chapter 4~going to kyoto

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I leaned back in my chair while listening to music. I notice Kayano walking over and started talk about something. I took off my headphone. "What?" I asked. "Do you want to be in our group for the trip next week?" She asked with a smile. I shrugged. "Sure." I said. 3rd person Pov: [Y/n] place her headphones back on, ignoring what Koro-sensei had to say about the trip. Kayano happily walked over to Nagisa. "It's your lucky day, I convinced [Y/n] to be in our group." Kayano said then whispered in to his. "This why you can get closer to her. I know you like her." She said and Nagisa blushed a little. "W-What are you talking about?" Nagisa stuttered shyly making Kayano giggle. Karma sat in the background listing to their conversation and a smirk grew on his face. 1st person POV: I sat in Karasuma's class. "As you know, next week is our two-night school trip to Kyoto. Not to put a damper on your enthusiasm, but you're still on duty." Karasuma said and I sighed. 'I never get a break.' I thought to myself. "You mean assassinate him there?" Okano asked. "Precisely. Kyoto is far larger and more complex than this school, and you'll be moving in groups that he'll be following. It's an ideal location for snipers. The government has already arranged for sharpshooter to join you. If they succeed, they'll share the ten billion base on the degree of their contribution. Be sure to pick assassination-friendly tour routes." Karasuma said. "Yes, sir." Everyone said. After the bell rung, we went inside. "[Y/n]-san, you're in Nagisa's group too?" Sugino asked and I nodded. "Hey, Karma, want to be in my group too?" Nagisa asked. "Yeah, okay." Karma said. "You sure about that, Karma? You won't be pickin' fights and gettin' into trouble on our trip, right? And you and [Y/n]-san can get along?" Sugino said. Karma wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I didn't notice the 2 guys glaring at him. "No sweat, [Y/n]-chan and I will be the best of friends. Beside, when I fight offsite, I make sure to silence any witnesses the whole thing stays hush-hush." Karma said and showed and picture of him and his recent victims. "Same here. More or less." I said with an evil smirk.

 The day has come to go to Kyoto. I waited with my group and watched at A through D class get on first class. I caught a clear view of Asano smirking at me and I glared at him. "Those are the rules at our school and they were explained when you came here." The shithead teacher said. "Students with exceptional grades get priority use of school funds." I knew that shithead. "Oi shithead! Didn't I already teach you a lesson?! Do I have to beat you, now?!" I yelled with rolling up my sleeves and he got scared. "No, [Y/n]-chan, you can't do that." Nakamura said while Maehara and Sugaya held me back. "Do pardon her. Greeting, students." Irina said while walking over to us. "Bitch-sensei, what's with the Hollywood starlet look?" Maehara asked. "It's a given for any assassin who uses her womanly wiles. A good woman doesn't neglect fashion just because she's traveling." Irina said as Karasuma walked over behind her. "You stick out like a sore thumb. Go change. That's not what a teacher chaperone looks like." Karasuma said. "Don't be so strict, Karasuma! These brats are going on a grown-up trip-" "Take off. Now." Karasuma growled scaring nearly everyone. "Who's chaperoning who?" I muttered and sat in my seat next to Nagisa. "The train's left the station...but where's Koro-sensei?" Sugino asked. I looked out the window and yelped. "Why are you stuck to the window, Octopus?!" I yelled. "Well, I was buying snacks in the station and was late boarding, so I'll tag along like this till the next station. Oh, and don't worry, this camouflage just make it look like my clothes and luggage are stuck onto the train." Koro-sensei said. "That's not normal in the slightest!" Nagisa yelled. After a while, me and my group started play cards until I received a from Asano. 'How does sitting in coach feel?' I glared at my phone and shoved it in my pocket. "Hey, I'm going on a drink run. Who wants what?" Kanzaki asked. "Oh, I'll come too, too." Okuda said. "Me too." Kayano said and got up. "I'll go for protective reasons." I said and we all walked. Kanzaki bumped into a high-school guy. "Excuse me." She said as we walk by. I turned and shot the guy a glare before continuing walking.

Arriving at Kyoto, my class had stay in a old traditional inn. I learned that Koro-sensei has motion sickness. I sighed and sat down. "I'm tired." I muttered and relax in the chair. I felt my phone vibrate. "Hello?" I answered. "Hi there, [Y/n]-chan~" I heard and glared then instantly hung out. "Annoying bastard." I muttered and went to take a bath. The next day, my group went sightseeing for a bit. I actually enjoyed myself for the first time in a while. We started making our at through an alleyway. "You guys go ahead, I'm going to eat one [fav. snack]. I'll catch up." I said and went to the food stand. After I got my food and ate, I started walking in the direction of the next location. I felt my phone vibrate and I answered the call. "Hel-" "[Y-Y/n]-chan! Help! W-We were attack!" Okuda said in a panic. "Alright, I'm on my way." I said and went through a familiar alleyway. I looked to my left and saw 3 bodies on the ground. "[Y/n]-chan!" I heard Okuda's voice and saw her running over to me. "S-sorry I was scared so I hid." She said while trembling. She remind me of when I was young, so fragile and scared. I hugged her. Her eyes widened. "You're safe now, there's no need to be scared anymore." I said and rubbed her back. I pulled away and went to check on the others. "Nagisa-kun. Sugino-kun." I called while shaking booth of them. "[Y../n]-chan?" Nagisa said and sat up. "You're alright. Thank goodness." I said and patted Nagisa's head. He blushed a bit. "Are you alright, Sugino-kun?" I asked and he nodded. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." He said and I nodded. I walked over to Karma. "Karma-kun, are you alright?" I asked and he nodded. "Thank goodness." I said with a smile. The reason I was smiling to much is because I was beyond pissed. "If you'll excuse me, I have to bash some skulls in." I said with a creepy smile and started walking. I didn't notice my group mates slowly following me. Me, being an assassin, already knew the type of place they would go. Somewhere away from people, a hideout where no one hardly walks by. I found it. I was a hideout with a white van in front of it. I walked to the door where there were 4 guys. "Who the hell are you?" One of them asked and I didn't respond. They could sense the dark aura around me as I glared at them. "O-Oi, answer, bitch!" Another yelled. "What's you're dea-" The other said and grabbed my shoulder. I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder then bent his arm backward. He screamed. This was so amusing to me, I couldn't help but smile when I heard the satisfying pop of a broken arm. 2 of them came at me at one time. I roundhouse kicked one of them and elbowed the other in the face. I kicked the last guy in the face and broke his leg. "Aww. No fun." I said and walked inside. There were 11 of them. I smirked. "No problem." I muttered and casually walk over. "I'll be taking my friends now." I said. "[Y/n]-chan!" Kayano said with joy. The leader laughed. "Really? Against 11 of us. What are you going to do kill us with your tits?" He said and I glared. "I guess you don't have the balls to hit a girl." I said "We'll kill you!" He said and tried to punch me. I blocked it and head-bud him in the nose. He stumbled back. "Bitch!" He yelled and I punched him in the face. "How boring." I said and all of them came at me. I knocked the wind out of a few of them when I kicked the in the stomachs. I felt something come in contact with my head and blood start rolling down my cheek. One of the guys had a lead pipe. "You know, something like that could have killed me, right? So that means I can kill you." I said and kicked the pipe out of his hands then kicked him in the crotch. I reached for the pipe and hit him in the back of the head, hard enough for a concoction. I also hit the guy who was sneaking behind me, knocking some of his teeth out. There were 2 guys left, one of them took the first move and ended up getting kicked in the face. Then it was me and the leader left. He tried to land and a punch but I dodged them. "[Y/n]-chan, look out!" I heard and got distracted. The leader punched me in the face and the guy I kick hit me in the rib with the pipe. I glared at them and tackled the guy with the pipe then snatched it from him. "Enough. With. The. Pipe!" I yelled and hitting him repeatedly in the face with the weapon. I didn't stop until I saw blood. I turned and hit the leader with the pipe as well. All of them we're down, I slowly walked over to Kayano and Kanzaki to untie them until I felt a sharp pain in my arm. The leader stabbed me with a pocket knife. I screamed in pain then pulled out my knife and stabbed his leg. He screamed in agony then fell to the ground. I gave a crazed smiled. "That's it scream like the bitch you are." I growl and stabbed him in the other leg then I stabbed his arm. I slowly took my knife out and caught a clear view of the blood. "You're blood is pretty. It's too bad, I have to let you live. I should kill you for hurting my friends." I said with a smile and wiped my bloody knife on his jacket. "If you come over my friends again, I will not hesitate to slit your throat." I said and went to free my friends. "[Y/n]-chan, thank you! You even called us your friends." Kayano said and hugged me. I blushed at bit. "I-I guess we're friends." I muttered. "Sorry, you both had to see that. I-I'm a monster." I said and looked down. "I wouldn't call you a monster. Just lustful person, bloodlust to be exact." I heard Karma's voice. "Have you guys been there the whole time?" I asked and they nodded. I sighed. "Let's go." I said and we all started walking back to the inn. "Are you alright, [Y/n]-chan?"' Kayano asked and I nodded. Once we got to the inn, I saw everyone in the lobby. "Where were you guys?! We were going worried!" Nakamura asked. "We ran into trouble." Nagisa said and nervously laughed. I vision started to get a little blurry. "[Y/n], are you alright?" Karasuma asked. "You don't need to turn of protective dad mode. I'm...fine. Really I'm" I said and my whole world turned black. 

3rd person POV: [Y/n] fainted and her body made contact to the floor. Everyone went silent for a moment then began to panic. Karasuma rushed over to the girl on the floor and notice she was tracking blood inside. Karasuma pulled [Y/n]'s sleeve up upwards and saw a stab wound on her arm. He then noticed the blood dripping from her head. "Isogai, get the first aid kit!" Karasuma ordered. "What happened?" He asked the 6 students that were with her. "T-There were high-school students that kidnapped Kayano-san and Kanzaki-san. [Y/n]-san went to save them and got hurt." Sugino said. Isogai handed the kit to Karasuma. Karasuma tended to the girl's wounds. "Is she okay?" Kanzaki asked and Karasuma nodded. "She'll be fine in the morning." Karasuma said and picking up the [Y/n] bridal style then took her to her room.

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