future time~ koro-sensei ending

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(WAIT ISIN'T HE OLDER THAN US!!!...you know what i'll just act like this isn't here-snatcherisnowblu)

"Then go and get ready!" I heard and saw Irina run down the hallway. I leaned on the door frame of Karasuma's office. "I see Mother is at it again, Father." I said. "[Y/n]?! When did you arrive?" Karasuma asked. "I arrived this morning. Now are you going to stand there like an idiot or come and give your daughter a hug?" I said and Karasuma hugged me. After he pulled away, I smiled at him. "I've missed you, Papa." I said and he nodded. "So I heard the school was shut down." I said and Karasuma nodded. "How's Koro-sen- I mean Koro-san doing?" I asked. "Why don't you ask for yourself?" Karasuma said. "Eh?" I said. "He's now the secretary of the Ministry of Defense Agency." Karasuma said and pointed downstairs. I nodded and took the elevator downstairs to the lobby. I walked to the front desk where a busy man with dark hair and a crescent moon tie. "Please hold for a moment." He said. "You still have that lame tie, Octopus." I said and he looked at me in shock. "[Y/n]-chan?" He said. "Long time no see." I said. "What are you doing here?" Koro-sensei asked. "Well after 7 years in America, I completed my mission and decided to come home." I said. "I get off at 6. We could have dinner if you want." Koro-sensei said. "Oh~ Is my former teacher asking me out on a date?" I teased and his face turned a bit pink as he scratched the back of his head. "Well.." Koro-sensei trailed and I giggled. "I'm just joking. I'll be back here at 6." I said and Koro-sensei smiled. I didn't quite know where Koro-sensei was taking my, so I wore something semi-formal and put on a light amount of make-up. I walk through the streets to the agency until I felt someone grab my shoulder. I grabbed the person's hand and twisted it behind their back. "Ow! Ow! That's hurts, [Y/n]-chan!" The person whined. I noticed the black hair on the male. "Koro-san?" I said and I let him go. I sighed. "You shouldn't sneak up on me."I said. "Sorry." Koro-sensei said. "So where are you going?" I asked and Koro-sensei grabbed my hand. "To a place you'll love." He said and I smiled. We walked for a little while. There were girl cooing over and a few guy drooled over me for you know...my bust size. I was a bit jealous, but not as jealous at Koro-sensei. I noticed he would glare at all the guys who would look at me. I giggled. We finally made it to the eatery and my eyes sparkled. It was full of all kinds of pastries. We sat down at a table and ordered a few cakes. After we ate, Koro-sensei paid for the cakes and grabbed my hand. "Let's go." Koro-sensei said and I gave a confused look before being dragged away. We walked for what seemed like hours, talking about the past and what we have done over the years. I noticed that Koro-sensei was still holding my hand, and I blushed. We finally made it to our destination. It looked like a pile of ruble with the sign 'No Trespassing' on the gate. "What's this?" I asked. "This is the last place I saw her. My first love." He said with a saddened looked. I gave a sad smile. 'He must still love her. Yukimura-san.' I thought to myself. I let go of Koro-sensei hand and clapped my hands together then silently prayed. After I was done, looked at Koro-sensei and asked, "Why are we here?" "I wanted to show you a place that meant a lot to me." Koro-sensei said and smiled at me. "Because you mean a lot to me [Y/n]-chan." I blushed harder. "O-Oh really? I had no idea." I said while looking at my feet. "I also came here to say goodbye to my old life and Aguri because..." Koro-sensei grabbed my hand once again and smiled. "...I have a new life with a new love." He continued. My face was tomato. I couldn't find the words to speak. Koro-sensei put his other hand on my cheek and kissed me. My eyes widened a bit and I kissed him back. Of course I cared for Koro-sensei from the start. I even risked my life for him. Deep down, I knew I truly loved him.


A few weeks after me and Koro were an official couple, I returned to working for the Ministry of Defense as a secret agent. I walked through the lobby to the elevator. I had got a text from Karasuma earlier to meet him in his office. Once I met it to his door, He sat at his desk with his arms cross while Koro sat in front of him, awkwardly smiling and rubbing the back of his head. "Sit." Karasuma ordered and I did as I was told. "So...you both are dating now?" Karasuma asked. I turned and glared at Koro. "Blabber-mouth." I said and he pouted. "Yes, we are." Koro said and Karasuma sighed. "Just be sure to keep this professional while you both are at work. [Y/n], the details of your mission is here." Karasuma said and handed me a paper. "I'll go too!" Koro said while standing up. Karasume glared. "Well...he was the best assassin there was." I said and Karasuma sighed. "Fine, but if you do anything to my little girl...." Karasuma glared harshly with a dark aura around him. "I will hurt you." Karasuma continued and Koro gulped then nodded. I sighed. 'Men are hopeless.' 

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