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The bell rung and class started. "Okay everyone, shall we began?" Koro-sensei said while using his Mach 20 speed to move around the room. "Began what?" Everyone asked. "Midterm time has rolled around. And that's why this period will be spent in a high-speed study session." Koro-sensei said. "Okay then why am I here then?" I asked with a white headband that had the word English on it. "Because [Y/n]-chan, there's nothing I can teach you that you don't already know." Koro-sensei said and moved on to other students. "My clones can work with you one-on-one to drill you on each of your worst subjects and [Y/n]-chan will help with English." Koro-sensei said. "You can use Mach 20! Why do I have to help?!" I yelled. ~Next day~ I really dislike this school. Wait, that's an understatement. I hate this school with a passion. If it wasn't a crime, I would cover the school with gasoline and burn it to the ground. I sighed. "[Y/n]-chan!" I heard and saw Kayano and Nagisa walking over to me. "Hey." I said. "I've been wondering. What did Koro-sensei say you're unteachable?" Kayano asked. "Because I'm a fast learner." I said. "Is that it?" Nagisa asked. "You don't understand. I'm a super fast learner. When I was 10, I was already at junior high level. So I'm basically past university level by now." I said and they looked at me in awe. "Amazing." Kayano said as we walked inside the class. This time there were too many of him. I just continued taking my time, teaching the four students I have to. "Oh, I see now." Nakamura said and I nodded and moved on. I noticed something wrong with Koro-sensei. He was overdoing it. Soon the bell rung and Koro-sensei was worn out. I rolled my eyes and walked out of class. "Karasuma." I called as I walked over to him and he hummed in response. "Do you think the principal will let me take the test? I mean, I'm on past junior high teaching." I said. "Fortunately, he only know that you're A-class material. We need to keep it that way." Karasuma said and I nodded. I noticed all my classmates out in the school yard. I walked out with them and stood next to Nagisa. "What's going on?" I asked. "Koro-sensei told us to come out here." He said. "One good thing about the E-class system is its built-in remedial process. By scoring in the top 50 of 186 on periodic exams and receiving permission from their former teach to return, they can leave this outcast E class. It's too difficult too meet these conditions given their poor grades in this inferior academic environment. Most E class students, with their sense of inferiority that remediation is far out of reach accept this harsh discrimination." Koro-sensei said. 'What is he getting at getting at?' I thought to yourself. "[Y/n]-chan, Irina-sensei, let me ask you something as professional assassins." Koro-sensei said and I raised a brow. "What is all this?" Irina asked. "When you're on a job, do you have one single plan prepared?" He asked. "Of course not." I said. "It's not often that our main plan goes as expected. Making more detailed backup plans in preparation for any contingencies is assassination 101." Irina said and I nodded. "And for you, Karasuma-sensei, when you teach knife skill, your first blow is likely to be dodged, so the precision with which you can land your second and third blows can decide a fight." Karasuma-sensei said. "Look, what are you getting at?" Maehara asked. Koro-sensei started spinning around. "As your teachers have said, having a trusty second step is what makes for a confident assassin. But what about you? 'We've got assassination, and that's enough,' you think, and down go your academic goals. You're just trying not to face the reason for you inferiority complex." He said and started spinning faster. I covered my face from the dirt. 'That's why he's pissed.' I thought to myself. "What if I got away from this classroom? If another killer managed to do me in? Without the assassination you rely on, all you're left with is good ol' E class inferiority. A word of advice from me to you as you walk that fine line: Those who can't wield a second blade aren't qualified to be an assassin!" Koro-sensei said and the wind grew stronger. Once the wind cleared, it was a newly made track. "The yard was very uneven and full of weeds. I tidied it up. I am a super-creature capable of wiping out the Earth. Flattening the area here was a piece of cake. If you can't show me that trusty second blade, I'll know there's no assassin in this classroom worth taking me on, and I'll flatten this entire campus before I go." Koro-sensei said. 'I don't have a problem with that.' I thought to myself. "A second blade? When?" Nagisa said. "Tomorrow, of course. I want all of you in the top 50 after tomorrow's midterms. I've already been developing your second blades. I don't use the doltish teaching methods they do at the main campus. eild those blades with all confidence! Succeed in your mission and hold your head high, smiling, unashamed. You are proud assassins and proud members of the E class!" Koro-sensei said. ~Testing time~ The fucking teacher was creeping me out. He kept glaring at us. He seemed amused by my classmates confused expressions. 'Come on, guys. You can do this.' I thought to myself. I looked down at the first question. It was easy, well to me. I began solving it and the teacher looked at me in shock. I looked up and glared at him. A few moment later, the rest of my classmates seem to have understood the questions and he began to freak, but he couldn't cause a scene. He looked at me and I stuck my tongue out then continued with my test. Then it came to the last question. My eye widened a bit. 'Isn't this too advance for them?' I thought to myself as I finished off the question then glared at the paper. 'Bastard...' I thought to myself while thinking about the principal that did this. After a few days, we got our result. I got all 100's, but I didn't notice there was another paper. Everyone was silent as Karasuma talked to the makers off the test in the other room. Finally, Koro-sensei came in with his back facing everyone. "I take all responsibility. I seem to have underestimated the system at this school. I can't bear to face you." He said and Karma and I throw Anti-sensei knives at him. He dodged them. "You sure? If you can't face us, you can't see us coming to kill you." Karma said and we walked over to him. "[Y/n]-chan, Karma-kun! I'm very depressed, and-" He said and Karma threw his tests on Koro-sensei's desk. Karma had 100's and 90's. "Changing the questions didn't matter to me." Karma said. "Neither." I said and showed my tests. Everyone gathered around to see. "Whoa!" "Amazing!" "[Y/n]-chan, what's this?" Koro-sensei said while showing me an extra paper. I looked at it. "It say I'm scouted to be in A-class." I said. "Ehh!" Everyone said. "You're not seriously going to at snob class, are you?" Maehara asked. "Stay with us." Nakamura said. "Now, now, let's allow [Y/n]-chan to make her own decision." Koro-sensei said and everyone calmed down and gave me concerned looks. I sighed. 'I know who did this.' I thought to myself. Afterschool, I walked home and got a phone call from an unknown number. "Hello?" I said. "[Y/n]-chan~" I knew that annoying voice. "So you have my number now? Stalker." I said and heard him chuckle. "I'm only interested in the things you hide." Asano said. "Well, you're going to be left in suspense because I'm not talking." I said. "I hear you were scouted to be in my class. Are you coming?" He said. I just smirked and hung up in his face. ~ The morning was silent when I walked in. Everyone wanted to know my answer. If I was going to leave or stay. Everyone eyes darted to me. I sighed and walked over to the chalkboard then wrote E-Class. I circled the "E" and connected to two other words. Elimination and Execution then drew a equal sign and wrote Assassination. I circled Assassin. "I'm an assassin and I'm only here to assassinate the octopus. We're E-class and even though the other class treat us like shit, we have one mission. To killing Koro-sensei. There's no way I'm leaving this class for some snobs." I said then tore the recommendation paper in half and everyone started to smile. "[Y/n]-chan!" Irina said with anime tears in her eyes and she hugged me. "What the hell, Jelcabitch?! Get your melons out my face!" I said as everyone laughed. 'I give up.' I thought to myself.

𝔐𝔶 𝔏𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔐𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 (a xreader)Where stories live. Discover now