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xxiii. to hell...
( season four, episode twenty-five )

CASE after case, it was always something different. Something new. This time, a man ran his car into the border patrol and claimed he had killed a bunch of people. "His name is William Hightower," JJ stated. "He claims over the past month he's picked up ten people off the streets of Detroit, killed them, dumped their bodies across the border in Canada."

"Has he given up the dump site?" Prentiss asked.

"He said he'll only talk to the FBI," JJ replied.

"He just gave himself in," Lyra signed, eyebrows furrowed. UnSub's who did that, they had god complexes, they wanted recognition for their crimes. This guy, on the video, did not strike her as that type. JJ just nodded and half shrugged.

"Do we have confirmation these people are even missing?" Reid asked.

"Two were reported missing by family months ago, but they all appear to be transients. We're having a rough time finding any information on them," JJ said.

"Garcia," Hotch said.

"Like a bloodhound, sir," Garcia said, finishing her notes and heading off to start looking.

"So, what do we know about this guy?" Morgan asked.

"Until two months ago, he was a sergeant in the US army," Hotch answered. "He did two tours in Iraq. Lost his left leg in a roadside ambush. He was discharged with a Purple Heart and a commendation for valor."

"And the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are requesting our help?" Reid inquired.

"They don't have a lot of choice."

"Yeah, but the RCMP?" Lyra signed. As much as Canada and the States were confederated, well, America did not play well with others. The entire world knew that. If they wanted their help, this had to be an interesting case.

Lyra did not actually have a problem with Canadians, but a lot of her experience with them was Logan (who was a dick to Scott, but he seemed nice enough). Her other basis was Deadpool... enough said. Sabretooth could go on the list too, in fact. If she were alone, the sheer thought of him would make her face scrunch up. She would never be forgiving him for what he did to Ororo.

"He manages to get away with ten murders, why crash the guard post?" JJ asked.

"It could be an attempted suicide and maybe he was trying to take as many people with him as he could," Prentiss theorized.

"It may also be a case of post-traumatic stress disorder," Rossi said.

"I don't know," Hotch said.

"Do we think he's legit?" Morgan asked.

"I think it's too many bodies to take chances," Hotch said in reply.

On the plane, they went over what they knew. "He documented them all in detail," JJ said, looking through the copies of the files Hightower had with him when he was apprehended. "Names, photos, dates, and locations where he took them."

"Military background, he's bound to be organized," Morgan said.

"He definitely doesn't have a type," Rossi said.

"The only consistency is that they were all abducted from the same area," Reid noted.

"Yeah, what do we know about that?" Prentiss asked.

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