Kinn x Porsche [1]

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"Is your boyfriend veela?"


"I've always wondered."

"Are you drunk?"

"You didn't answer my question."

Placing his elbow on the bar, Time turned his body till he was sitting sideways on his stool, looking at Kinn.

"He's not veela."

"Are you sure?"

"He's a dude. And he's Asian."

Time scoffed and downed his entire drink.

"How do you explain that?"

Behind the bar, Porsche stood, wearing a purple jumper and a pair of jeans with a gray apron on top. His hair was down over his eyes as he threw his head back in heavy laughter at something one of the bar patrons had said. He wasn't drunk. He never drank when he was on duty. But he liked to go behind the bar when they came to Hogsmeade. It made him feel grown up.

He was handsome, yes. But he didn't look any different than usual. Kinn didn't get fuzzy-headed over being in Porsche's presence, anymore. It was normal to watch him be beautiful in nothing but regular clothes.

The people around him, however, were a whole other story. Drooling on his every word, downing drinks for a reason to have Porsche's attention. They all looked enthralled. Yok, the bar owner loved Porsche, simply for the amount of drinks she sold with Porsche behind the bar. Not that Porsche's drinks were anything special.

"If I were you, I'd put a leash on him," Time said, swinging about on his stool, staring at Porsche with droopy eyes.

"Excuse me?"

Time looked at Kinn, eyes wide in shock, as he realized what he'd said.

"Not in the literal - I mean, a ring, Kinn."

"He's barely eighteen."

"And you're about to enter into the workforce. You're not kids anymore."

"I haven't seen you putting any ring on Tem's finger."

Time frowned. He put his cup to his mouth and realized it was empty.

"It's complicated." He slammed the cup on the bar. "And new."

"And his parents have spent the better part of their auror careers trying to put your parents behind bars. Could that be another reason?" Kinn said, loving his friend's frustration.

"I hate you."

"Hey, you started it."

Porsche rushed down the bar to where they were seated as he began untying his apron.

"Babe," he leaned over the bar and kissed Kinn. "I have to pee and we'll go back to school."

"Mm hmm," he hummed, watching Porsche run off again.

Behind him, leaning off his stool, Time watched Porsche walk away. Kinn dragged Time back to sit well, rolling his eyes.

"Look at him go." Time said, waving for another drink. "His ass is so-"

Kinn covered Time's mouth as he stood over Time, while Time laughed.

"You're trying to trigger me."

"I'm here to make your life hell."

"Cranky because you couldn't go home?"

Time frowned at Kinn.

"We promised Tem a real date."

KinnPorsche at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now