Kinn x Porsche [6]

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Kinn checked Porsche's dick for any scarring the next day.

"It's frustrating to show you my dick without anything happening to it."

"Down, boy."

"I can't come. No one said anything about you though."

Kinn rolled his eyes and stood as Porsche zipped up. They were on their way to breakfast, counting the second day of Porsche's bite. Kinn couldn't wait for it to heal so that he could pounce on Porsche again. Really, Kinn was very proud of his abstinence. His resolve was a thing of kings.

As they sat down to eat, Time, Tay and Tem entered, taking up places opposite them.

"You realize you don't have to go everywhere together," Kinn asked.

"Pot," Tem said, holding up one hand. "Meet kettle." His second hand shook the first one.

"Where's Jom?"

"I don't know," Tay asked. "I didn't see him in dorm last night. Do you think he's seeing anyone?"

"Jom is celibate," Tem and Porsche said at the same time, as food appeared.

As they loaded their plates with food, Kinn checked on Porsche, watching his movement for signs of pain. Porsche seemed to be handling it well, but Kinn knew the amount of agony he must have been under.

"Stop staring."

"I'm trying to eat," Kinn lied.

The mail arrived with a couple of letters from home. Porsche's letter landed right by his food. As he opened it, he chewed loudly.

"Oh," he said. "They've gotten home."

"How's everyone else?"

"Macau got sick on the flight."

What else was new? No matter how many times that boy traveled, his body would never be used to it.

"Why am I jealous of children?" Time asked, looking at the ceiling.

"Because they got to go home and you're stuck here?" Tay replied, feeding Time from his plate.

Pol and Pete arrived together.

"You're a beater, what the fuck do you know about seeking?" Pete asked, shoving Pol aside so he could sit beside Kinn.

"You're not even part of the game. You just sit up there all through and then swoop in to catch a tiny bug."

Pol sat beside Pete.

"What are our plans for the holidays?" Tay asked the table at large.

"We have that meeting outside school this week," Kinn said, layering his bread with some butter. "So we have shipments to inspect. Pete?"

"I'll go check them out with you. Arm's on Vegas duty today."

"Good man."

"I am on bedrest," Porsche said, sulkily staring between his legs.

"Ignore him," Pete said. "He's just mad, he can't get too excited."

"Can't get excited?" Tem asked, standing up to try and look between Porsche's legs. "Since when?"

"It's nothing," Porsche sighed, picking up his spoon.

Vegas arrived with Arm in tow.

"So, we have a problem. Feed me."

As Arm prepared a plate, Vegas sat astride the bench, facing Porsche.

"Good morning to you too," Porsche said patiently.

KinnPorsche at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now