Chapter Nine

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  Annika's eyes slowly opened.Her stare remained fixated at the ceiling of the room for a few minutes.Suddenly,she sat up, remembering what had happened.
  "You've come to.It seemed hours.How do you feel?!"
   She turned to find the owner of the voice.Hiei was sitting on the window pane,arms crossed on his chest,face as stoic as ever.
   "Hours?! I passed out that long?!"
   "This is so not me but I'd like to apologize.I never meant for you to be hurt.I went too hard on those bastards I forgot about you."
    Annika gazed at him for a few moments then flashed a wry smile at the fire demon.Hiei was taken aback and his brows suddenly furrowed.   
  "Now what are you smiling at?!I don't think I've said anything funny."
   Annika shook her head,the smile still plastered on her face,"Yeah,that wasn't really like you to apologize, was it?!I recall when you left after you have recovered from your injuries.You didn't even breathe a simple word of thanks to me.You just left like nothing happened."
    Hiei didn't answer.Instead he took a glance outside, turning his face from her.
   "But don't worry,I wasn't expecting anything from you in return.As I have said before I was just returning the favor I owe you.And now...I guess there's another favor I need to answer to you with..."
  "Quit talking.You don't owe me anything,"Hiei replied,his eyes still outside.
   Annika stood up,walked to the window where he was She could see that it was beginning to get dark.When she looked at the clock on the wall,it was a little after six pm.The last rays of the sun slowly vanishing, replaced by the enveloping darkness.
  "Who were those two son of the bitches?!Why do they know you?!"Annika was again surprised by his unexpected question,but she didn't let him notice that.
   "They're from the town where I formerly lived with my parents,"she answered slowly then looked out of the window,too.
   "They call you a freak because of your psychic abilities?!
   Annika shrugged her shoulders,"I guess that's how people usually react when to those who are unusual as they call them.When they see you are a lot different from them, they tend to judge you, call you names, mock you and put you down without them knowing that what they do hurt so bad.But not all humans are like that.I guess,I was just too unlucky and unfortunate that most of the people I knew were unaware of the presence of beings like me and like you coexisting with them in this crazy world!"
  "If they call me that in my face I'd slice through them one by one until nothing's left of them!"Hiei threatened,his brows furrowing even more as he turned to look at Annika in the eyes.
   Annika was silent.She just met Hiei's stare.Again his bright,red ruby eyes seemed to speak to her soul.
  "I don't really give a damn on what others think of me,"Annika told him again,"But do you know what is most hurting to me?!Even my parents treat me like an outcast!They think I'm odd,they think I'm crazy,they think I'm worthless!,"her voice cracked,tears threatening to fall from her eyes,"And the only person who believes in me died almost a year ago.I'm left alone to fend for myself with no one but myself to start rearranging my miserable life!"
   "You know,I still think you're more fortunate than I have been,"Hiei suddenly remarked,cutting her off,"You know your parents, you grew up with them, while I from the day I was born,I..."he didn't continue what he was saying.He realized suddenly,Why am I telling anyone all these?! Particularly her.I haven't talked to anyone about this ever...
   Annika waited for him to speak again but when he didn't she sighed,"Oh I guess that is so like you,Hiei.You've kept your life a closed book,you have never opened up to anyone.You kept to yourself all throughout your life.You didn't even bother to tell your twin sister that you are his long lost twin brother."
   Hiei's expression darkened.He suddenly gripped her wrist,his fingernails digging at her skin,causing her to wince in pain.
   "Who the hell told you all that?!"he was clearly furious that she knew about his secret.And there was only one person he could think of who could have told her all that.
   "Hiei,please let me go! It's hurting me please..."
    Hiei had to let her go when he saw the pleading in her eyes.But he still looked at her with a fiery countenance.
   "You have nothing to worry about, Hiei,"Annika said after a while, rubbing her skin where he had gripped her,marks of fingernails on it,"I have absolutely no plans of telling your sister that.Because as far as I am concerned i've got nothing to do with that.And if there's anyone who should tell her the truth,it is you yourself,Hiei!"
    "Who gives you the right to meddle with my affairs?!I don't need you or anyone for that matter telling me what I should or should not do!"
   Annika was stung by his words.Her embarrassment was certain but she didn't allow him to give himself the satisfaction that he had embarrassed her enough.
  Total darkness has already spread outside.Hiei went down from the window,stood in front of Annika.
  "I must go.It's already dark.I have been waiting for it to get dark so I could leave here..."
  Annika suddenly held his arm.Hiei looked at her quizzically.The next thing she did totally surprised him.She embraced him,placed her head on his chest and sighed.
   "Could you... could you just stay here  for a while?!"her voice pleading again,"And ...would you just allow me hold you,please?!"
   Hiei was dumb struck.For a split second,he could not move.But he couldn't turn her away.He couldn't refuse her.Annika's tears were falling now,he could feel her tears wetting his shirt and he could feel her stifling her sobs.In an unguarded moment,he lifted up his hand to her head and gently stroked her hair.It was all so magical.They just stood there,holding each other,finding comfort in each other that they certainly won't possibly receive alone...

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