chapter 14~a bad vacation pt.3

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I heard a gun shot which snapped me into reality. "Just so you know, this hall is completely soundproof. I'll have shot you all dead before anyone comes to save you. You know you're not prepared to kill anyone! Now come on out like good little children and bow before the boss-" The man said and I tried to shot his gun out of his hands but missed because of my blurry vision. Suddenly bright light blinded us. "Finally, a job I can sink my teeth into!" The man said and started to laugh. "Feelin' fine again today, with my tasty, tasty gun!" He said and pointed his gun in my direction. I dove and pushed down Isogai.

Isogai pov: [Y/n] pushed my down and the assassin shot through the small gap between the seats. Her head was buried in my chest and her breathing was heavy. I felt my cheeks get hot. [Y/n] look up at me and I noticed her face was pink. "Are you...okay?" She asked and my eyes widened. She's wondering if I'm okay despite having fever. I nodded. "Don't tell anyone...that I'm sick." She whispered. I nodded. Why is the putting her life on the line to save us?

Your pov: Koro-sensei start shuffling us around to confuse the assassin. (Got lazy again) We defeated the gun assassin and they taped him up. I put my gun my skirt pocket along with my knife. We continued to the top floor. My vision began to blur again and I stumbled a little. "[Y/n]-san, are you alright?" Nagisa asked. "I-I'm fine." I said and felt a hand on my forehead. "You have a fever. Did you drink too?" Karasuma asked. "I said I'm fine. This guy will pay." I said and continued walking. We approached the room and Karasuma signal us to go surround him. We were about to get him. "Itchy. The very memory makes me itch. But maybe that's why my senses have grown so much keener because my wounds are exposed to air." The man said and threw more of the switches on the floor. "I told you, I'd come prepared to kill a Mach-20 monster. I have spare detonator remotes in case on is snatched away at high-speed. Enough to press one of them if I collapse." The man said. I knew that voice and glared. "Of the people I couldn't reach, there were three assassins and on other. An insider who vanished with Ministry of Defense secret-service funds and the assassination budget. What do you think you're doing, Takaoka?" Karasuma said. "What naughty children. Coming in the back door to see you dear teacher? That's not how your good old dad raised you. Ah well. I'll have to give you some summertime tutoring." Takaoka said. "Taka...oka."I growled. "Shall we go to the roof? I've got everything ready to welcome my beloved students. You'll follow me up there, right? After all, your class is only alive thanks to my benevolence." Takaoka said and we followed. "Hiring assassins, threatening students with a virus, such atrocities. Have you gone mad?" Karasuma said. "Now, now, I am exceedingly sane. This plan will same the world. If only you'd sent those two littl'uns along to bring me the two with the bounty, my assassination plan would've gone off without a hitch. See, my plan would've used, [Y/n]? The girl. The bathtub in the my room here is filled with anti-sensei BB's. I'd have her go in there holding the target. Then I'd bury them alive in cement. For him to return to his usual form without touching those BB's, he would have to blow everything up, including his student. But he cares too much for his students to do anything so heartless! So I figure he'd just do me a favor and melt away." Takaoka said. "It gave me a fright when I learned you all came here together, but it doesn't much change what I have to do. My mood will determine how many of you leave here alive." Takaoka said. "Do you think you can away with this?"Koro-sensei growled. "It's the more humane route...compared to the inhumane way you've treated me! Their humiliating glances and the knife you tricked me with...Whenever they cross my mind, my face gets so itchy I can't even sleep at night. I'll pay back my bad evaluation with results. I'll take the humiliation I suffered and give in back in spades! You both in particular, Nagisa Shiota and [Y/n] [L/n]." He said and my eyes widened. I gritted my teeth and clutched my teeth. I had to do what he says because he has the remedy. He laughed. "Come upstairs to the heliport, both of you." He said. I felt Karasuma grab my shoulder and gave me a worried look. I grabbed of his hand. "They were going to find out sooner or later. Just in case I do something stupid or...die, I just wanted you to know..." I said and hugged Karasuma. "I love you, Papa." I said and Karasuma's eyes widened. I gave one last smile and walked into the heliport. There was a knife on the ground. Nagisa and I looked at each other. Takaoka took out a switch. "Takaoka!" Karasuma called and pointed the gun at Takaoka. "Oh, don't take this the wrong way. I don't want you interrupting my precious with these two." Takaoka said and pressed the button then the stairs to the heliport exploded. "Now no one else can come up on here. Do you understand what I'm starting too do? This is revenge for our earlier fight."Takaoka said. "Wait, Takaoka-sensei, we didn't come here to fight." Nagisa said. "I'm sure. Those dirty tricks won't work anymore. I can see myself doing you both in, just like that. Don't worry, [Y/n], I won't kill you. I'll turn you in for the 7 million yen. But it'll be over too quickly to make me feel better. So before we fight, there's something I need you both to do. Apologizes. On your hands and knees. Atone wholeheartedly for having pulled a dirty sneak attack because you lack any skill. [Y/n], you apologize for provoking your father and you accept the punishment you'll get." Takaoka said. Nagisa and I got on our knees and Takaoka got angry. "You call that your hands and knees, you rotten brats?! Head on the ground!" Takaoka yelled and we put our forehead to the ground. "I have no real skill, so pulled a dirty sneak attack. I'm sorry." Nagisa said. "I'm sorry for provoking you, Father and I accept any punishment you give me." I said. "Oh, and after that you talked back to me, and told me to get out, You even hit me." He said and stepped on Nagisa's head then mine. "Is that any way for a brat like you to talk to an adult? Is that any way for a student to talk to their teacher?!"Takaoka yelled. "We're just brats and students, and it was wrong for us to talk back to an adult, a teacher. We're very sorry." Nagisa and I said and sat up. "Now you're speaking from the heart. Your dear old dad is so pleased! As a reward, I'll let you both in on a little something. I asked Smog what happens to the people who die from that virus. He showed me some pictures. What a laugh! Their bodies, covered in boils. Faces like bunches of grapes! Wouldn't you two want like to see that?" Takaoka said and threw the case containing the remedy in the air then pressed the button. "No!" I heard Karasuma. The case exploded. My eyes widened and Takaoka laughed. " die." I muttered. "[Y/n], no!" Karasuma yelled but I was already too far gone. "Die...Die...Kill?" I said and started to laugh. I laughed instantly. "That's it! Show everyone the monster you really are! Just like your father." Takaoka said. I smiled insanely. "My father? My dead." I said and ran at Takaoka with my knife. Takaoka dodged a few attacks but I cut him across the stomach. I smiled at the amusement and licked the blood. "Your blood tastes sweet but your soul is disgusting." I said and glared at him. I winced in pain. I had a massive headache. I was going to dodge Takaoka's attacks but I wasn't fast enough. Takaoka grabbed me by my hair. "Aww, it seems like the little monster is infected too. I bet your father would be very disappointed." Takaoka said and I glared. Takaoka raised his fist and punched me in the face. I pulled out my gun and shot him in the foot. Takaoka dropped me then screamed in pain. "[Y/n]-san!"Through my blurry vision I could see Nagisa, looking at me with a worried expression. I heard a bang and felt a sharp pain in arm. I heard another bang and felt and pain in my thigh. I could see everyone looking at me. I put on a brave face and smiled. "I'" I heard Nagisa said and my eyes widened. "I'll kill you for what you did to them." Nagisa said. I slowly got up. "Nagisa-kun....don'" I said and Takaoka kicked me in the stomach. I coughed up blood. "Shut up! Don't ruin the fun!" Takaoka yelled. Something was thrown at Nagisa. It was a stun gun. "Don't be gettin' so cocky, Nagisa. I saw the pitiful way you looked at me when that medicine got blown up! Quit worryin' about other people ya dumb wimp! This virus'll go away by itsel with a good night's sleep!" Terasaka yelled. "Nagisa!" I yelled. "M-Murder is murder, even if it's garbage like him!" I said and Takaoka kicked me in the stomach again. "...Don't be a me. Who kills for pleasure, who...ugh!...wakes up every morning seeing blood stained hands.....who can't stand to live with themselves....anymore." I said. "Stop ruining the fun!" Takaoka yelled and kicked me again. "Ugh! Bastard....Nagisa-kun, take the stun gun..." I coughed up more blood. "...I don't...wanna see a dear friend turn...out like me." I said weakly. Takaoka glared and stepped on my head. I looked over to see that Nagisa had picked up the stun gun and I smiled. Takaoka clicked his tongue and pointed the gun at Nagisa. "Since you don't have a desire to kill me, I'll kill you." Takaoka said and fired the gun.

𝔐𝔶 𝔏𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔐𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 (a xreader)Where stories live. Discover now