Kinn x Porsche [4]

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Sitting on the grass, his hands clasped around his knees, Porsche hid his face.

"Just give me a second, would you?"

Kinn wanted to be understanding. He really did. But Vegas was a sore spot for him. Porsche knew this. Vegas knew this. Everyone on the planet knew that Kinn didn't want Porsche anywhere near Vegas. And yes, he knew that this wasn't about him, right now. Porsche had just been bitten by an incubus. They ought to be on their way, already. Every second they sat there was another second that disaster could strike.

Porsche raised his head and sighed.

"I thought he'd help me."

"And I wouldn't?"

"I didn't say that."

"Then say something."

"I thought..." Porsche licked his lips, frowning like he was struggling not to cry. "I thought that I'd... done something."

Melting, unable to be mad when Porsche looked like that, Kinn crawled to him, kneeling before him as he held Porsche's hands.

"What did you think you did?" Kinn asked. "Porsche, it was an incubus. Anything that happened was beyond your control."

"Well, I know that now. I was scared that I'd... I don't want to lose you."

"Fuck that," Kinn said, pushing Porsche's knees aside as he hugged Porsche to his chest. "You could never cheat."

"If I became an incubus, I wouldn't be able to control it."

"Which is why we're going to do everything in our power not to make that happen. Including going to Madam Pomfrey."

"Hey," Porsche said, pulling away. "You're fine."

"I would think so," Kinn said, confused.

"No, like. Vegas said I'm... intoxicating. He couldn't even be in the same room as me without blocking his nose. How come you're just chill?" Porsche's frown deepened. "How did you - how come you were able to calm me down while I was... like? Are you alright, Kinn?"

"I'm fine." Kinn touched his nose. "I don't feel any different."

Porsche got up moving closer as he leaned his nose into Kinn's nose.

"Are you trying to provoke me?" Kinn asked, laughing and moving away.

"Vegas said-"

"Vegas doesn't know shit."

"He was worried that you'd be the most affected." Porsche laughed. "I'm so glad I don't have to avoid you."

"Excuse me?" Kinn asked, the smile disappearing from his face.


"Did Vegas tell you to avoid me?"


With a bag full of books, a list of incantations and Pete following behind with another bag of totems, Vegas rushed to the Room of Requirements. He'd been very specific about his instructions. He wanted to believe Porsche wasn't too dense to listen. There was a big chance that Porsche's addiction to Kinn could already have had him in Kinn's presence, despite the fact that Vegas had explained why that would be a bad idea.

For them and for everyone else.

As soon as the door opened and they got into the room, Vegas rejoiced inwardly at Porsche's ability to listen to instruction, because he was already there. Waiting.

However, so was Kinn.

But before Vegas could say anything, Kinn punched him right in the face.


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