Kinn x Porsche [8]

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Kinn blinked as the voices became clearer again, as if he'd just been pulled out from under water.

"Are you sure that's what he used to feed you?"

"I... I think so, I don't know."

"Kinn, think. Look at it," Tay said.

Kinn moved back, away from his friends. When his back hit the wall, he disappeared as if sucked into a tube and landed on both his feet, back at the Room of Requirement.

As Vegas, Porsche and Tay rushed to him, Kinn held up his hand.

"Please don't come any closer."

He couldn't take anyone touching him, at that moment. He had to understand what Tawan had just said. Kinn was an incubus. What the actual fuck?

"What's going on?" Arm asked. "What happened?"

"There-there's a mix-up somewhere," Kinn said. "We're not understanding what's going on. We need, we need, I need a minute."

"Kinn," Porsche said, moved to him. "Please calm down."

"I am calm," he said, looking around at everybody. "I'm calm."

Kinn's nerves felt jittery, clattering around as if trying to jump out of his body. But as soon as Porsche touched Kinn, a piece of him slowed down, the noise and chatter in his head, quieting for a second.

"Sit," Porsche moved him to a chair.

"Look at me, Porsche," Kinn said and Porsche obeyed. "There's a misunderstanding. I can't be... I can't be," he leaned into Porsche's ear and whispered. "An incubus. I would know."

"What happened?"

"We're not entirely sure," Tay replied. "They were looking for a way to take you guys hostage at the exchange and Tawan gave them the venom."

"Tawan?" Time asked.

"When the fuck did he get here?"

"I need your blood," Vegas said, syringe in tow.

"Fuck no," Kinn said, standing up and moving away from Porsche.

"Hey!" Porsche raised his hands, keeping Vegas away as he stood up to block the rest of them from Kinn. "Listen to me. This isn't something to fear."

"I'm not a fucking incubus."


That single word pulled Kinn to Porsche. Without meaning to, Kinn's insides melted at the look of understanding on Porsche's face. Yeah, Kinn could survive anything if he had Porsche on his side.

"He needs to check what's going on. Tawan could be wrong."

"Porsche, I'm not an incubus."

"It doesn't matter. Right now, you're scared. Let's just figure this out. We can't know anything until we figure this out. I'm right here."

Porsche held out his hand to Kinn, as the room waited silently behind him.

"I'm not going anywhere."

He approached Kinn again, holding out his hands as Kinn rushed towards him, holding him in a tight hug. He couldn't be. Life as a demon was already... no, just, no!

"Let him take your blood. We'll sort this out as we learn more."


Porsche slept in Kinn's bed that night, curled up around Kinn who wouldn't stop listing all the million reasons why they shouldn't trust a word that came out of Tawan's mouth. Patting Kinn's back as he vented, Porsche remained quiet. This was not about him. This was about Kinn.

KinnPorsche at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now