Chapter Eight

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Annika was strolling around the big shopping complex in town.She finally had a day to enjoy a bit of leisure time from her hectic schedule in the university.She has just stopped at a fruit stall to buy some oranges when a familiar voice made her turn her head.
  "Hey there, Annika!"
  "Oh, it's you,Ku...oh,Shuichi,I mean,"Annika hesitated for a while when she saw Kurama with two young men about his age.One was tall, taller than Kurama with a lock of orange hair and slanted eyes while the other was slightly shorter with jet black hair,brown eyes and handsome features.Again,her psychic sense was awakened as she felt the presence of something intangible in both of the young men.Annika looked from one
to the other,her blue eyes questioning.
  "I'd like you to meet, Yusuke and Kazuma.Guys,she is Annika."
  "Nice meeting you, Annika,"Yusuke held out his hand for a handshake.She accepted it but Yusuke's grip lingered over her hand and it seemed he didn't want to let go.Kazuma nudged him with his elbow.
  "Hey, what are you doing, Urameshi?!Let go of her hand!When Hiei sees you he might just cut your head off!"
   Kurama was puzzled as he looked at his orange haired friend,"Say how come would you know about that?!"
  "Of course I know!I remember you talking about her once,about how she saved Hiei when he was wounded in an attack by an obnoxious demon,"then Kazuma turned to Annika and flashed a sheepish smile,"Don't mind, Urameshi,Annika.I guess he was just taken by your beauty.Surely,Hiei is such a lucky guy!"
   Annika felt her cheeks blush at Kazuma's compliment.But the next thing he said caught her off guard.
  "By the way,is Hiei your boyfriend already?!"His question was rather straightforward and unnecessary.Kurama looked at Kazuma with an odd expression on his face.That look caused him to back down.
  "Ooops...sorry, I didn't mean to pry,"he was suddenly apologetic.Yusuke let out a chuckle.
  "You're a bit too talkative,Kuwabara.Just don't try saying things like that when Hiei is listening.I'll bet you'll get a kick on your ass if you say anything his ears doesn't like."
  "Oh,shut up, Urameshi.Just like you didn't do anything.Look at how you almost didn't let go of her hand.If Keiko ever saw that you'll get a slap on your face again!"
   Yusuke's expression darkened.Kurama intervened then,he cleared his throat and turned to Annika.
   "Say,where are you going now,Annika?!"
   "Was about to go to the bookstore.I have to buy a few things for my school project."
   "Do you want some company?!It seems you are by yourself.Or if you like you can come with us so you could meet the girls.Keiko and Shizuru would be more than glad to meet you.I wish Yukina has not gone yet to Genkai's temple so she could meet you,too,"Kazuma remarked again.
   "Yukina?! Hiei's..."she halted what she was about to say when Kurama gazed at her as if telling her to keep quiet.The truth was Kurama can feel Hiei's presence near them that's why he stopped Annika from continuing what she was about to say.Annika didn't notice anything.Hiei still kept his energy down so Annika can't sense him.But Kurama's psychic sense was greatly stronger than hers so he felt him even with his energy a bit weaker.
   "Oh,I'd like to go with you boys but I have a research paper to finish.Sorry,maybe some other time."
  "Are you sure about that,Annika?!"
  Annika smiled,"Next time,I'll go with you,guys.I would also love to meet your other friends.You all seem to be pretty nice to me."
   "We'll be looking forward to that, Annika,"Kurama finally said,"Well then,guys,we better be going!"
   "Oh,yes.Keiko would be wondering again what took us so long,"Yusuke piped in
   "See you around then, Annika!"Kurama waved a hand at her and the three walked away.
   Annika watched them as they walked away at the opposite direction.Well,she really did like them.They may be a little rowdy, especially Yusuke and Kazuma but she could feel that they were genuinely nice and friendly.Kurama was the serious type but because she has known him for quite sometime now,she has been comfortable with him and has no doubts about his character.
  As the three departed,Hiei turned his entire attention at Annika who was walking to go to the bookstore some distance away.He followed her again, moving quickly and out of her sight.As she reached a corner,mocking and teasing reached his sensitive ears as Annika was being taunted by two men who seemed to know her.
   "Hey what's this freak doing here?! Haven't you gone to a mental facility yet?!"
   "So, here's where you went off after you left our place!Planning to spread your weirdness around here,huh?!"
   "I think it's none of your business why I'm here.Let me through.I have more important things to do than waste my time on both of you!"
   But the two men persisted.They even went as far as to grab her arms.Annika tried to escape from them but because they were stronger she couldn't break free from their hold.
   At that point, seeing Annika again in danger,Hiei attacked them both from behind as fast as lightning.One of them fell down as fast as he hit him,the other one still managed to scramble to his feet but, Hiei managed to strike a sharp blow on his head and he was knocked out at last.When he turned around to look at Annika he saw that she was also knocked unconscious and lying on the pavement.
   "Damn it!"he muttered under his breath and scooped her bodily into his arms.Hiei quickly moved out of that place before anyone else gets to see him He did not mean to have her to get hurt as well.She was thrown hard at the cemented pavement when he struck the two men and unfortunately she hit her head.He took her immediately to her apartment.

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