Chapter Three

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He was not sure of how he got himself to safe ground after he successfully killed the three headed demon who attacked him while he was alone at the cliff where he first met Annika.It was a very formidable task finishing him off.When he severed one of its heads,two would grow in its place.When he managed to wound it,it heals itself in a flicker of an eye.But when he got the chance he aimed at its middle head which was the source of its life and invincibility.He quickly stabbed the top of its middle head with his katana, thrusting it deep until it reached its throat.Yet ,it left him mortally wounded with a deep puncture wound in his chest barely missing his vitals.It was bleeding profusely now.He was getting weak,feeling almost unable to move.He was starting to black out,and thought this was his end...
That night,Annika could be not keep still.It was as if something terrible has happened but she didn't know what it was.Her sixth sense was telling her to get out of her apartment and go somewhere. But she was hesitant because it was past eleven in the evening and she didn't know what danger she might encounter if she goes out at that hour.Then all of a sudden,the image of Hiei flashed in her mind like lightning.She became all the more anxious and uneasy.
"What could have happened to him?!Why am I feeling like this?!I can't get him off my mind.I think there's something really wrong..."her thoughts were racing wildly.
After a few minutes,Annika gave up.She just can't stay there and disregard what her sensitive intuition kept saying.She grabbed her jacket that she flung over the back of the armchair and raced to the door.
The coldness of the night breeze made her shiver when she finally made her way out of the building.She was walking very fast, almost running.She didn't really know where to go but as the minutes went by her steps were leading her to the place where Hiei first saved her.As she was slowly inching her way up the steep slope of the cliff,her heartbeat was quickening by the minute and she could almost hear it thumping.Suddenly,she stopped and for a moment froze in her tracks.She saw a familiar figure not far from where she stood,when she realized who it was,she immediately ran to him.And she almost fainted with what she saw.
"Oh no,Hiei!"she quickly cradled his head with her arm,"Hiei,please can you hear me,what happened to you?!"
Then she saw the blood oozing out from the wound on his chest,"This can't be happening!What am I going to do?!He needs help immediately or else he'll die of blood loss!"
She removed the jacket she was wearing and tried to stop the bleeding,pressing it on the wound.But it was no use.She was frantic ang starting to panic.
"How will I be able to bring him down so that we can get help!I certainly can't handle him alone!"
As she was by Hiei's side,she can feel that her psychic sense was mounting by the minute.She absolutely have no way to help Hiei now, physically at least.But if she would do her best to use her psychic ability,she might be able to call for help.She didn't waste time.She closed her eyes, concentrated hard and tried to reach Kurama by mental telepathy.
"Kurama,please help us.Hiei needs help fast!He's dying! Please...."
She didn't fail,in a matter of minutes she saw Kurama run towards them while she was also starting to shiver from the cold.
"Annika,what happened?!"Kurama's concern was evident.He didn't wait for an answer.He surveyed Hiei to see if there are still signs of life on him.
"Don't worry,Annika.He is still with us.But that wound is a fatal one.We need to get him out of here fast,"Kurama easily lifted Hiei.Annika stood up and tried to maintain her composure but her knees wanted to give up on her.Kurama noticed it
"Are you all right,Annika?!"
"Yes,yes,I'm all right.I can handle myself.Let's go.We've got to save him,"Kurama headed the way.Annika followed him,very worried about the young man who twice saved her life.

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