Chapter 24 (Family again)

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Hiccup didn't hug back, not because he was crush by his dad's beefy arms but he was still mad at him, he still carried the burden along in the 7-year journal and become the Dragon Master but now all the Vikings know him as Hiccup, Berk's village runt is what brings fear to their enemies. Sure not all the Vikings saw his face but word does travel fast like the speed of light.

Stoick finally release hold on him after a long 2 minutes of dad and son awkwardly hug. Seemingly both Stoick and Hiccup have nothing to say nor know what to do in this scenario. Hiccup just look unamused meanwhile Stoick's figure did move at all but his eyes wandered everywhere but Hiccup's piercing greens. The crowd was feeling the tension between the two Haddocks, don't the people have better things to do then to be watching this 'family drama', people these days don't know what's the meaning of Privacy anymore but then again is happening in a crowded and public area, so he can't blame, and who wouldn't want to find out what the 'great Dragon Master's' face would look like.

"Son, it's good to see you... alive and well" Stoick started, his month gaping a bit while he waited for his son's answer while Hiccup was really temped to stab himself with his inferno just so this conversation can end.

"It's good to be alive, and I also see you haven't changed, new shirt?" Hiccup tried. New shirt what was he thinking. The Viking's and the Hiccup's people were dumbfounded by their interaction and wonder, how two great leaders who are also great warriors and very good with their words have such a dialogue like this, it is just very painful to the obverse, but it is easy to tell from a mile away that there is bad blood between them, heck when a blind person can see that.

Stoick was about to answer but Gobber beat him to it "Iccup, oh have missed yer around the forge when yer were amused dead, it was hard to keep the weapon going with all the demand I got" he gives a sad smile and gave him a hug which Hiccup immediately return, smiling as well.

"I have missed you too, a lot as well and I have to thank you for all the things you have to teach me when I was your apprentices, it really help me to become the person I am now" he shower his thanks and gratitude to his god-father and the few of the people from Berk that still care

"Well you're a fast learner, well I'm glad yer alive but can yer explain to meh, why the fuck did yer leave berk! Is what I'm wondering" Gobber when straight to the point and his grip on Hiccup's arms tighten a bit.

"I will explain later"

"Alright, but wait a second why are yer three not surprised to see Hiccup" he raises an eyebrow at the twins and Fishlegs, as all eyes turn on them as the trio tenses.

"Uhhhhh... OH... MY... THOR..., HICCUP!? You are alive?!" Tuffnut shouted, sounding so fake that people just stare at them with a confess yet unamused look and Hiccup can't help but growl and face-palm, so did Ruff, Fishlegs, and Astrid who was still wearing her helmet.

"There the thing, the three of them have already know I'm alive when they when they deliver the message, they found by... accident" he slight cringe when he spoke it out and he could see Stoick fuming, not at him but the trio

"The three of yer knew!? Why didn't you say anything when you got back!?" He yelled at them

"We made a promise not to say anything!" Ruffnut protest

"And what?! Lie to your Chief?!"

"Well-He may or may not have threatened to kill us if we don't" Fishlegs added nervously while Hiccup cringe when he has put it that way. Wow, Hiccup threatens to kill people now. This caught many people off guard, including his father but they then relax when he was also the same man you have fight and win against Snotlout.

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