Vegas x Pete [3]

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Holding the thing, Pete rushed up the stairwell to the Headmaster's office, with Vegas right on his heels.

"I'll tell him I did it to you."

"How's that supposed to work?"

"I can't just let you remain like this."

As soon as the Headmaster let them in, the man's eyes zeroed in on the thing in Pete's hand.

"Mr. Saengtham," Headmaster Chan said, taking his glasses off. "Tsk tsk tsk tsk."

His eyes roamed around the room.

"Who cast the spell?" he asked.

"Fucking hell," Vegas whispered, his head bowed.

"I did, sir."

Headmaster Chan frowned at him.

"Did Mr. Theerapanyakul cast it?" Headmaster Chan asked.

"It was me. I did it. I made him like this."

"I am aware of your peculiar situation with him. I understand your need to cover for his misbehavior."

"It was me, Sir."

"No, it wasn't. It only affects the caster. You are an innocent bystander, considering the things I've heard about Mr. Theerapanyakul."

"Excuse me?" Vegas asked, looking up.

"Phi-Vegas, not now."

"The things you've heard? If you think I've done anything wrong then punish me."


"Judging by your reaction," Headmaster Chan said. "I'm assuming he's angry, for some reason."

"That kind of talk can cost someone opportunities when they graduate," Vegas said.

"Wait," Pete looked at Headmaster Chan. "Judging by my reaction? Can't you see him? Hear him?"

"The amoromium renders the caster imperceptible to all but the one who bled for the spell."

"What?" Vegas and Pete asked.

"You don't have to lie for him. I've seen this before. I have a pretty good idea what happened."

"You fucker!" Vegas screamed in Pete's ear before backing off to angrily pace the office. "He's going to tell my father."

"It's been a decade since I last saw this thing," he gestured for Pete to bring it to him. "Students tend to only come to me when they actually succeed in getting it to work. The irony."

He turned it around, assessing it.

"What is it, Sir?" Pete asked.

"It's a Ravenclaw prank. A senior left it behind when he graduated. I believe his name was Amori Umani. It's meant for smart kids with dubious desires. What did it promise your friend that it would do for him?"

"Don't tell him anything."

"He said something about it giving him the power to control people."

"I will kill you, Pete."

Vegas threatened to kill Pete once a month. Nothing new.

"He tried to make me jump for no reason."

Headmaster Chan frowned, dropping the device on his desk.

"You should know, Mr. Theerapanyakul, that there's only one way to control people's actions and it's illegal everywhere on the planet. The fact that that was what lured you to this device is very concerning."

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