Kim x Chay [1]

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Chay had been so eager to see Kim after an entire summer. He'd been busy, working on a plan, on a way to make things better and he couldn't wait to share.

"What are you still doing here?" Kim asked, pecking him on the cheek as he watched other students walk by the both of them. "You want your brother to kill me."

"You'll be fine."

"He's my house prefect. He could make life really difficult for me."

"I have something to tell you," Chay said. "Oh. And happy new school year."

"Happy new school year to you too," Kim smiled. "What is it?"

"After you told me... about your situation," he saw the smile slip from Kim's face so he rushed on. "So I've come up with a plan. More than a plan actually."

Kim licked his lips, pulling Chay away from the moving crowd.

"We can't talk about that here."

"Just listen."

He looked around, placing his hand on the wall to shield anyone from seeing them too closely. Kim was awfully self-conscious about this and Chay couldn't blame him. But he also couldn't wait any longer.


"Uh... so while I was home, I talked Professor Chan into training me and then when I was ready, I went and I got my certification. With my dad's permission, of course." He tried to hold in the sheepish smile he knew was growing on his face.

"Certification for what?"

"To be an animagus. Ah!" he spread his hands out as he opened his eyes wider in a brighter smile than before. "Tada!"

Kim laughed, looking like he didn't believe it.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm an animagus, Phi. Now when you leave for the full moon, I will leave too. You won't have to be alone. I'll be with you."

The smile on Kim's face slacked as it slowly began to dip into a frown. Chay struggled to keep his own smile. This was good news and he wasn't going to treat it as anything else.

"I don't want you with me when I shift."

"I'll be an animal, Phi. You won't attack me."

"You don't know that."

"Actually, I do. Headmaster Chan talked men through everything, including safety measures."

"Safety measures?" Kim asked, his eyes widening. "Why would you need safety measures if it's safe?"

"I want to do this."

"I-I-I don't-"

Chay pulled him into a hug.

"Listen to me, Phi. I didn't do this lightly."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't."

Kim hugged him, nearly crushing his bones.

"Why would you bother?"

"Why wouldn't I? I love you?"

Kim's hold on him only tightened as if he was afraid that someone would swoop in and pull Chay from his grasp.

"I love you."

"I know you do."

Pulling away, Kim looked at him.

"What's your form?" he asked and Chay slipped from his hands.

"You'll just have to wait to find out."

He followed the few straggling Ravenclaws, still headed away from Kim.

"What?" Kim asked loudly. "Tell me now."

Chay pretended to think about it.

"I might be persuaded to show you sooner," he winked and just before he turned the corner, he added. "If you're a good boy."

And just like that, he was gone.

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