who sat back, looking up at Tem, stunned. "You don't want to see the painting. I know what you want, Phi-Tay. I understand what this is."

"Hey, now. Calm down," Time said.

"Why?" he asked.

He'd never been able to tell what it was before. But now, he could see it, the moment Tay started squinting narrowly, focusing too hard on Tem like he was a puzzle. He was trying to listen in on Tem and hear what he wasn't supposed to hear.

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