Part 6 (Dragon Eye thingy)

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Hiccup POV

It's been two months from now and our stay at Berserker island is a pleasant one, never have I thought the people here are so respectful towards me and dragons, by now everyone in Berserker island has a dragon of their own and it warms my heart to see that some Vikings can do accept change, the chief of the island have a Skrill as his own, it surprises me that Berserkers love the hunt for the mighty Skrills and now, they are cared and loved by the once who have hunted them.

Heather's dragon is now big enough for her to ride on its back and support her weight and the two are inseparable like Toothless and I. Thought the Night Fury is getting more dominant in the friendship but I for one see us as equals. Dagur on the other hand, has found joy in riding Shattermaster and the two aren't a force to be wracking with, both strong and fearless just like a particular Blonde hair girl. Astrid and I have surprisingly grown closer in this past two months and we can definitely call each other best friends and I really enjoy her company, just like our bond she too shares it with Stromfly, and the both of them can basically trust one other with each other's lives. And I'm happy for them.

I was thinking of going exploring, finding new land, and possibly a new dragon species to continue the book of dragons. I was walking down the streets of Berserker island followed by my loyal dragon to get some breakfast to start my day at the forge to help the other blacksmith with making new saddles as a gesture of thank you for letting us stay in their wonderful island.

After some time of walking we saw a sight of the dining area and the smell of the tasty and tender Chicken and yak chops could be sense in my nose and I can feel my self drool at the sensation familiar taste. If I do ever leave Berserker island, I will leave all the good food they have to serve and I don't think I could find any other dish that will be this good.

After getting my meal I walk over to a familiar group of people, their sit Dagur, Heather, and Astrid in one table as I make my way there once I lay eyes on them and took a seat next to Astrid. Dagur and Heather have prof themselves to be great friends in the past two months of my stay and I gotta say I'm shock that I managed to get new friends Instead of Astrid and Toothless but I'm not complaining.

"So, what are you guys going to do today?" Said Heather in her light morning mood.

"Dad said I have to do chief training and I really want to go out flying with Shattermaster and you guys" growl Dagur and whined a bit. Dagur maybe a strong individual but still acts like a 5-year-old who did not get the knife he wanted.

"I was planning on going to the forge to help the blacksmith to make dragon saddles and maybe go flying afterward with Toothless " I said before I continue eating my chicken "what about you Astrid?"

"Not really many things I to do, I guess I will just follow Heather on her plans for today, is that alright Heather?" asked Astrid as she eyes the black hair girl which nodded furiously wanting her company "sure I don't mind, I was just about to ask you to join me in training". The two girls have certainly shared a bond and Astrid was really happy to have another female friend who is a skilled fighter as she is by her side besides Ruffnut whom she dearly missed, in fact she misses Tuffnut and Fishlegs as well and always wish she could bring them along.

"Why not after we settle all our task, let's head exploring the unknown?"I said excitedly while the rest nodded in agreement and we all continue eating in a comfortable silents

Astrid POV

After we finish our warm meals, we all bid our good-byes before going on to our separate ways. I followed on Heather's tail as she led me towards the forests for a training session, we only train here if we wanted privacy or occasionally for girl-talk.

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