Chapter Fifteen

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"Annika is nearly finishing her four year course.She's graduating from her Pre-Law course soon.And I think she has plans to continue her Law studies,"Keiko broke the news to Yusuke and the others as they were in their ramen shop again.
"Glad to hear that,Keiko,"Kazuma replied.
"What's more she has a big chance to graduate as summa cum laude.She definitely has a brilliant mind.All of her efforts would not go unrewarded!"
"That is certainly good news.I'm very happy for her,"Yusuke said,but his attention was diverted to Kurama's dejected face.
"Hey,Kurama, aren't you happy for Annika?! What's with that face?!"
"Yeah,or are you still sore that she chose Hiei over you?!Come on,Hiei is our friend and your best friend at that.If that is her decision,you should just accept it.We can't force her to like anyone else if her heart's not in it.At least,even with all her heart break ,she learned to stand strong and make the most out of her situation,"Shizuru frankly told Kurama as she looked at him.
Kurama tried to brush away the look on his face and answered,"Of course,I'm happy for her.She deserves it.She has worked hard to be where she is now and who wouldn't be happy for her?!"but in the back of his mind,"But she'll be happier if Hiei comes back and they will be together again.I know in her heart,it's just whst she's longing for,more than her diploma or anything else in this world!If only I could do something.If only I can bring Hiei back here,"then suddenly he brightened up as if remembering something,"Hey,why not?!....Why haven't I thought of this before?!Guess I was too concerned on trying to win her that's why I only thought of this now!Yes,I'm going to do this.I'll just have to find the time..."
"Are you saying something,Kurama?! Kazuma's strong psychic sense must have discovered his thoughts.He was looking at him quizzically.
"Huh?! That was nothing,Kuwabara.Just don't mind me."
Kazuma stopped prying.Kurama has something in his mind to do for Annika.It doesn't matter now how Hiei might react or what he would do when he sees him.He is going to do it as soon as possible...

Hiei was alone again.He gripped his katana tightly,eyes intent on the trunk of the tree he was aiming to cut with it.Then in a flash he sliced through its trunk three times before it came crashing down.He has been honing his skill with his weapon as he does with his Dragon of the Darkness Flame.He had thoroughly mastered it now and in all demon world no one could surely rival him.
Suddenly he heard a rustling of leaves behind him.Alert as he was as always,he again tightened his grip on his sword ready to thrust it to anyone or anything who would dare to attack him.But,a calm voice came from behind the bushes and it was familiar to him.
"How are you now,Hiei?!, It's been quite a while..."
Kurama appeared from where he was.Hiei was surprised but he didn't show it.Then his surprise was replaced by rage and his bright ruby eyes glared at Kurama angrily.Kurama stepped back yet he was ready to face his friend's fury at him.
"What the hell are you doing here?!"he asked,voice as cold as ice.
"I have to come here.I want to tell you something..."
"What do you want to tell me?!"Hiei's voice was thundering now,"That you and Annika are together now?!That you have stolen her away from me?!If that's the case,fine,good luck to both of you!I have no time to listen to a double crosser like you!.."
"On the contrary,Hiei,that is not what I came here for,"Kurama cut him off,his emerald eyes gazing straight at him,unperturbed and unafraid,"I came to tell you that I have conceded.Yes you heard me right.I know I can't hide anything from you.I really did fall for her and tried to win her but..."
Hiei was silent,his grip on his katana still tight.He was keeping himself from attacking his friend while he was still explaining.Kurama went on.
"Hiei,for these past two years,she has been miserable and lonely.She struggled to get on with her life after you left her without even saying goodbye to her But,even with all the pain you caused her,her feelings for you never changed.Annika still loves you and she would give anything to get you back ..."
Hiei can't bring himself to answer.His hold on his weapon loosened,his deadly glare softened.Kurama continued as he felt Hiei's anger cooling a little.
"She has never forgotten you,Hiei.For these past two years she has never stopped believing that you'll come back to her.She's willing to wait for you,even if it would take forever.She told me that it was best if we just remain as friends just like before as she could never replace you in her heart.You are very fortunate that she's so faithful,so loyal to you all this time."
"Look,Kurama,I..."Hiei didn't know what to say to him now,"I don't know to apologize.I really thought you have betrayed me.."
"No,Hiei.Annika will forever have you in her heart.It doesn't matter if she would stay alone for the rest of her life.As long as she lives she'll go on loving you.I can never stand a chance.I'm here to tell you and convince you to come back to human world,to her.Ease the pain that's been gnawing at her heart for these two long years.Get her out of her misery.She has suffered enough.It's time she becomes happy,with you..."
Kurama has barely finished when he suddenly shouted at Hiei.
"Look out,Hiei,behind you!"
Hiei was quick.He was able to dodge the attack from behind him.Kurama then ran to his side,ready to counter whoever did that to his friend.
"Rose whip!"he flung it at the one eyed demon who was fast approaching Hiei while he was still down The demon was cut through its midsection into two.Hiei stood up from falling but another demon attacked him from behind,its claws managed to grip his shoulder,wounding it.
"Ahh,damn you!"Hiei burst out grabbed the black hairy demon by the arms and threw it away from him.Then,he gripped his katana and ran to its direction as it was also running to meet him to counterattack.Hiei sliced through him three times before it fell,head severed,arms as well.Blood was splattered all around them.Kurama went near Hiei,who was holding his wounded shoulder.
"Are you all right?!I think we've got to fix that wound!"
"No,Kurama,I'm fine.This is nothing,"Hiei was still holding his bleeding shoulder.
"Now,however did these two think that they can harm you!"Kurama exclaimed as he looked at the two lifeless demons.
"There are a lot of them around here who wants me dead because of envy.They couldn't accept that I was the one chosen by Mukuro to be her successor,"Hiei replied,"But let's forget about that for now...Kurama,I'm going to Mukuro right now and I'll tell her I'd go back to the human world this very instant!"
Kurama stared at him,"You'd do that?!Right now?!..."
Hiei nodded,determination in his eyes,"Yes.Anything and everything for Annika,"and he walked quietly away.Kurama knew he meant what he said and that day would not pass without him coming back to his beloved Annika...

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