Two months have pass after the whole Drago episode and life continues on where it was left off. We may have loss many lives on that day buy their deaths were not in vain. The shy was bright, warm just like how the dragons enjoy it. The vikings on the other hand seem to have their opinions of fire breathing beast have took a large turn and no longer see them as a threat but a friend. The viking tribe swore to never harm the dragon when they step foot on their island and if they do, they will welcome them with open arms.
Hiccup bid his last goodbye too the departing Viking Chiefs. Only Chief of Berk seem to have extend their stay fof a little while longer. Afterall he has the opportunity to make up for loss time with his one and only boy. Hiccup seem to like the idea plus Astrid, his wife too could reunite with her family properly as well.
"we are in your debt Chief Hiccup! If you ever in trouble we will come too your aid with no questions ask!" promised the Chief of Meathead While Hiccup shook his hand firmly.
"And if you got any dragon problems, don't be scared to Terror mail us!" The younger Chief smiled as they separated hands, the Meathead chief nodded before turning back to board his ship. Hiccup waved at the departing ships and sigh. That was enough Chiefing for today. He hope that yhe Vikings will make used of the dragon training they have share with them. Not to kill them but in a way too domesticate the dragons. Hiccup felt a large presents behind him and before he knows it, a big harry hand clap the back of his shoulder.
"I always know you will someday make a fine Chief one day! I couldn't have been more very proud of you son!" stoick boomed and Hiccup turned around and smile in thanks, appreciating his father compliments.
"thanks dad but i couldn't have done it without my firends and wife" he wouldn't just take all the credit. He that help from his loyal and wonderful people in his life. Toothless one of the major person or dragon that made him able to achieve every thing. He owned the Night Fury that much.
"aye. specking of friends, let's head towards the Great hall. I'm sure Zephyr and Astrid would love to see you" Stoick spoke, his thick Scottish accent easily heard by Hiccup, causing the younger chief to smile at the thought about his small little family.
"It would be great too see them as well! Come on let's go" Hiccup Chuckle before leading the way, his father followed not far behind him.
The two chief entered the Great hall of Dragon's edge. Old and the new, their men greeted them with a nodded of respect, for there title, for their power. The slight of his people all happy and well makes his heart warm. There his people sat, reading away the hard strong ale.
"Dad!" the voice coming from his lovable offspring came in his range. He smiled unconsciously at her voice he turn to where he thinks the sound was coming from but when he did, his daughter was no where in sight. Thos confused the Chief for a little while but then suddenly, he felt something tackling his legs in a form of a hug.
This act cause Hiccup to chuckle at his daughter's playful nature. A ball of energetic life, such a gift from the gods and Hiccup was sure of it. His daughters was one of the many rewards he received going through all the obstacle and surviving.
"Hey babe!" His lovely blonde wife greeted, a baby bump very visible on her belly. Hiccup smiled at her, yes they are too expect another child and Astrid had told him that this time, it was gonna be a boy, and fpr how she know-mother's intuition that she had as proof. Does he believe heck yeah but the baby's gender didn't matter to him at all, boy or girl. He would love them no matter what.
"morning sweetheart" He greeted back with a tender kiss on her cheek which she lean forward to receive, one of his hand rest on top of her abdomen. "and good morning there young one" He smiled at her pregnant belly. This cause Astrid to smile, he was an amazing father and she had no doubt that both there children are lucky to have him.
"Hiccup you do know that it's a baby bump right?" Snotlout dumbly state the obvious which cause the Chief too roll his eyes
"yes I am aware of that"
"cut it out Snotlout! Plus it's a good thing Hiccup talk to his future baby, it helps the child to better know it's father" Fishleg added in, his aems around his wife, Ruffnut.
"I'm not surprised Snotlout don't know anything considering he doesn't know anything about women to begin with" Ruffnut cuts in humorously.
"shut it!" Snotlout glared while the rest laughed full heartedly at the short stocky Viking. It seems that making him the butt of the joke occasionally was funny from time to time.
"YAY-whatever but have you seen what I recently got for Chicken? That's right it's a necklace" Tuffnut suddenly brought up, a prideful smile on his face. Everyone including Stoick looked at him weirdly.
"Okay... Mhm. I'm just gonna ignore the crazing Viking!" Dagur was first to spoke up after Tuffnut whole introduction in the conversation, breaking the awkward silence which the male twin wasn't aware about. Oblivious as always it seems.
"Man Berkians are an odd bunch" Eret say to one but himself but Snotlout caught it ans glaring at the former hunter
"more like the greatest vikings Odin has ever seen!" Snotlout countered proudly, his head held high as if he was imaging himself receiving praise from all vikings and dragons.
"Gods! you are hopeless!" Dagur snare, this cause the stocky viking to glare at the redhead snd before anyone could expect it, Snotlout had tackle Dagur onto the ground in a viking style mud brawl but minus the mud.
The twins, Zephyr and Racel started chanting." Fight-Fight-Fight" over and over while Astrid, Heather, Stoick and Gobber started placing bets on who they think will come out on top. Hiccup sigh exhaustingly but still smile at the sight in front of him because he just knows he wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world for he finally felt like he was st where he was destined to be. No longer feeling liked he Never Belong
Short chapter for an official ending but it does the job. I wanna thank everyone who stuck with this book and my shity updates but with this book finally completed I can now put more attention on my other works and future projects, so please go and check them out in my profile. Thank you all again.

FanfictionHiccup Horrendous Haddock III a teenage Viking who earn the ranks to kill his first ever Dragon in Dragon Training. He could not kill it, he wouldn't kill it knowing himself having one of them as his own, never the less, he was afraid of losing his...