Chapter Sixteen

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It was one of those days again that Annika was in a melancholic mood.As the preparations for her upcoming graduation was under way,she didn't seem to be entirely excited.As it is,she was going to receive her college diploma by herself.She didn't bother to tell her parents about it.She knew they would not care a bit.She would just give herself another pain in her heart if they reject her again.She knew Kurama and her other friends would be there to witness it,so she would not be really alone.She's graduating with the highest honors,this is a remarkable achievement for her considering all the hardships and heartbreak she has gone through.
On this particular night,she found herself at the cliff that was the witness of the blossoming of her love for Hiei.She has not been able to go there for a couple of months as she was very busy completing her requirements for graduation.Now she was there again There were times she didn't really want to go there anymore because she didn't want to remember those final moments before Hiei left her for demon world.But now as she sat at the exact same spot where they first made love,the memories were flashing through her mind so fast.As the cold breeze was blowing through her hair and fanning her face,the tears were again falling from her blue eyes.The tears then gave way to sobs,her arms crossed at her chest as if she was hugging herself.How she was longing for the warmth of his embrace,the feel of his finely chiseled chest against her own and the fiery kisses they shared.Sometimes she was losing hope that he would ever go back to her again.She was aware that his only purpose at staying in the human world was his twin sister,Yukina,and it seemed that because he knew that she was in good hands,his mission there was finally over. But still she didn't want to give up.If she really could not wait for him to come back anymore then so be it.Yet the vow she made to herself would stand,that no matter what happens,she would only give her heart once and that is to Hiei alone.She was his until her last breath.
"Look,Hiei,"without her knowing,Kurama and Hiei were already there.They had just arrived from demon world and they were in time to see Annika there at the cliff.They were standing some distance from her.The full moon was already illuminating the surroundings and they could clearly see her as she sat there.
"She's...she's looking so frail.And so pale,miserable..."
"She has been stressed out these couple of weeks as her graduation from the university is nearing.To add to that,she has been thinking quite a lot about you for these past weeks as well.It's been a while since she last came here.She was avoiding this place because it holds too many memories of the two of you together.Still this place holds a special space in her heart..."
Kurama put a hand on Hiei's shoulder.From out of nowhere,a beautiful,red rose appeared on Kurama's hand.He handed it to Hiei,"Give this to her.She'll love it."
Hiei took the rose from him.Without another word,he quietly approached Annika,As he was nearing,he could still hear her sobbing.
Annika didn't seem to sense that someone has come near her.Her eyes were still full of tears,blurring her vision.All of a sudden, a red rose appeared before her,a bandaged hand holding it.For a few moments she could not look up to see who it was giving her the rose.Slowly she held her face up and she couldn't believe her eyes.
"Why those tears,my pretty one?! They're ruining your beautiful eyes."
She wiped the tears from her eyes with her hands,looked at him again and,"Hiei,is that really you?!Am I dreaming?!Are you for real?!"
"Touch me,Annika.Prove to yourself if you are just dreaming or not."
She slowly touched his hand holding the red rose.When he realized he was real and he was really there standing in front of her,she quickly stood up and threw herself at him.She hugged him tight,buried her face on his chest,her tears fell down again. Hiei hugged her back,eyes closed as he inhaled the scent of her hair and kissed the top of her head.
"It's really you,Hiei.What took you so long?!I thought you'd never come back to me.I've been waiting for you all this time."
"Forgive me,Annika.I was so wrong to leave you in terrible pain.I knew you suffered greatly because of me..."
Annika pulled away from him and held his face with both of her hands,gazing at his ruby eyes,"No,no,you don't need to say that.I did not become angry at you ever.I knew I could not stop you from going back there because it is where you belonged.And I'm ready to wait forever for you.I have sworn to myself that I would never love anyone but you,Hiei...If it wasn't you,I'd never love again."
"Oh,Annika,I missed you so much!"Hiei embraced her again,feeling her soft body against his .Inhaling her intoxicating sweet scent, feeling her young body tensing as he held her tight.
"I missed you,too,Hiei.And I love you,I will always love you.."
Kurama had to turn away now,leaving the two lovers basking in the warmth of each other's embrace that they have always longed for.
They were now locked in each others arms sharing a hungry kiss.They both could feel the heat of desire rising in between them.He was kissing her roughly,almost savagely,but she didn't mind.She answered back his kisses with matching passion.Hiei pulled away for a moment to stare at her blue eyes.Annika also gazed at him, waiting for what he was going to do or say.
"I love you,Annika.I'll love you for the rest of my life.I'm not going to leave you ever again.That's a promise..."
Annika's tears glistened and she replied,"I love you,too,Hiei.I'll be yours now and forever..."
At that,they kissed each other again.In the pale light of the full moon light they let their bodies speak on how they really missed each other.In the glow of the full moon light,their love has again defied all odds.They have been lonely for most of their entire life.Now,they would definitely be alone no more....


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