Time x Tay x Tem [2]

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Tay didn't want to talk to Time.

From the set in his mouth, to the way his eyes kept looking a little to the left every time he addressed Time, he was angry. Time knew he was angry. In fact, Time was willing to give Tay a moment to calm down. But you see the thing with Tay was that, regardless of his feelings, he liked to have Time around him.

Which was why they were currently at study hall, Tay sitting with his back to Time, even though he made sure to keep physical contact with him.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry that you tried to fuck Tem in front of all our friends?" Tay asked, not looking at him. "Or sorry that I didn't buy your stupid excuse?"

"It was Vegas' drink."

Tay slammed his book on the table and turned to face Time.

"I swear to god, I will hex you the next time you tell me that."

"What do you want me to say?"

"The drink only makes you want people you already want. It doesn't create feelings out of nowhere."

"Maybe it was just a thing. I was horny and he was right there."

"There were five other people right there."

"It was a mistake."

"How many times will I forgive a mistake like this?"

"Hey, hey now," Time said, beginning to feel offended.

"What?" Tay asked, challenging him a little. "Did I say something wrong?"

"I haven't been with anyone since-"

"Romo, Ernest, Batista-"

"Since we got serious."

"You think I'm stupid. Do you think I don't know you?"

"Fine, then." Time lifted one leg out of the bench so that he could face Tay fully. "Let's discuss what's really going on here."

"Don't try to turn this around on me."

"I kissed Tem, but you're the one-"

"Shut up!"


"No." He pressed a finger to Time's lips. "I did nothing wrong," his voice shook as he spoke. "I did... nothing wrong, Time. Nothing you say will make me believe otherwise."

Without another word, Tay stood, packing his books into his bag as Time watched him walk right out of the hall.

And yeah, maybe it was weird that Tay liked to stay in contact even when he was mad. Maybe. But even Time had to admit, watching Tay put physical distance between them hurt like nothing he'd ever felt before.


Tem pulled out a drawer of books on the lower shelves, casting a spell to keep the dust down. He wondered when last anyone had been in there. Not that it mattered. School books moved around a lot. Chances were that books with this amount of dust didn't like to be found.

But Tem was a prefect. With keys. Who could access a thousand things a regular student couldn't.

Smiling to himself, he dove into the drawer of books, pulling them out, sorting the ones he'd need. NEWTs were next year, but it was never too early to prepping. A couple of them were outdated, but most of them were worthy of further inspection. He'd take them to the reading area.

But first,


Tem looked up to see Kinn walking into the restricted section. Even through the bookshelves, he could see Kinn looking down at the floor. He hadn't seen Tem yet, so he obviously wasn't talking to Tem. That didn't mean he shouldn't step out and greet.

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