chapter 29~ double

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(and yes the space station episode was skipped because you have the data already-snatcherisnowblu)

"Yes! An out-of-season research project for our assassination classroom: Making an antidote for Koro-sensei." Koro-sensei announce and I sighed. "I could have done this alone." I said and Kurasuma shook his head. "This will be a class project. You only have a month and it took longer to get him in this state. I can't imagine how long it would take to get him back to normal." Kurasuma said and I sighed again. I walked over to the chalkboard and wrote down 2 formulas, one used to make Koro-sensei and the other to make me. Everyone looked in confusion. Well, except Karma, being hella smart, Isogai, and Maehara, the ones that helped me. "This is the formula used to my Koro-sensei...well..Koro-sensei. The second was used to make me." I explained, "We need to find the ingredients to reverse his and my transformation." I said and Okuda stood up in excitement. "We're using science!" She said and I nodded. "Yes, I have using a government lab for this, but since I can't do alone. I need Okuda, Maehara, and Isogai to help me in the lab. Karma, you, Kayano, Okano, and Kataoka will decipher the formula while the rest of you need to work on finding the ingredients. Got it." "Yes!" They said. I suddenly had a tingling feeling and I glared at the window. "What's wrong-" "Shh." I hushed Nagisa. I slid the documents off the teacher's desk and slid it into my bra in the camouflage suit then slid my phone in my boot, not taking my eyes off the window. Suddenly, men in dark clothing smashed through the window. They all grabbed me then slammed me against the chalkboard. "Kurasuma [Y/n] by the Ministry of Defense, you are under arrest!" One of the men said. I looked at Kurasuma in fear. "Wait! What's going on here?" Kurasuma said showing his badge. "I'm sorry, Kurasuma. This is coming from above you." The officer said. "Could at least tell use what she is being arrested for?!" Nagisa shouted while standing up. "Yeah!" Kayano said. "Yeah, that's our sister." Kohaku said while glaring and Haru growled "You all will be pulled for questioning at HQ. Take her away." The officer said and the others took me to HQ.

no one's pov:

Kurasuma took all the student along with Koro-sensei. They passed the holding chamber where you were going crazy. "LET ME OUT! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" You yelled. "Come on." Kurasuma said and the students followed while Koro-sensei stared through the window of the chamber. You continued to scream and yell until you fell to your knees coughing up blood. Koro-sensei widened. "Huh? This isn't supposed to kill me until March." You muttered and Koro-sensei's eyes widened even more. Koro-sensei used his mach-20 speed to leave HQ. Meanwhile the students were in questioning, the only students left were Karma, Isogai, and Maehara. "This is a video of the Kurasuma [Y/n] stealing very expensive weapon equipment for here in the HQ at 9:15pm last night." The officer said. "I heard the you three were the last people she was with last night when the crime happened." He continued. "Maehara and I were with [Y/n], at her home." Isogai said. "Until?" Th officer questioned. "...Until...8:30pm..." Isogai slowly said knowing he was defeated. The officer looked at Karma and was about to say something until their was a big explosion. "Red Alert! There is a disturbance in Chamber 12B! All soldiers man your stations!"' was shouted on the intercom. "Damn it. She's trying to escape!" The officer said and rushed out. Karma, Isogai and Maehara took this opportunity to escape. They left out the room to the chamber you were in. There was a big hole in the ceiling while you were glaring up in the sky.

your pov:

I glared the the impostor. "Bitch.." I mutter while she smirked at me. This girl...looked exactly like me. Long white hair, blood red eyes and the same [s/c] skin tone. I know exactly who was behind this. My mother. I glared harder as the girl said, "Come and get me." in a teasing tone. I jumped through the hole roof and she kicked me hard into a building. I went crashing through the wall into an office building. The civilians were shocked. I glared at the girl. 'She has no concern for the people around her.' I thought and got up. "Come and play, [Y/n]." The girl said and my eyes widened then she used her mach-20 speed to knee me in the gut, knocking the wind right out of me. I went crashing through the ceiling and landed on the roof of the building. The girl jumped onto the roof while I held my stomach, coughing up a little blood. "Mother said you would be strong, but I'm easily kicking your butt." She said and I glared. "Mother?" I asked and she smiled then nodded. "The woman who made me this why." She said and twirled around. I slowly stood up. "Let's take this somewhere where there are less people." I said. "Fine by me." She said. I used my mach-20 speed to run all the way to the grassy area in the mountains of the old campus. The girl was nowhere in sight. I jumped into the air and was suddenly slammed back down to the ground. "Never turn your back on your enemies." She said and I kicked her in the face. "Never give advice to you enemies." I said. She glared at me and wiped the little blood from her lips. I got in my fighting stance. She used the mach-20 speed to try and punch me in the face. I quickly dodged her attacks.

no one's pov:

Kurasuma and the E-class students ran up the mountain in the direction they saw you running in. The Ministry of Defense soldiers were following too. There was still no sign of Koro-sensei and that's what mad them why even more. "Kurasuma-sensei, you know [Y/n]-chan would never to anything in this." Kayano said. Kurasuma know, but the video was solid proof that she did it. They finally made it to the grassy plains of the mountain, and everyone was shocked. There were two of you, fighting each other. "[Y/n]?!" Kurasuma called and you and the second you looked up. "Kurasuma." You both said in unison then glared at each other. The Ministry of Defense soldiers got their guns ready. "Which one of you in the real [Y/n]?" Kurasuma said. "I am!" You both said and glared at each other again. "I think I could help figure this out." Koro-sensei said as he came out of nowhere. He had a syringe in his tentacle. Koro-sensei walked over to one of the [Y/n] and patted her head. That [Y/n] glared. "It's me, you damn octopus." She said. Koro-sensei walked over the next [Y/n]. He did the same thing, but this one's blushed turned complete red and she had a nosebleed. 'There you are.' Koro-sensei thought and was about put the syringe in your arm until someone grabbed it.

your pov:

I glared at my mother who held the syringe. "No, no, no. I will not have you turn my monster back to herself." She said. Suddenly a wolf came and bit her hand. My mother screamed in agony and dropped the syringe. It stopped in mid-air and floated over to Kohaku's hand. "We want our sister back." Kohaku said while a pack of wolves stood behind Haru. I smiled bit. "Kill them." My mother ordered and the girl nodded then charged at me brother. I tackled her to the ground. "You will not touch my brothers." I said and punched her in the face. I was retraining myself from killing her. She punched me in the face. "Goodbye." She said with a wicked smiled in her face. Her nails sharpened into daggers and she tried to stab me. I held her wrist to prevent her from stabbing me in the throat. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my pocket knife. I stabbed her in the throat, killing her. I giggled and rolled her dead body off of me. My mother glared while I glared back at her. "You will not terrorize your family anymore." I said and threw my knife, stabbing her straight in the forehead. I sighed. I felt a little guilty that I had to kill my mother, but I had to protect myself and my brothers. I grabbed my knife and cleaned it off. I walked over to the officer and pulled out my phone. I showed him the picture of me and Karma. "At 9:15, I was out at the arcade with Karma." I said and in the picture you can clearly see the time on the clock. The officer nodded and the soliders retreated. "Sensei..." Kohaku called and toss the syringe to Koro-sensei. He stunk the syringe in my arm and antidote rushed through my body as I began to turn back to normal. My [h/l] [h/c] and [e/c] eyes. Everything was back to normal. I was shocked as I ran my fingers through my hair. I smiled and hugged Koro-sensei. "Thank you, sensei." I said and he patted my head. 'Don't look at him, don't look at him.' I mentally said to myself as I let him go. "Now, let's continue to work on the antidote for Koro-sensei." I said. "Yeah!" They cheered. But I couldn't shake the feeling that Koro-sensei knew that I was close to dying.

𝔐𝔶 𝔏𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔐𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 (a xreader)Where stories live. Discover now