chapter 31~trust

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I sighed as I checked the mail. More bills to pay. I stopped at a letter for me with a government stamp on it. I raised a brow. I checked the time on my phone. "Crap! I'm going to be late." I shoved the letter in my pocket and jogged to school. I've noticed that Asano hasn't been bugging me lately. I shook the thought out of my head and rush to the old campus. I slid the door open. "SORRY I'M LATE!" I said. "Oh perfect timing. [Y/n]-chan! We're about to start our final career counseling, but first...there's something I'd like to do first. And what does one do, on such a joyous occasion? Editing." Koro-sensei said while pulling out a computer. "What for?!" We all shouted. "I'm making a year-book, of course, just for E-class." He continued. "Eh?" I said while tilting my head to the side. "Making a yearbook?" Nagisa asked. "Yes!" Koro-sensei answered. "Oh right, we did a whole-school one. With Karasuma-sensei as our teacher." Kurahashi said. "And poor Koro-sensei wasn't in a single shot." Yada said. "Actually...he popped into a few at Mach speed, just under the radar." Chiba said. "Like a ghost photo." I muttered. "Exactly! That why I want to use these photos instead." Koro-sensei said while pulling out tons of photos. "A year of unguarded moments. These treasured selfies with all of you--thirty thousand in all! Now to find our most memorable ones together." Koro-sensei continued. "When did you take all of these?" I muttered. Koro-sensei began to show off all of the embarrassing pictures of us. "And our wonderful [Y/n]-chan sing a sweet song while getting ready for bed." He said and I face-palmed. "I really need curtains." I muttered. After everyone ripped up all the embarrassing photos, we began to look at the photos from our events. "Lookie what I have." I heard Karma. I turned to see him holding a photo of me at the summer festival, singing to the children. I glared while blushing. "Give it!" I said , but Karma held itt in the air where I couldn't reach. Soon everyone came around to see it. "Ooh, [Y/n]-san looks so pretty." "We should use this one." "Yeah!" They were comment on the photo while I sulked in the corner.


After our epic photo-shoot around the world. The career counseling started. I was first. I sat in the teacher's lounge with Koro-sensei and Karasuma. "[Y/n]-chan, I understand that you're not going to high school, but what do you plan to do after you'd have to kill me?" Koro-sensei asked. I looked down at my lap. "I...don't know. I don't want to kill you, and I don't know if I want to still be an assassin. I don't now anything other than's been my whole life." I said and reached into my pocket. "This was left for me in the mail. It's from the Ministry of Defense." I said and Karasuma's eye widened a bit. 'Did you open it?" He asked and I shook my head. "I haven't yet. I was planning to." I said and opened the envelope. I quickly read the letter and my eyes widened. "Karasuma....I'm going on a mission with the FBI in America." I said with a smile. Karasuma stood up. "Really?" he asked and I nodded. "I'm leaving at the end March and will be gone for almost a year." I said and Koro-sensei placed his hand on my shoulder. "Now, you can use your blade to help protect people." He said and I nodded. "Thank you, Koro-sensei." I said and hugged him. I walked out of thee room and closed the door. "Ha Whoo!" I cheered and sighed. Now how will I tell them? My friends. I smiled even more. Thanks to Koro-sensei, I've been able to make tons of friends and experience junior high like a normal student. I have to save him. Than night, I had a uneasy feeling. I stopped my experiments and decided to pay Koro-sensei a visit with some cake. I made it to the mountain near old campus and saw my two brothers. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Karasuma told us to leave for some reason." Kohaku said. Suddenly there was a red beam that came down on the campus. My eyes widened and I dropped the cake. "SENSEI!!" I ran towards the campus. I was suddenly tackled. "[Y/n]?! What are you doing here?!" I heard Karasuma. "Sensei! Koro-sensei!" Tears began to fill my eyes. "No! Sensei!" I shouted as I tried to get away from Karasuma. "[Y/n]! Calm down! Trust me, this is for the best." Karasuma said and my eyes widened. "Y-You? You did this?!" I yelled and pushed him away. "It was my mission." Karasuma said. "You told me you would talk to the cheif about me making the antidote." I said and the beam disappear. I rushed inside the campus and saw that he wasn't in there. The window was broken through. I sighed. "Thank goodness."I said and glared at Karasuma then stomped away. I looked up and saw a barrier around the mountain. i put my hand through and it didn't do anything. "It must be an Anti-Sensei barrier. I should have known he wouldn't get far. I can't believe Karasuma betrayed me." I said. "Sensei!" I called and he used his Mach 20 speed to appear in front of me. "[Y/n]-chan?! What are you doing h-?" Koro-sensei asked and I hugged him. "I'm glad you're safe." I cried as I squeezed tighter. I got an notification on my phone. It was thee news. "Monster hold students hostage to pretend to be a teacher." I read and glared. "Ritsu! Are you here?" I said and she appeared. "I'm here." She said. "Patch me into the news, please." I said. "Roger!" She said and saluted me. "On in 3...2...1...Go!" "I am Karasuma [Y/n], solider in the Ministry of Defense Agency. This creature you think is a monster is kinder than anyone of you. All the things the media is saying about him is a lie! He doesn't want to hurt anybody and I'm going to protect him! You hear me Chief Mogina, you asshole! You're going to have to kill me first!" I said and turn off my phone, disconnecting from the media tower. My phone began to ring. It was Karasuma. "What?" I answered. "Time was up. This is the governments last resort. Within another week, they will shoot another high-powered beam that will kill him. You did your best [Y/n]. It's time to stand down." I heard him say. I chuckled and smirked. "Fuck you." I said and hung up. "Koro-sensei." I said and grabbed his tentacle. "I will get you out of this." I said and walked through the barrier then let him go. "I promise." I said and ran down the mountain, snuck past the guards and started running down the street. Until I was stopped by reporters. "You are the girl from the news." "Did you hack the system?" "Did that creature make you say that?" I glared. "That creature is the teacher of E-Class! He is the best one. So fuck off!" I said and ran to my old house. "Please be here. Please..." I muttered as I rushed down stairs to the basement. I pick up a syringe and fill it with some chemicals. "Sorry Sensei." I said and stick the syringe in my arm then the chemicals flowed threw me. I began to cough up blood and my hair turned white. I used my mach 20 speed to rush to the school's main campus. I looked in the tent and saw Karasuma holding Nagisa down. "Get off of him, you bastard!" I yelled and everyone look at me. "[Y/n]-chan..." Kayano muttered and Karasuma let him go. "Why....Why do you have to butt into what was meant for us?!" I shouted again. "This is a national po-" I slapped him. Karasuma's eyes widened as I glared at him with tears in the corner of my eyes. "National Policy, my ass. I owe my life to him, and I going to repay it. I thought I could trust you, Tadaomi, but turned out you're just another low-life company man, who follows orders like a dog." I said and used my mach 20 speed to go back home to complete my experiment. I have only a week to finish. ' will live. I promise.' I thought to myself as I used my Mach 20 speed to put ingredients together.

𝔐𝔶 𝔏𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔐𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 (a xreader)Where stories live. Discover now