Kinn x Porsche [2]

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By the time they got back to school, Porsche was snoring lightly on Kinn's back. He'd been moving very slowly, letting other students walk by as he trudged along the mowed path. Porsche would be grateful for the pampering, even though he'd wake up and swear that he could have made it without help. Kinn was tempted to take him to Madam Pomfrey. For all he knew, Porsche was concussed. He'd fallen and passed out in a bathroom.

Kinn shivered to think what could have befallen him if Kinn hadn't come to check.

As soon as he made a turn at the main doors, Kinn regretted the decision, the moment he saw Vegas' pointy-nosed face heading in his direction. But this was the closest route to the Gryffindor tower.


"What's this?" Vegas asked, shoving the parchment in Kinn's chest, fuming as Pete came running behind him.

"Phi-Kinn," Pete greeted, like the civilized human being that he was.

"Hey Pete."

"Please explain to me why I just received this letter from my dad, today."

"I'm not a mind reader, Vegas," Kinn said, trying to walk the other way, but Vegas got in his way.

"No, no." He shook his head, catching the parchment that fell from Kinn's chest. "They wouldn't let me leave for Christmas. They said I was taken off the list."

"Stop asking useless questions when you know the answers."

"You're still here, why do I have to stay?"

"Because I'll be gone next year."

Walking right into Vegas, Kinn continued towards his destination.

"Be reasonable," Vegas said, running after Kinn. "When you graduate, I'll take over. Right now-"

"Right now, you're coming with me to that exchange, Vegas. You're next in line. Do you want us to forfeit business, this side of the world, just because you want to go home for Christmas?"

"When Phi-Tankhun was here-"

"I followed him for those meetings when he was in his final year."

"Yeah but-"

"It's my final year, Vegas." Kinn said, turning to stare him in the face. "You're coming to that exchange. You're going to smile and make nice with the locals, so that when I leave, things continue to move smoothly, understood?"

Vegas' face scrunched up like he was trying his best not to cuss at Kinn.

"Understood?" Kinn asked, more sternly.

"Yes," Vegas said, through clenched teeth, balling up the parchment as he threw it in Kinn's face and walked off.

Pete caught the parchment, cringing at Kinn.

"Sorry about him," Pete said, before he ran after Vegas.

Kinn sighed. He adjusted Porsche, who snuggled in behind him, wrapping his hands tighter around Kinn's neck.

Feeling like the awesome boyfriend that he was, he pushed ahead, making it up the stairs, through the portrait, and up another flight of stairs that led straight to Porsche's room. Out of all five beds, only Porsche's bed was still made. He lowered Porsche onto his bed, then proceeded to take off his wand, shoes and socks. He unwrapped Porsche's neck wrap and jacket. Slowly, so as not to wake him, Kinn took off his jumper and gloves, as well.

He put his hand through Porsche's head, turning it to see if there were any bumps or bruises. The fact that he didn't find anything didn't mean there wasn't any trouble. In the morning, he'd see to it that Porsche went to get checked out.

KinnPorsche at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now