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After a long weekend off, having finished unpacking all your boxes, you wake up and get ready for your first day at work. You knock on Stella's bedroom door.

"Stella? Stella, wake up..."

She growls and turns her head towards you.

"Hmm, what time is it?"

"It is 7:30."

"Why did you get up so early?"

"Because it's my first day..."

"Oh yes, it's true, I completely forgot, good luck." She hugs you.

"Thank you very much. See you tonight."

You're only a few yards away from work, you're looking at your watch, and you're way ahead of schedule, so you decide to stop by a van.

"Hello, little lady, what can I do for you?"

"Hello, I'll get you a coffee and a peach cake please"

"Here we go! Are you from around here?"

"I just got here not too long ago, but I can say it's very nice... I really like this city..."

"I can tell you won't be disappointed, you'll see"

"I'll take your word for it."

You're going through your pocket, in your purse to find your wallet, but obviously, you forgot it.

"Oh no!!! But what a fool I am!!! That's not true!! I'm sorry, I'll have to cancel the coffee and cake..."

"No, let me, I'll pay..."

How long has he been here?

"Well, same cake, same coffee..."

"Really? I didn't know you liked the same thing I did, Mr. Barber..."

"You know you can call me Andy, you don't have to call me Mr. Barber..."

"Sorry, I can't help it... after what happened at the gala, I'll never forgive myself."

"Don't worry... I had a lot of fun, even when you said I was a grumpy 50-year-old."

Oh, that's not true, he put it back on the table...

You're blushing.

"And here are two coffees and the cakes..." He hands them to you

"Thank you..." You both say it at the same time as it makes you laugh.

You head to where you're going to work, he shows you around, shows you your office that's right next to his. You take the opportunity to talk a little until Andy gets a phone call.

"Alison, you're about to start your first investigation... I just got a call about a murder near a lake."

"Okay, I'm ready."

You head to the exit and take the car towards the crime scene. You come in and you wear your badges, and you walk to the crime scene.

"Is it gonna be okay, Alison?" Worried look because your right hand is shaking.

"Yes, don't worry..." You take a breath of air and try to calm your tremors.


You go around to see the cause of death and everything that goes with it. After more than half an hour, you go back to the office and start the file. Andy had noticed that you weren't very comfortable when you were in the field.

"Alison? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm having trouble understanding some of the points in this file, but don't worry I'm fine..." You try to pin a picture on the board but you drop the papers on the floor, Andy does not hesitate to help you to pick them up, unfortunately, he saw a scar on your right arm. Put your sleeve back in place.

"Alison, you should go home..."

"No, I can hold on, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna go get some coffee and get back on it."

After you get your coffee, you go back to work, the hours go by and you're still on file, you're the only person left in the building. At last, almost alone. Andy sees you asleep on your desk. He sketches a light smile and shakes slightly so as not to rush you.

"Alison, you should go home." He's whispering.

"Hmm, five more minutes, Stella..." You're mumbling.

He laughs. You wake up suddenly, and you realize how stupid you are.

"Oh sorry, Andy, I fell asleep..."

"It's okay, I'll take you home."

"But... what about the file?"

"We'll finish it tomorrow, don't worry, it won't fly away"

You put the last papers in the pouch and you put the file in the drawer. After you close the door to your office, you leave and Andy takes you home.

"Thank you so much, Andy, have a good night."

"You too, Alison." He kisses your cheek. You're starting to get out of the car "Alison?"


"If anything goes wrong, tell me..."

"All right, I'll be sure..."

You walk into the apartment and you don't see anyone, you look in Stella's room, and you see her asleep, you smile. You close his door and go to your room to sleep.

Tomorrow will be another day...

Your phone's ringing. Ransom.

"Hello, angel."

"I thought you were supposed to call me on Friday..."

"Yeah, uh, sorry, I completely forgot..."

"It's nothing, I don't blame you."

"How are you doing?"

"It's been a rough day, but it was pretty cool..." You put your hand on your face.

"My brother must have been a little boring, right?" He's giggling.

"No, he was very nice."

"Good then. Tell me, how about a romantic dinner tomorrow night?"

"Yes, why not..." You smile.

"Tell me, why were you sad at the gala?"

Oh no... I don't have to tell him... should I?

"Um, I... had an old memory that came back and hurt my feelings..."

"Want to tell me more?"

"I was with my ex-boyfriend and I had been to a party, but that party didn't go as planned..."


"And unfortunately, that night for me turned into a nightmare..." Your tears run down your face.

"I'm so sorry..."

"No, don't be... The past is the past... I've moved on. But that memory still remains in my memory." You sniff and wipe your tears.

"Do you want me to come and see you?"

You smile stupidly. "You don't know my address..."

"Are you sure about that?"

He must have looked at the invitation...

"No..." You laugh. "I should go rest..."

"All right, call me or send me a message if you're not okay..."

"Thank you, Ransom... good night."

"Good night, Ali."


Notes from Alicia:

Hey guys, hope you will like this short passage. Alison, what are you going to do with Ransom and Andy? 

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