Chapter Ten

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  The Yukimura's ramen shop was bustling with activity as it was full packed with customers enjoying the specialty of the house.Yusuke, Kazuma and Kurama were there, occupying a table near the entrance.Yusuke's girlfriend,Keiko,whose parents owned the place,was busy attending to one of thei customers.Kurama was occupied on reading his book while Yusuke and Kazuma were talking rather animatedly, their voices loud and almost filling the place.
   "What's taking Shizuru and Annika so long?!They should be here by now,"Kazuma said after a while, glancing outside to see if the two girls were already outside.
    Yusuke took a gulp of his iced tea before he replied,"They should be here any minute now.Annika said her last subject ends at three."
    Kazuma took the book out of Kurama's hands,much to the latter's annoyance,"Hey, don't be such a bookworm, Shuichi.You are not a student anymore.You're already a genius.There's no room for your brain  anymore to take in whatever this is you are reading."
    "Kuwabara, you're such a jerk, aren't you?!"the red head muttered,managing to keep his cool.It was a good thing he was known for his patience and calm demeanor.If he ever did that to Hiei, they would be certainly exchanging hot words by now and they'd be probably fighting like schoolboys.
    Keiko approached their table and sat beside Yusuke,"Well,I can see Shizuru and Annika are not here yet.I thought they would be here at three o'clock.It's already fifteen minutes before four."
  "Speaking of them, here they come,"Yusuke said,then added,"It's about damn time!"
   Shizuru pulled the glass door open, letting Annika in first then followed suit, closing the door after her.Both of them were smiling as they approached their friends'table.
   "Sorry for keeping you waiting, guys!"Shizuru was grinning apologetically,"I had something important to attend to.And Annika here had to go somewhere,too, before we came here."
   "Hi,guys!"Annika greeted them with a warm smile.She looked stunning in her short black dress,just above her knees.Her shiny brown hair hung loosely down her back, almost to her waist.She was devastatingly attractive and the three young men could not help but gape at her beauty.Keiko noticed their stares and coughed rather loudly,making the three come back to their senses.Yusuke glanced at Keiko's dim look and shifted nervously.
   "Hi, Annika.How have you been?!"
   "I'm fine.Thank you."
   "Have a seat, Shizuru,Annika,"Kurama stood up from his seat to let the girls occupy it.He went to sit next to Kazuma.
  "There's someone missing here and that is Hiei,"Keiko then looked knowingly at Annika.
  "Yeah right.But I doubt if he really isn't around.I guess he's just here somewhere.I know he would always watch over Annika here.Unless he went on a mission for Spirit world and needed to go back to demon world."Yusuke answered Keiko and put an arm around her shoulder.
   "Mission?!"Annika repeated,"For the Spirit world?!"
    "Ummm, it's a bit complicated to explain,Annika,"Kurama then chimed in, selecting his words carefully,"Unfortunately we are not allowed to talk about it.But you've got nothing to be worried about.All I can say is that wherever he is, he'll be just fine."Kurama then flashed her a reassuring smile.Annika smiled back, although she never fully understood what he had said.Once Kurama has told her the existence of both the Spirit world and the Demon world,how both Kurama and Hiei belonged to Demon world.She also knew Yusuke's heritage of demon blood, that was why he was half human half demon.That also explained why she felt something different when she first met Yusuke.Kazuma on the other hand is pure blooded human but also possessed strong psychic powers like her own,and that goes true with his sister Shizuru.
   "Would you like some iced tea?!Keiko offered to the two newcomers.Both agreed,Keiko left the table and personally went to get two glasses of iced tea.When she returned to the table, Kazuma burst out.
   "I wonder when Yukina will come back here to visit us.I sure miss her."
  ."Then why don't you go visit her then?!"Keiko asked him,"She would be truly glad to see you,Kuwabara."
   "Why don't we all go visit her?! Let's take Annika with us so she could see Genkai's place.I know she'll love it there!"Shizuru brightened up.Looks of agreement came across all of them.
   "I'd love that,"Annika replied,"But not this soon.I'll have a full load for this coming week.That's why I agreed to meet you here today because I'll be very busy by next week,"
   "Okay then we will just have to talk about our plan when you are free,Annika.We didn't think that you are that busy with your schooling,"Yusuke said after a while.
   "Hey why don't we go somewhere else now?! While we are all here, let's enjoy ourselves!"Kazuma stood up,ready to get out of the shop.
   "Yes let's! Let's go window shopping at the mall!"Shizuru also jumped up.Everyone then stood up and made their way out of the shop.
    Annika enjoyed the company of Kurama and the rest of the group.They were all laughing heartily at Kazuma's antics with Yusuke following him up.Both of them were really a handful.It was quite a while since she last laughed her heart out.Keiko and Shizuru were glad that she has become at ease with them.They already knew what she has gone through with her life and they were thankful that she's feeling that she really belonged,that she was not an outcast anymore.At last,she has found friends.
    The boys took her home to her apartment as the night approached.When she opened the front door and flicked the light switch,she got the shock of her life when she saw a figure at her window .She nearly let out a scream but when he spoke she was relieved.
   "It's me,Annika.Don't be afraid."
   "You almost gave me a heart attack ,Hiei!"Annika held her chest with her hand.
   "Haven't you gotten used to seeing me here?!"
   "But this is the first time ever that I can see you here as I came in.I didn't know you're gonna be in here!I almost jumped out of my skin!Never do that again or else..."
   "Or else,what?!"Hiei was staring at her again as if waiting for what's she's going to say next.
    She couldn't stand his stare .She turned away and flung her shoulder bag on the sofa.
   "So what brings you here?!By the way,I and your friends went out strolling at the mall.It's too bad you can't join us We had a good time."
   "I'm glad you are getting along with them."
   "They are all so nice.They were all friendly.It was not difficult to like them.You are lucky to have friends like them, Hiei!"
   Hiei did not answer There was a strained silence for a few minutes.Annika approached him,gazed at him and...
   "Hiei,is anything bothering you?!"
   Hiei moved out from his daze and turned to look at her."
    "I can feel it,Hiei.There's something troubling you.Could you care to tell me what it is?!"
    There really was something bothering him.The message Mukuro sent him that he must go back to demon world soon And he knew that once he got back there it may take years before he can go back to human world.Even if he didn't want to admit it,he was having second thoughts.It was  now certain that he didn't want to leave because he was going to leave her behind.
   Annika maintained eye contact with him, waiting for what he was going to tell her.His ruby eyes were speaking to her soul again.All of a sudden,his face slowly went near hers,his gaze fixed at her luscious lips Annika froze,she could not move away.Then it came.His lips claimed hers ever so gently.But it didn't last long.The next thing they knew they had their arms wrapped around each other,sharing a deep, passionate kiss.Hiei's tongue moved into her mouth,forcing her lips to part.A deep groan came out of his throat and his hands began to wander all over her body.Annika was submitting willingly to him.meeting his every kiss.He heard her whimper when he forced his hips forward and Annika felt something hard between his thighs.
   At that point,he seemed to come to his senses.He shoved her away from him,so hard she almost lost her balance.Annika was totally surprised by his reaction.Hiei was suddenly distraught but his eyes were still unfocused.Without a word,he turned away and jumped out of the window.leaving Annika bewildered.
   "Hiei,wait!!"but he was gone as fast as he had jumped out.

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