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lxv. the favour
( season seven )

AZAZEL appeared in Lyra's home in an instant. The sun was just starting to rise, barely lighting up the floor of the room from the window. Azazel stood in the shadow of the room, his only movement an ominous swing of his devil-tail, only the glow of his eyes visible at his imposition.

"Are you going to do this every morning?" Lyra signed in question, lazily glancing at him, her cup of coffee on the table in front of her.

"You have use for me," Azazel deadpanned.

Lyra stared back at him. "Yes. I suppose I do," she signed after a moment. "Emma wants to see me."

"Bad news?" Azazel taunted.

"Worse, she's cashing in a favour," Lyra signed, standing and quickly downing the remainder of her coffee. "It can't be good if she can't force Sebastian Shaw to do it."

Azazel offered out his hand with a smirk. Lyra took it, and the next second the two found themselves at the Hellfire Trading Company building in New York. The daunting marble staircase that led upstairs to Emma Frost's office taunted them, making them seem small in comparison. Lyra was certain it was a purposeful design on Emma's part.

Lyra made her way up, Azazel trailing after her like a lost puppy (if a puppy was from hell). They entered Emma's office, where she was standing looking down at the city from the window.

"Lyra, how lovely to see you, as always, darling. I see you've brought a pet along," Emma said, turning to face the other woman.

"He's not- Never mind. What do you need?" Lyra signed.

Emma sighed and gestured for them to sit. Only once they did did she sit down as well. "I need an errand ran. I was promised some property in exchange for staying out of his way, and I have yet to receive my end of the deal," she said.

"His?" Lyra repeated.

"Have you heard of Doctor Doom?"

Lyra believed only two types of people put the word 'doom' in their aliases: edgy teenagers, or people with a dangerous god complex. Doctor Doom, from what she knew, was the latter. Most knew of the infamous Victor Doom, who had declared himself king of his birthplace Latveria. He did not technically apply to her categories with his last name being Doom, but she decided he would have chosen the name regardless.

Azazel and Lyra teleported to Doomstadt, Latveria, at the bottom of a hill up to the castle. Lyra was reading about the country on her phone as they trekked the long walk up the hill. To her surprise, the small country was one of the top ten wealthiest countries and there was virtually no crime when she looked at the statistics. While she did not approve of all of Victor Doom's methods, they had their uses for him.

The sun was setting, a stark contrast from across the ocean. Lyra got a call, to her surprise. Emma was on the other end when she answered. Lyra made sure to put it on speaker so Azazel could hear and translate her signs for her. She handed him the phone.

"Oh, Lyra darling, one last thing. I failed to mention I promised Victor Doom some outside aid."

"Are you serious?" Lyra signed for Azazel to say out loud.

"Don't pretend you didn't expect it. You know me, Lyra. There's always a twist. Good luck!" With those words, Emma hung up the phone. Lyra shared a look with Azazel. She took back her phone from him and they proceeded to make their way up to the front gates of the castle. It was not clear how to get anyone's attention. She was aware of Doctor Doom's genius level intellect. He must know, through some means, of their arrival.

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