chapter 20~ babysitting lesson

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We jumped from building to building to get to the station. This was actually really fun doing it with other people. "Wahoo!" I cheered and flipped into another roof. "No parkour outside of class." Kataoka said. "Oh come on, we're just having a little fun." I said. I notice Okajima and Kimura jumping ahead. "Watch where you're going!" I yelled and tried to catch up to them, but it as too late. They hit an elderly man riding a bike. I jumped down. "Sir, are you alright?" I asked, but he didn't respond. "Oh no, I'll call an ambulance." A local said and he pulled out his phone.


"A hairline fracture of the right femur. It's mild enough that he should be up ad walking in a week or so, but given that you kid are a state secret, my men are negotiating a gag order and out-of-court settlement." Karasuma said. We heard a sound come from behind us and we turned to see a pissed Koro-sensei. "K-Koro-sensei..." Isogai muttered. "B-But it was such a narrow street..." Kimura said. "Who'd ever expect an old man to be riding his bike down there?!" Okajima said. "You just don't get the pressure and panic of havin' to save the Earth." Terasaka said and Koro-sensei slapped him along with the rest of us. "Will you report that as injuring the students?" Koro-sensei asked. "I'll overlook it this once. I knew the risks when I introduced that high-level training...I expected [Y/n] to keep an eye on them. I guess it was too soon. It's my fault." Kaasuma said and I looked at the ground. "Sensei...I take full responsibility for failing to watch them. I'm deeply sorry." I said and bowed. "We're sorry." The rest of my class said and bowed with me. "You may have frown too strong. Drunk on your power, you forgot to put yourself in the shoes of someone weaker than you. That makes you no different than the students on the main campus." Koro-sensei said. That hurt. I glared at the ground then I heard ripping. "The midterms are now exactly two weeks away. I forbid any of you to study fro them." Koro-senei said and ripped the textbooks. "It's not a punishment. There are simply other things you should be studying first. I'm responsible, too, for having forgotten to teach them." Koro-sensei said.


We had to help by babysitting children. The old man was a principal of a small school of children since we hurt him, he couldn't come to his job. "So instead, these young men and women will do anything we need for the next two weeks!" The woman said and we smiled at them. "Okay." The children said. Children were all around me. I played with a little boy that was sitting in my lap while two little girls were fighting over me. "Nee-san, play with me too." One of the whined. "No me." The other said. I sweatdropped. "I'll play with both of you." I nervously said. I felt other kid jump on my back. "Someone help me!" I said and my classmate just laughed. ""So what exactly are you planning to do for us, now? Barging in on us en masse... Reckon you can at least work off the oxygen you're taking up?" A girl with pink hair said with a creepy look. I stood up when she grabbed a broom. "First, have you got what it takes to work?" The girl name Sakura said then stepped forward. The floor caved in beneath her. I walked over to her and help her up. "Are you alright?" I asked with a kind smile. She blushed a little then huffed and walked away.


We put on a play for the children. I laughed a bit while watching Karma and Terasaka fight. I could hardly do anything because the kids were all over me. I decided to help Nagisa teach Sakura. I sat in front of them and a little baby crawled into my lap. "Need any help?" I asked. "[Y/n]-san, thank goodness." Nagisa said while letting out a sigh of relief. "Make it snappy, Nagisa! Weren't you supposed to get me into Tokyo university?!" Sakura said. "S-Sorry." Nagisa said and Sakura huffed. "Uh, hey...Why did you stop going to school?" Nagisa asked. "Huh? Bullying, of course, bullying! The typical stupid kind!" She said and my eyes softened. "I don't get people...Kids that age should be innocent and sweet. But once they get a little bigger and stronger, I guess they use that strength to hurt people." She continued. "You're thinking it too, 'Don't run away.' 'If you don't like it, go to school and get stronger yourself.' Just like Mom and Dad say. Well, you look weaker than me, so you probably don't understand." Sakura said and leaned back. I laughed lightly. "I understand perfectly. I used to be bullied too and I ran away just like you did. Only advise I can give, surround yourself with friends that will defend you, and protect you." I said and set the baby down on the floor. "Here, kitty-kitty." I heard and walked outside. The cat Kurahashi was playing with was stuck in the tree. "See what happens when you pluck up the courage to climb? The higher you get, the more dangerous it is." Sakura said. "But you forgot one thing. There's always someone to get you down." I said. "Okajima-kun! I need a boost." I called. "Okay." He said and stood in front of the tree, knocking his fingers together. I ran and Okajima lifted me up. I grabbed onto a branch. I climbed the tree and grabbed the cat. It looked at me and licked me. "Your welcome." I said and climbed down.


I sat in the new building with the children while the rest of my classmates were showing the principal around. "Nee-chan, sing to us." One of them said. "U-Umm I don't know." I said while hold the baby. "Please!" They whined loudly, which woke the baby. He started to cry. I had to think fast.(you know what i'll say-)

The baby stopped crying and went back to sleep. I let out a sigh of relief. "Nee-san, you have a pretty voice." One of the girls said. "Yeah, [Y/n]-chan, that was amazing." I heard a different voice. I turned to see my whole class along with the principal and Koro-sensei. I blushed with embarrassment and looked away.


"See ya later!" The children said and waved us goodbye. I smiled and waved back at them. "[Y/n]-chan, lookie." Karma said with an evil grin. It was a video of me singing. "I hate you so much." I muttered and glared at him. The next day was the Midtrems. My class got creamed. I still had my place in first. What made a laugh even more is that the principal tried to push me down by giving my college curriculum. "Nothing can stop me!" I cheered as I walked with Sugino, Okajima, and Nagisa. "What a let-down." I heard and my mood plummeted. "Guess that first time was just a fluke, eh?" It was the big five. I glared. "You wanna go, punk. I got 1st overall so you think it's a fluke." I said while Nagisa and Okajima held me back. "Then you can't say anything to me, neither, can you?" I heard Karma's voice. I smirked. "Well, I guess A-class has nothing better to do than to bother E-class, right Karma-kun?" I said in a mocking tone. "Right, [Y/n]-chan." Karma said and I glared at Asano. "No matter what your dad throws at me. I will win every time." I growled and walked away. "Karsuma owes me money so let's eat cake! C'mon." I cheered.


"We're sorry for all the trouble we caused, Karasuma-sensei." Isogai said. "All in a day's work. Don't worry about it. What about you? Have you learned anything from this?" Karasuma asked. "It's not for our own money...or our grades. It reminded me that we can use the strength we've gained for others, too." If we have the power to kill, we can save the Earth. If we have academic ability, we can help someone." Nagisa said. "And we won't use it so carelessly again." Okajima said. "We'll be careful in lots of ways."Maehara said. Soon after, we all changed into our new gear to show Koro-sensei. I threw the roped down the edge of the cliff and climbed down. "Wh-What's going on?! I barely have time to breathe!" Koro-sensei said. "We wanted you to see this, Koro-sensei!" Isogai said. "New equipment from the government. I told them not to tip their hand..but they really wanted to show you how they use their new powers." Karrasuma explained. "We'll respond to your lessons with an assassination. It's how we do things around here." Terasaka said. "We promise, Koro-sensei. We won't use this power except to protect someone." Kataoka said. "You get full mark for that answer." Koro-sensei said and a red circle appeared on his face. I smiled a bit, but what I didn't know. Hell was coming straight in our direction.

𝔐𝔶 𝔏𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔐𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 (a xreader)Where stories live. Discover now