chapter 27~ koro-sensei's life

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I clutched my fists and looked up at Kayano. "[Y/n], are you sure about this?" Isogai asked and I nodded. "She may have been acting but...I need to help her. Kayano or not, she's been with us for the year." I said. My blood red eyes glared at the crazed girl and my white hair flow behind me. I felt my teeth sharped and nail sharpen. "[Y/n]!" I saw Karasuma and my brothers. I gave him a smile then jumped in the air. "SNAP THE HELL OUT OF IT, DAMN IT!" I yelled and kicked Kayano in the face. She went flying the landed on her feet. "Get out of my way!" She shouted and tried to hit my with her tentacle. I dodged in and my eyes widened. "I can move at Mach-20 speed." i muttered and charged at her. "Kayano! You need to fight your bloodlust!" I called out to her and her tentacles wrapped around my leg. She tried to throw me aside. "I'm not done." I said and grabbed onto her tentacle. I grabbed my anti-Sensei knife and cut the tentacle. Kayano screamed and I fell off her. "[Y/n]" I heard. "I'm fine. Anti-sensei kinfe, it comes in handy." I said and Kayano tried to attack me. "Die!" She yelled. '[Y/n]-chan, help me..' I heard and nodded. "Don't worry, I'll save you, Kayano-chan." I muttered and grabbed on to her other tentacle. Kayano began to move more and I was losing my grip. 'I have no choice.' I thought and I sunk my teeth into her tentacle. I cut other tentacle and land on the ground with it in my mouth. "Gross!" I said as I split it out and charged Kayano then pinned her down. "Get go! Get me go, you psychotic sociopath! Get-" Kayano screamed and I punched her in the face. "Snap out of it, damn it! You don't think I know I'm psychotic! I'm a monster that deserves to rot in hell, but I'm still human....I....I just want our Kayano back. The girl that wanted to be my friend despite me being a bitch to her. Whether she's real or an act....I want this to go back to the way they were..." I said and tears escaped from my eyes. "I hate myself for being the way I am, and I understand you're angry at Koro-sensei. But is this what your sister would have wanted?!" I yelled and her eyes widened then filled with tears. "Koro-sensei.." I said. "Right." He said and removed the tentacles. "Whoa! You did it!" All our classmates came running. "Are you okay, [Y/n]-san?" isogai asked and I gave a smile. "I'm fine." I lied and suddenly I heard a shoot of a gun. I looked at the man on the hill. Shiro. I glared. "Useless girl. She'd give her own life for that revenge narrative of hers-you'd thought she could have do better than this. You're quite a monster." Shiro said, referring to me. Looked at the gunner, as he raised his hand the snapped. I instantly knew who it was.....Mom.

no one's pov:

[Y/n]'s eyes drew dull and lifeless. "How did you get out?!" Karasuma yelled at the gunman. "I broke her out." Shiro said. "Get him." The gunman said and with her Mach-20 speed to attack. "Not again." Nagisa muttered. 'We need to find a way to calm her.' He thought then looked at Irina. The idea hit him. "Koro-sensei, hold her!" Nagisa said and Koro-sensei did. Nagisa grabbed [Y/n] by the face and kissed her. Her eyes widened and she glared. She bit Nagisa's lip causing a stream of blood to fall down from his lip to his chin. Nagisa didn't give up so he wrapped his right arm around her waist and his left hand on the back of [Y/n]'s head to deepen the kiss.(change it to be someone else instead of nagisa if you want-snatcherisnowblu)

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[Y/n]'s face turned red as she balled her fist in his clothes then passed out. Everyone was shocked.

your pov:

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Okuda. "She's awake!" She cheered. "What the hell happened?" I groan and rubbed my head. My head was pounding and I had a weird taste in my mouth. "And why do I taste blood?" I asked. I noticed Nagisa blushing. "K-Koro-sensei was about to tell us about his past." Nagisa said. "I wanted never to talk about my past if I could help it." Koro-sensei said. "But I see I have to. I don't want to lose your trust, the bond we share. This past summer, on that southern island, Karasuma-sensei said of Irina-sensei, 'the better the assassin, the broader her skill.' I think that's relevant here. This E class is the first I've ever taught. Even so, I manged to teach you just about every subject without a hitch. Why do you think that is?" Koro-sensei said and my eyes widened. "That's right: Until two years ago, I was the assassin name known as the Reaper. And one more thing...Even if you do nothing, I'll die come March. Either I die alone or the Earth dies with me: That's the only part of the future an assassination can change." Koro-sensei said. I was in shock as Koro-sensei continued to speak about himself. "He grew up only trusting in death. Born in an ugly world of slums, the only truth he could rely on even as a child, was that if you kill people, they die. So he chose the path of an assassin. It was his calling. The mighty he killed with knowledge, The intelligent he killed with strength and skills. Those gifted with both he enticed with his personal magnetism. When he killed a thousand victims, he was given the nickname 'the Reaper.'" Koro-sensei explained and I clutched my fist. "That means...." I muttered and tears filled my eyes. "You were the one.....the reaper, we saw was a fake....You were the one coming after me and my father." I muttered and Koro-sensei nodded. "That night, you killed my partners. While you were distracted, I had a chance to escape." Koro-sensei said while looking at the ground. He looked rather guilty. I stood up with my bangs covering my eyes. "I'm done here." I muttered, everyone was confused and shocked. "But-" "I don't care! I'm done. Karasuma reassign me to a different mission." I said and ran away. I didn't know where I was running, I just wanted to get away from him. I thought I trusted him, I liked him, I cared for him. I ended up out of breath at the old campus. I walked inside and looked around the empty classroom. I felt a gust of wind come through the window."[Y/n]-chan..." The voice was Koro-sensei. "Go away, Reaper." I said throwing an Anti-sensei knife at his arm. Koro-sensei didn't even dodge it. "I...I did it for a reason.." He said and I glared. "What reason was that?! The he was so powerful that he would have killed you first?!" I yelled at him. "No...I did it because that man, you know as Shiro, was going to take your father to be the test subject. And knowing your father, I couldn't give him the chance of destroying everyone with this power. But...when I saw what I had taken away, I was overcome with guilt then I can't bare it. The little girl you were was stuck in my mind to much that I began to have poor judgement. Leading me to be captured." Koro-sensei explained. I glared down at the ground. I want to help him, but he killed my dad. I felt something on my head. Koro-sensei was patting my head, not with his tentacles, but with a hand?! I looked up and saw him reach up to take off what seemed like a helmet. Under the helmet was a human head with black hair and dark eyes. He smiled. "I'm truly sorry, [Y/n]-chan." Koro-sensei said. My eyes widened and blood rushed to my face, causing me to blush and have a nose-bleed. "K-K-Koro-sensei? What? How? Why?" I was confused. Koro-sensei just plant his finger to his lips, signaling me to keep it a secret. I grabbed his hand which had already turned back to a tentacle. "K-Koro-sensei, I want to use my knowledge to help you." I said. "[Y/n]-chan..." He said but I interrupted him. "I'm serious. By how smart I am, I don't need to go to high school. If I can just find the documents of the experiments they tested on you, I could change you human." I said. "Just don't get your hopes up." Koro-sensei said and I nodded. "If it comes down to you having to die, I will miss you." I said and hugged him. Koro-sensei was shocked. I let him go and left out the old campus. Then the idea hit me, if Shiro was conducting the experiment, then my mom used be apart if it. Why else would she be with him?


I spent most of my winter break trying to figure out how to stabilize Koro-sensei. "By the looks of it, it looks like they just put any and everything in his body." I said as I walked along the trail to the old campus. I looked up to see everyone gathered around. "Huh? What's going on?" I asked. "[Y/n]-chan, perfect timing. There's something I'd really like to discuss. I don't know if it's even possible, but let's find a way to save Koro-sensei's life." Nagisa said and I smiled. "Well, Nagisa. It seems that great minds thing alike." I said and everyone gave me a confused look.

𝔐𝔶 𝔏𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔩𝔢 𝔐𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 (a xreader)Where stories live. Discover now