Vegas x Pete [2]

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Vegas unscrewed the tube from the clock as he separated the two pieces and placed the clock on the bed while Pete pulled on his pants and zipped up his pants, behind him. He could feel Pete's anger, seething through the room, aimed right at Vegas. But that was always the case.

Pete was a coward. An addict who couldn't say no to his drug and Vegas was that drug. No matter how horrible Pete felt at the moment, even if he wanted to get mad at Vegas, he'd eventually need a fix and come back.

"Should we go for a walk today, Phi?"

"Do you need me to take the shift today, Phi?"

"Can I go with you?"

Yeah, Pete was a lost cause who had no idea he was a lost cause.

They'd known each other for years. They'd been doing this for much shorter, but Vegas understood the dance. Pete liked the things Vegas did to him. He was just too ashamed to admit it. Which was fine because Vegas didn't exactly want a chatty shadow. Quiet and angry were effective bodyguard traits.

So if Pete wanted to be a big cry baby about it, Vegas wasn't going to stop or indulge him.

Vegas dipped the knife into the liquid at the base of the tube and watched it begin to swirl faster as Pete's blood joined the mix.

Smiling in pride, Vegas couldn't wait to see the look on Kinn's face when he found out that his younger cousin had managed to crack a device that his seventh-year brain never could. Living in Kinn's shadow was always a constant when they were kids, living without magic. But ever since Vegas arrived in his first year, the truth of his magical brilliance was revealed. It wasn't easy to stand against the immaculate brilliance that was Kinn's academic record. But Vegas knew his strengths and he'd always stuck to them.

So here Vegas was, trying out a spell he'd researched simply because he'd happened upon the amoromium –the artifact in his hand. He'd gone out and done his research on what it could do and he'd done the spells and followed instructions to the end. And now, he'd just gotten the last ingredient: blood from the engorged sexual organ of a person in love and about to achieve ecstasy.

Yep. Pete had fit the bill.

He looked behind him as he heard Pete whisper a basic healing spell at his dick.

"Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?"

"I'm good, Phi," he said.

Vegas shrugged and attached the tube back to the clock. He turned the clock around, set it for three hours and then pressed the golden ball's tip to his heart.

"Rimbardie Amoria," he said as he felt a faint breeze pass through the room, seeping away every last drop of the liquid as it drained right into his heart. He checked the clock and noticed it had started counting down. One hour and fifty nine minutes to explore his newest discovery. Turning around to face Pete, he smiled. Maybe he could test it right now.

"Come here," he said. Pete looked confused for a second but he got up and walked up to him as Vegas swelled with pride. "Jump up and down."

Pete crouched, about to jump before he paused and frowned.


Strange, Vegas thought.

"I want you to jump."

"Not unless you tell me why."

Maybe Pete's anger was more than usual. Maybe he was holding onto silly notions about what their relationship was. Maybe that was why it wasn't working.

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