Chapter Eleven

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Hiei and Kurama were at the beautiful garden of the Minamino's residence. Hiei prevailed on coming to talk to Kurama about the dilemma he was going through.Although,Shiori, Kurama's human mother has long remarried the property remained in Shuichi's name.
"It's been a long time since you came to see me.Why aren't you looking after Annika these past few days?!She always asks me your whereabouts but I can't find answers to her questions."
Hiei didn't reply at once,he just stared straight ahead,his gaze fixed at the fountain,the sound of the water flowing down disturbing the eerie silence of the surroundings.Ever since that night they shared that kiss,there seemed to be an unspoken understanding between the two of them.Although he still haven't admitted to her or even to himself about his true feelings for her,still they both felt something special for each other.That is one fact that even he himself can't deny anymore.
"I won't be surprised if you have learned to care for Annika.She's beautiful, she's sweet,she has a kind heart.What more could you ask for,Hiei?!"
"That's not the big issue now,Kurama,"Hiei finally spoke up.Kurama's eyebrows lifted curiously.
"What then?!"
Hiei took a deep breath,more of a sigh.Kurama was baffled,that was the first time ever that he heard him sigh like that as if he was feeling hopeless.
"I have to go back to Mukuro's territory,Kurama.And I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for a long time."
Kurama turned to look at him,quietly pondering about what he had just said.
"So,"Kurama said after a while,"Are you going to tell Annika about this?!I know you ,Hiei,you might just leave again with no trace and warning.But surely you can't just leave without telling her why you have to go back to demon world."
"That's the problem now.I don't know how to go about it,"Hiei's voice was slightly high,"I don't know how to tell her without hurting her."
"However you tell her,she will and she would definitely be hurt if you push through with leaving.Can't you see that you are the only one who turns her life around now?!After she had left everything including her own family,it is only you who's keeping her alive and fighting in this world.Isn't rather a give away that she has fallen so much in love with you?!"
"But I don't think I am with her!"Hiei turned his gaze away from his friend,"Or,maybe this is not the right time for me to kindle these kinds of feelings for someone like her.First and foremost,our worlds won't ever cross.Our worlds are entirely different...."
"Then why don't you tell her how you really feel for her and let her decide if she would be willing to go with you and stay with you for the rest of her life?!"
"No,"Hiei shook his head, adamantly,"This is her world.She doesn't belong to demon world.She belongs here."
"But that is not the case now.She has turned her back to her old life.She had turned her back even from her own parents.Surely it won't be difficult to persuade her to go with you and to stay with you!"
"Are you out of your mind,Kurama?!"Hiei's look was of disbelief,"Don't you realize how dangerous it can be for her if..."
"Hiei,I know you'll be there to protect her at all costs if she wishes to go with you.What's so difficult with that?!"
Hiei was still undecisive.ln desperation,he turned his back at Kurama and began to walk away but he halted in his tracks at the words Kurama threw at him.
"There's no use denying now how you really feel for Annika,Hiei.It's now or never for both of you.Both of you are lonely in your lives, fending for yourselves alone.Can't you give yourselves the chance to be with someone who truly cares for you?! It's up to you to decide,Hiei....."
Hiei and Annika were at the cliff now,that same night after he and Kurama talked.He went to her apartment and told her he would wait for her there. Annika was seated on the grass,arms crossed on her chest as the night breeze was cold it felt as if it was getting through the jacket she wore.Hiei was standing beside her,but he could not even glance at her.
"I have to tell you something,Annika.I really have to tell you this now.
Annika looked up at him,blue eyes questioning.
"Annika,I...I have to leave the soonest possible time.I have to go back to demon world and...and I don't think I can ever get back..."
At that, Annika's world seemed to topple all around her.She stood up and went closer to him.
"But...but why,Hiei?! Why aren't you coming back?!...."
Hiei couldn't find the words to answer her.He could not even dare to look at her.But in the corner of his eyes,he could see that tears were starting to well from her beautiful,blue eyes and it pained him to see her hurting.But he went on.
"This is not going to work,Annika.It is best if you just forget all about me,"Hiei's voice was strained,it was obvious he was pained on what he had said.But he needed to say it.He didn't want her to keep on believing that there would be a happy ending for them.
The tears threatening to fall from her eyes were now flowing freely,going down her cheeks,"But why,Hiei?!"she wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, hugging him tight,"I know you have the same feelings as me.But why do you want me to just forget you?!I couldn't do that!!"
Hiei froze because of the close physical contact with her.He was not entirely immuned to it.He could feel his body tensing,his determination wavering.A part of him was saying that he should get out of her embrace and leave but the other part if him wanted to take her in his arms and never let her go.
"I love you,Hiei.I don't care if we come from two different worlds.I don't care about your past.I am ready to leave this world if I have to,if that's the only way I can be with you Please stay.Let's try to make it work for both of us.Please don't give it all up,"Annika was sobbing so hard he can barely comprehend what she was saying.His fists tightened.Now the armor that he tried so hard to build around him was crumbling.No,he couldn't let her go.He needed her and he loved her more than anything else in his troubled life.
He pulled away from her, turned her around to face him and before she knew it he had locked her in a tight embrace that she could hardly breathe.
"Oh, Annika,I just can't let you go like this.I have never felt like this before in my entire life.Love was an alien thing to me from the moment I was born when they just threw me away.But when I met you everything changed.I love you,too,Annika,I don't know why the hell I do!!"
Hiei let go,cupped her face with his trembling hands and claimed her lips.Gently at first,then slowly getting intense,wild.Annika responded with equal fervor and intensity.Now they let the emotions they were holding back for so long totally overpower them.They tumbled down on the grass, with him on top of her.They continue to kiss passionately.Annika felt Hiei's hands freely roaming all over her entire body.Then he began to slowly take her clothes off her.She shivered as she felt the night breeze on her completely naked skin He drew back and she watched him undress in front of her.He came down to her, pinning her soft and young body under his and showered kisses on her neck, nibbled at her earlobes,played with her nipples.He felt her hands traveling through his body, caressing down his back,down over his buttocks,drawing him closer to her,their bodies light on fire.
"Oh,Hiei,Hiei,take me.Oh,take me.Make me yours..."
"Annika,please let me do this...Let me take you,my love...."
He moved on top of her and slowly began to move deep within her.She felt as if something was torn in her sensitive part and she couldn't help but wince in pain.She tightly closed her eyes,tears falling down. Hiei was stricken at the realization that he was the first man in her life ever to claim her.He tried to move gently so as not to hurt her even more.
Still she surrendered herself with all her heart,there was certainly no holding back.As the moments went by,she could feel the pain being replaced by intense pleasure.Finally,as they came together as one their melodic moans and cries of pleasure shattered the stillness of the full moon night.
Hiei's tortured voice rasped as his eyes closed in ecstacy,"I love you, you so..."
She embraced him tighter and let the explosion of bliss completely drive away all hint of sanity.All she knew was she was there in his arms and nothing could take him away from her ever.
After everything was done,both were exhausted.Hiei lay on the grass beside her,breathing heavily.Annika lay her head on his chest, snuggled closer to him,enjoyed the warmth that she found there.Hiei wrapped his arms around her, engulfing her in an embrace so tight and wished that this moment would just last forever....

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