Chapter Four

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It's been two days since Annika found Hiei almost lifeless.It has been that long and yet he was still unconscious.Because Kurama has the ability to heal using plants from demon world,he prevailed upon himself to personally attend to his friend.But,because he can't have him to stay at the house where he was staying with his human family,he had no choice but to tell Annika that Hiei was to stay with her at her apartment until he fully recovers.Annika agreed but Kurama told her to keep Hiei's presence there a secret.Kurama had to tell her who they really were and why they were different from real humans like her.Annika was dumbfounded at first,but then she was open minded and she took it to her heart to understand the situation.
   "Are you sure he'll be all right,uh....what do you want me to call you then?!Is it going to be Shuichi or Kurama?!"Annika's question seemed to be a bit absurd but Kurama looked at her and smiled.
  "Well,you can call me either way,but maybe it would be best if you call me Shuichi when we are with other people.But,if there are only three of us,then it's Kurama."
  Annika nodded and turned to look again at Hiei who seem to be still in deep sleep.Kurama has just finished treating his wound and changing its bandages.Aside from the wound on his chest,there were also lacerations on his arms and the side of his face.
  "Well,how is he?!When will he wake up?!"
  "To tell you frankly,I am not quite sure of when he would wake up. He lost quite a bit of blood.But there's nothing to worry about.I know a lot of medicinal herbs from demon world and those are enough to heal his wound completely.He just needs some time to get his strength back."
    Annika fell silent.All of a sudden Hiei stirred.
    "Yukina...Yukina,I'm coming for you.I'm going to save you.."Hiei was mumbling in his sleep.
    Annika turned to Kurama,eyes questioning,"Now who is he calling in his sleep?!Who is Yukina?!"
   "Yukina is his twin sister.They were kept apart for a while because,well,it's a very long story .And for now,I haven't the time to explain.Hiei has gone through a lot.His life is one mad whirl,"Kurama then let out a sigh and looked at Annika,"All I can say ,for now,is that you would need a lot of patience and understanding to deal with him.There would be times that he'll be difficult to get along with. He is somewhat stubborn, hardheaded,and he barely listens to reason.But don't get me wrong,he isn't that bad.He just have certain issues in his life that he needs to resolve."
   Annika again became silent,then cast another look at Hiei.She couldn't comprehend what she was feeling at that moment.She knew that Hiei was a mystery that needs to be deciphered.She has always been intrigued by him.There was something in him that she wanted to fully understand.
   After half an hour, Kurama had to leave.He gave Annika a few instructions on what to do just in case he wakes up and he still was not around.Annika was not so sure if she can handle him if he becomes difficult,because as far as she knew,they share some unpleasant qualities in common like being hardheaded.Like poles repel as it was with magnets.but she also knew that from the very moment they first met each other,they would share a special bond.
  Hours passed.It was getting late at night.She knew she also had to rest from the day's work.Yet,she could not sleep.She just sat by Hiei's bedside,gazing at him.There is this strange feeling plaguing her.
   "Kurama told me you are a bandit in demon world yet I can feel that you are not really a villain.I don't know why I feel this way,but I want to get to know you.I want to get close to you,if you would just let me to...."
   She stood up and arranged the blanket covering him,then reluctantly she went to the sofa which served as her bed since Hiei was there.She lay her tired body down and after a while fell into a slumber.

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