chapter 2 ~social trash

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I held my position on the ceiling waiting for Koro-sensei to come in. I had the Anti-sensei knife in mouth as he came it. Maehara, Okajima and Mimura distracted him on the bottom when they pretend to be tired, Maehara gave me the signal and I grabbed the knife. I let go of the support beams. It seems that he noticed me and moved out the way. But even at Mach 20, I land a hit to one of his tentacles. I smiled a bit. "I almost got you, Koro-sensei." I said and he nervously sweated. "A-An overhead attack, I didn't even catch your scent." Koro-sensei said. "Of course, I covered my scent with the wood of the building." I said and put the knife in my pocket. "You better watch your back, Sensei." I said and walked back to my desk.


After the whole Okuda giving Koro-sensei poison incident, I laid in the shade and watched my classmates play around. I smiled a bit. 'I'm getting too attached to them.' I thought to myself. "Maybe this time it'll be different." I muttered to myself. "What will be different?" I heard and jumped a little. I looked over and saw Karma next to me. "What the hell are you a ninja?!" I yelled and sighed. "Don't tell anyone, especially Karasuma, when I was young, I used to be bullied for being the daughter of an assassin. Those brats would call me a monster and say that one day I would kill them then I-" I explained then stopped myself. "Why am I telling you my backstory, anyway? I'm going inside. The humidity is killing me." I said and walked inside. The next day, I walked into class and saw the poison sitting on Okuda's hand. 'Is he really going to drink that?' I thought to myself and took my seat then Koro-sensei came in. "Okay, everyone! Please take your seats." He said and walked to the chalk board. "I brought it, sensei." Okuda said and handed the poison to Koro-sensei. "Well done, then I'll drink it at once." Koro-sensei said and started drinking. He started laughing and his eyes started to glow. "Thanks, Okuda. Thanks to your concoction, I can advance to a new level." Koro-sensei said and everyone grew nervous. I simply raised a brow, unfazed by what was happening. With a big blast of energy, Koro-sensei turned into...slime? "He melted?!" Everyone shouted. "I actually had you make a tonic that would stimulate my cells and enhance my fluidity." Koro-sensei said and started moving everywhere. "As a liquid, I can now fit into the tightest of spaces" He continued from inside my desk. "Why did you chose my desk?" I asked. "What's more, I'm speedy as ever!" Koro-sensei said and moved at Mach 20 again. "Y-You tricked me, Koro-sensei." Okuda said as Koro-sensei in the corner of the room. "Having the verbal aptitude to deceive other is a vital part of assassination, Okuda." Koro-sensei said. "Verbal aptitude?" Nagisa asked. "[Y/n]-san, would you care to explain?" Koro-sensei asked and I sighed then walked to the front. "The poison would be wasted if you offer it in a naïve way. the target will take advantage of you." I said and sat of the teacher desk. "Correct." Koro-sensei said. "For example, if you ever want to give the target poison, you have to be sneaky. Hide it in their favorite drink or food. Okuda, if you can't be sneaky, ask for help. Communication is key to assassination" I said with a small smile. "[Y/n] is correct. I hope you'll continue to develop the language skills to poison someone." Koro-sensei said and Okuda smiled. "I-I will!" Okuda said. "Yep. Assassination is the least of everyone's worries right now." Karma said.


I groaned. "Why the hell are we up so far?!" I said as I walked with Kayano, Nagisa, and Sugino. "Aren't you an assassin? You're job is to be able to move fast." Sugino said. "Yeah, but I'm lazy right now." I said. "The faster we get there, the fast we can get this crap of with." He said. "Fine." I said and climbed up a tree. I moved from branch to branch similar to an anime I watched with I was younger, Naruto. I saw most of my classmates getting attacked by bees, snakes, and almost crushed by boulders. "We have to go through all that bullshit and somehow have to get there before everyone else." I muttered and continued making my way to the school. I waited as the rest of my classmates made it. "Yo." I simply said. "You're...too fast...[Y/n]-chan." Kayano said and feel on her knees. "How did you get here so fast?" Karasuma said. "Through the trees. I was going to ask for a piggy-back ride but I couldn't find you." I said. " Come on, guys! Hurry and line up!" Isogai said and everyone groan. We lined up inside the gym and a few minute later the other classes came. "Nagisa-kun!" I heard and saw those two shitheads the were picking on him again. "So glad you could make it! Tough trip coming down the mountain, I bet." The guy said and walked off. I glared. "I'm not enduring any of this shit." I muttered to myself. "Oh it's [Y/n]-chan." I heard the most annoying voice. "What do you want, Asano? And how do you know my name?" I asked and he smirked. "I hacked into the school's system and found your student info. There's not much in it. Why is that?" He asked. "It's no one's business." I said and felt stares. I glance over and saw my whole class looking at us and some the other classes were to. "Why is Asano talking to an E class student?" "Are they dating?" "There's no way." I heard and glared daggers at the other students. "You're a very interesting girl, [Y/n]. You're qualified for A-class and yet you're here....Why is that?" He asked and whispered the last part in my ear. I pushed him away and looked at him in disgust. "None of your concern. Besides an A-class student shouldn't be talking to E-Class trash, so goodbye." I said and took my place back in line. The assembly started and everyone was making fun of E-class. I glared down and clutched my fist hard enough to draw blood. As everyone laughed and glared them. Some seem to have quiet down when they noticed my dark aura. I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned to Karasuma. "Karasuma, I'm going crazy. I really need to punch something, could I punch you?" I said while shaking him back and forth. "That would cause a scene. Calm down and don't draw attention." He said and I stopped. "Promise me, I can go on a mission after this. I really need the ki-" I said and Karasuma covered my mouth. "Not so loud. Do you want the other classes to find out you're an assassin?" He growled and I glare then sighed through my nose. I shook my head and he nodded. "The student council events are explained on the handouts you've been given." The student council vice-president said. "Excuse me, E class didn't get any handouts!" Isogai said. I began to tap my foot and crossed my arm. 'This asshole knows the didn't print enough for E class.' I thought to myself. Suddenly, a handout landed in my hands. It was Koro-sensei. "Isogai-kun." He said. "Everyone has a handwritten copy now, it would seem." "Yes, sir. We have our handouts. Please continue." Isogai said and the vice-president glared. " What? How? Hey, now. Who ruined our fun?! I mean, let's continue." He said and I had a smug look on my face.

𝔐𝔶 𝔏𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔐𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 (a xreader)Where stories live. Discover now