Chapter 21 (Big mistake)

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"Drago seems to have the Viking infested islands and upper region marked as his" Dager exclaim with hands on his back and pacing a bit. We are in the middle of a meeting to discuss future plans and mission, no Vikings were present of course, this is our own private matter.

"Our scouts report they are advancing towards our island but they still seem clueless-which of corse is a good thing" Eret updated with a stern look, gazing at the people present. Drago is a serious treated to our way of life and such it needs a well prepare plan if we want to win or out smart him. I sigh and my lovely wife place a comforting hand on my shoulder, looks on concern very visible which I just smile to tell her I'm alright.

"Drago is some one not to be underestimate but that doesn't mean we will give him the chances to win against us, we are strong in power and we are smart too so let's use that as an advantage... but enough about him first. My concern are on the Vikings that are staying here for the time being don't seem to be coping well in our lands"

"It's quite obvious, and their behavior is most unacceptable but at least the Berserkers and Bog-Burgers are more respectful and easy to maintain. Oh and a few from Berk as well but the rest are well... you know" Harry sigh, his gaze harden on his sword that he is sharping.

"Some of the Berkians are a hand full, especially the... snotman? Was it? Anyways that Berk Viking heir has an ego size of the red death!" Dagur exclaim

"Tell me about it" I sigh "when I was younger and snotlout, my cousin is a handful-" I was not able to finish when I was cut off by Heather.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Your cousin?!"

"Seems like your hearing still works but yes, his my cousin" I said simply while everyone look at be weirdly excepted for Astrid who already knew. "What? Have I grown a second head or something?" Heather seems to be the first to be snap back to reality

"Sorry, Just was not expecting that, woah! I mean he is soo.... and you are so..."

"Skinny, scrawny, sassy, weak?"


"Please! Sassy defiantly but Skinny, scrawny and weak does not match your personal anymore. Your new one is crazy, strong and lean you fartface" Dagur exclaim with a smirk while I growl and the rest chuckle.

"Thanks. For. That" I say while clutching my teeth "anyway yes and he needs to burn that ego down or it will be a downfall of him and to do that someone has to put him in his place-not me of corse" 

"We could try but let's focus on the Red death in the room, when are you two..." Eret gesturing at me and Astrid "...gonna relieve your identity to them? We know you have your reasons but it would save the trouble if you straight away come clean to your father and Astrid's parents". Me and my wife sigh audibly. Eret just had to bring that up. Thanks.

"I don't know, I just don't one to be look down again... I guess?" I say with a unemotional expression

"Look down?! Psst, your just scared to face your dad. Face it Hiccup I'm right" I glared at Dagur as he puts up his hands in surrender

"Well kinda, what am I suppose to say to my only parent after 8 years of running away with a dragon. 'Hey dad, remember 8 years go and you and basically the whole archipelago thought I was killed by a dragon, well... I wasn't but I run away from home with my wife and best friend who happen to be the Night Fury.... and I'm a dad now" I sassy as they all rolled their eyes

"You only making sound bad, sure he will punch to see if he is hallucinating and when that's down, talk it out with him and then he will capture you in a bone-crushing hug" my wife reassure as she tip-toe to kiss my check as I gaze lovingly at her and smiling in appreciation. How did I get so lucky

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