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The next morning, you wake up and get ready. You go to Stella's room to wake her up, but you know she couldn't sleep because of the stress and she doesn't want to leave you alone with this dangerous psychopath around. She packs her last few things and takes them with her, you leave a note on the door of your apartment in case Ransom comes by and you leave for the hospital.
"I don't want to do this surgery Ali, I'm too scared..." She starts to panic and cries.
You get up from your seat and come and sit by her hospital bed, you take her in your arms.
"Shhh, it's okay... I'm here." You stroke her back to comfort her.
There's a knock on the door, Ransom comes in with two bouquets of flowers, a bunch of white roses for Stella and red roses for you.
"Can I come in?"
You turn your head and give her a slight smile.
He saw my little note...  How I love him...
Stella steps back and wipes away her tears. "Oh thank you so much Ransom, you didn't have to..."
"I'll put them in the vase for you. And for you, where do I put them?" He smiles at you.
"I'll take them, thank you very much Ranny." You kiss him.
Someone knocks on the door. "Hi Stella, I'm Dr. Harrison, I'll be taking care of you. My team will be here to pick you up in a few minutes... You can accompany him to the door that leads to the operating room. Do you feel ready?"
She takes a deep breath and looks at me. You nod your head.
"Yes, I'm ready to fight." She lies down a little more in her bed. "Mr. Harrison this is my best friend, Alison, she is lovely.... I love her, she's like my sister. Believe me, if I don't come back, she's going to eat you alive." You and Ransom start laughing along with the doctor.
"See you in a minute Stella." He leaves.
"He's kind of cute..." You wink at him.
"Yeah, you're not wrong... I'm going to hit on him before the operation..." The three of you start laughing.
The time has come for Stella, to go for surgery. You accompany her to the door as agreed. You do not let go of Stella's hand.
"You can't go any further, I'm sorry..." You look at her and hug her one last time before she leaves for surgery. You have tears in your eyes.
"Don't cry, please. I'll be back, and I better." You laugh as you cry. "Watch over her, and take care of her, promise?"
"I promise. She'll be safe with me and Andy. He winks and they high-five.
"We'll have to go. Don't worry, we'll call you when it's over." You see her one last time before the doors close. You start crying again and Ransom takes you in his arms and comforts you.
"Don't worry, it'll be okay... She's strong."
After a hard goodbye, you both go back into the apartment and get some rest. You are in your bed, and he strokes your back with his finger.
"I'm afraid for her Ranny.... If anything bad ever happens to her, I'll never forgive myself..."
"Hey, don't worry... It'll be okay..." He hugs you. "I'm here..." He kisses your shoulder before turning around and kissing you.
"I think she likes you." You smile.
"Really?" He raises his eyebrows.
"Yeah, you two seem to get along well." You chuckle.
You get up to grab a vest and sit back down on the bed with a large box in your hand. He gets up with his hair in a mess.
"What's that?" He frowns.
"A present for you..." You hand him the box. "I didn't know when to give it to you so I figured why not now..." You chuckle.
"I didn't know you were so romantic... Thank you so much." He kisses you.
"Oh, you know, it's no big deal..."
He begins to untie the knot and opens the lid. He smiles slightly.
"How did you know I liked that knitted sweater?" He looks at you.
"Um, I don't know a hunch..." You pretend not to know. "Oh, and it doesn't just have a sweater in it..."
"A second one?"
"No... Look and see..." He removes the paper and discovers a smaller box. He opens it and discovers two necklaces with your names on them. "This way we have one each... and we'll think of each other." You look at each other. He embraces you. "I really like this necklace, thank you angel."
I don't know if he understood what it meant, but he certainly appreciated it... You are my guardian angel Ransom... My ray of hope… My joy of living…
“I love you Ransom Hugh Drysdale…” You shed a tear.
He chuckles and wipes your tear. “I love you too Alison…”
“Clark... Alison Rose Clark.” You smile. You kiss each other.
You hear your phone ringing. You turn around, it's the hospital.
"Miss Clark?"
"Yes, it's me..."
"Yes, this is Dr. Harrison, I need you to come to the hospital immediately."
"Is it anything serious?"
"Come and see me as soon as you can, I'll be waiting for you in the hall..."
"All right, I'm coming..." You hang up and lower your head.
"Is Stella okay?" He moves closer to you and places his hands on your shoulders.
"It sounds serious, the doctor wouldn't answer my question..."
"Let's go... "
A few minutes later, you arrive at the hospital hand in hand with Ransom. The doctor as agreed is waiting for you in the lobby.
"Miss Clark, I need to talk to you about your friend Stella... Come to my office, we will be quieter..."
"I'll be right back."
"Okay, I'll be right there" You let go of her hand and leave with the doctor. You arrive at his office, he lets you in.
"Is Stella okay?"
"The surgery went pretty well but unfortunately she's in a coma..."
"How did it go?" Your leg starts to shake.
"The tumor in her kidneys has affected her other organs like her lungs and liver. Unfortunately, we will still have to operate on her to be able to remove this malignant tumor completely."
Tumor? She never mentioned it to me... She was too afraid to tell me so that I would not be hurt. Oh Stella...
Tears begin to fall as you know she won't be coming home right away.
"I'm sorry about your friend. You can go see her if you want..."
"I don't feel like I can... I don't feel very well excuse me..." You run out of the office and go down the hallway so you can breathe but you are crying so hard you don't want to lose her. You grab your phone and call Ransom.
"Yes, angel?" He hears you sobbing. "Angel, where are you?"
"Upstairs..." He hangs up and leaves to find you. He finds you on the floor with your hands on your head and your head down.
"Ranny..." You cry as he takes you in his arms.
"She'll be okay, I'm sure." He strokes your back and kisses the top of your head.
You leave to see Stella in her hospital bed. You take her hand.
"Hey Stella, it's me it's Alison.... You may not be able to hear me, but I know you're going to make it, you're a fighter. Please hang in there..." You squeeze her before you let go and kiss her on the forehead before leaving with Ransom.
Please Stella, stay alive...
Yeah, this one is hard, I shed a tear...😢
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Alicia ♡

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