Kinn x Porsche [11]

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Five months later, Kinn took a lover.

It was a young man named Kent who tended the bar at Tankhun's Hotel. He wasn't special. He wasn't even that great. He just happened to be there. And Kinn was so fucking hungry. He couldn't keep any regular food down. Drinks tasted like fire and he was beginning to lose his control of his senses, his vision, his hearing... everything.

"I'm an incubus," Kinn said, dragging the man into a corridor.

He didn't seem to have heard what Kinn said. He just seemed to want it as much as Kinn did. And that was enough.

Later, Kinn would realize that he'd already been feeding off of the man before he informed him of his condition. He'd gone too long without sustenance that he'd become the very danger Professor Chan had warned him about.

"Get a lover or don't come to my hotel again," Tankhun said as they stood outside the man's hospital room. Because Kinn had been too keyed up to slow down, he'd bitten the unsuspecting man who was put in an isolated coma to keep him from transitioning.


Right after graduation, Porsche got his first job. His final choices had been between joining a Quidditch team or taking a specialist appointment as a solo guard to a VIP.

He'd chosen the VIP.

It was just a job.

It didn't mean anything.

Not until his charge was pulling him into her room, dragging him between her legs and whispering for Porsche to make her feel good, did he realize what he'd done. Because he hadn't meant to. This hadn't been his plan.

But for some reason, Porsche had picked the job, picked the client who was just as calm, just as smooth-talking, just as stern as Anakin Theerapanyakul. And he hadn't even realized it till he was inside of her, seeing things, struggling with memories of a love he'd once had.


Two years later, Kinn showed up for Kim's graduation and was shocked to hear that Porsche was in attendance.

"Talk to him," Kim said, as friends and families of the graduands milled around.

"What's he doing here?" Kinn asked.

"He comes around to meet Chan, from time to time." Kim leaned in to whisper. "People say he's doing magical spy stuff for the school, overseas."

Kinn didn't believe it. Porsche was horrible with secrets. Stretching his neck throughout the ceremony, trying to get a moment away from the journalists who were hellbent on documenting every word he said, Kinn only caught a glimpse of Porsche as he went round a corner.

By the time Kinn found some privacy, Porsche was no longer on Hogwarts' premises.


"My parents finally caved," Tem said through the laptop screen. "I'm moving in with Phi-Time and Phi-Tay."

Porsche poked his head out from the bathroom.

"They do remember that Time and Tay are the evil spawns of corrupt Thai leaders, right?"

"Go to hell, Porsche."

Porsche poked his tongue out at him, lifting the laptop and moving it to the bed.

"Look at you. All grown up and cohabitating."

"It's a thing regular folk do when they're in love."

"Well, congratulations."

"Thank you." Tem looked off camera. Then he got closer to the screen. "Where are you now?"

"Why? So you can tell your boyfriends and they can use it to torture Kinn?"

KinnPorsche at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now