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You wake up, the pain remains bearable. You try to sit up, but you don't see Ransom next to you but asleep on the chair, which makes you smile. You get up slowly to avoid more pain and try to approach him. You kiss him on the forehead. He opens his eyes. 
"Ali, what are you doing awake?" He gets up and comes to put you back in bed. 
"I...needed...to walk..." You are in pain when you walk. 
"Okay, here goes..." He sets you down on the bed and puts his hand on your cheek. "How do you feel despite the pain?" 
"Better than yesterday... I've regained my strength." You smile and he kisses you. 
"Ahem." He turns and sees his brother, leaning against the door, arms crossed. "Hey bro..." 
"Andy..." You take his hand and squeeze it. 
"How are you doing Ali?" "I'm fine..." Ransom and Andy give each other a cold look.
"Boys, I don't want you to get mad at me... Please... I love you both and I don't want you to fight over this whole who's the father or not..." 
"I just want to be happy, at least once... so please stop fighting over it. Just be happy for me..." 
"Sorry Ali. I'm sorry I reacted like that, come here brother..." He takes him in his arms. You smile slightly. The doctor enters "Hi Alison, the police would like to talk to you regarding the assault." 
"Oh yes, they can come in." 
"We're waiting for you outside." Ransom kisses your forehead and Andy smiles at you, they start to walk out. "Doctor, can they stay with me?" They both turn around. "I would feel safer talking." "I'll ask but otherwise yes." 
Two police officers arrive to talk to you. You explain the situation to them, and they take your complaint. After a few minutes, they inform you that Ricky won't be able to hurt you anymore and that he will be found guilty of assault. They leave you with Andy and Ransom. The doctor comes back to give you some good news, you can go home, rest, and don't make any sudden movements. 
Ransom had packed some things for you. He passes them to you and you try to change. Andy leaves to get the car ready. Ransom stays with you to get you dressed. He sees the bruises on your body 
"Oh Ali, what did he do to you?" You can see he feels sorry for you
"I've been through worse..." You chuckle slightly. He pulls your shirt over you and puts his hands on your stomach. 
"If you knew how happy I am to have a child..." You laugh with tears in your eyes. He puts his hands on your cheeks and wipes away your tears. 
"Let's go home." 
You walk out of the hospital, heading to Ransom's house. 
"I'll come by tomorrow. Get some rest, Ali." He winks at you before closing the window and leaving. 
"Oh, I hate you, big brother." He sighs.
"No you don't hate him..." You laugh. 
He hugs you. "Ranny, what are you doing?" You giggle. 
"I'm carrying you all the way into the living room so you don't get hurt and strain." He giggles with you and carries you to the front door. He opens the door with his foot. 
"Don't you ever close your door?" 
"Um... let's say I closed the door last night because I was worried about you..." He smiles at you. 
"Aww Ranny..." You place your hand on his cheek. 
He sets you down on the couch and goes to get you a sweater and a blanket. He comes back with the sweater, puts it on the corner of the couch, covers you with the blanket and sits next to you. 
"There's something missing here..." You look around the living room. 
"A tree."
"Oh no! No tree!" He crosses his arms and shakes his head.
"Why?" You raise your eyebrows.
"It's too complicated to decorate..." 
"But I'll help you position the decorations... Do me a favor, please..." You make your puppy dog eyes. 
"Okay, fine." He sighs.
"YES!!!" You laugh.
The day passes and the evening is peaceful. He makes your dinner, makes sure you're okay, and you start watching TV until you fall asleep on top of him. He puts you down on the bed, gets ready for bed, and comes to lie down next to you. He kisses you and puts his hand on your stomach. "Good night my angels." 
You are gently awakened by Ransom stroking your cheek. "Good morning sweetheart..." 
"Good morning my loving Ranny..." 
"How do you feel?" 
"Good. Ow!" 
"Let me see..." He lifts your shirt. "Hold on, I'll get some ice." He comes back with the ice, places it gently on your bruises. You grit your teeth and clutch the sheets. 
"Sorry honey." 
"It's okay, it's okay... Don't worry about it." You giggle. He kisses you. 
"Come on, I'll take you with me to the bathroom..." He starts to take you in his arms, lets you undress and you get into the tub. 
He takes care of you when he washes you. You have your head on your lap. You try not to scream from the pain. After a relaxing bath, he dresses you and takes you to the living room. 
"Ransom, I can try to walk..." He sets you down on the floor but stays close to you in case of trouble. 
You walk slowly, to the couch, Ransom is behind you. You lose your balance a little, but you catch yourself. You reach the sofa and sit down quietly.
"I made it..." You both smile. There is a knock on the door, Ransom goes to open it. "Bro, how are you?" 
"Good, is Alison awake?" 
"Yeah yeah she's here..." Ransom and Andy approach the living room. "Hello Ali..." He kisses your forehead. 
"Good morning Andy, what's the news at work?" 
"You're already talking about work when you just got out of the hospital?" Ransom crosses his arms. 
"I just wanted to know because before I was attacked, we had an open case..." 
"The case was closed, the person was found guilty and no cases for a while..." 
"What about Ricky? Aren't you handling his case?" 
"Yes, but you won't be able to handle it since you're in it... Only me and Duffy will be able to handle it." 
"Oh... okay..." You nod and lower your head. Ransom comes to sit next to you, and strokes your back. "Better get some rest, think about you and the baby..." 
"Ransom is not wrong... You'd better take care of yourself..." Andy sits on the other corner of the couch and puts his hand on your knee. You smile slightly. 
"Today, we're going to take care of you two." Ransom looks at you and places his hand on your stomach. 
You spend the day having fun, you are like a little family. You cook together, play games, enjoy the pool and take pictures. 
"We should plan something for Christmas... What do you boys think?" 
"I agree... Andy?" 
"I agree..." 
You sigh. "It'll just be missing someone..." You lower your head and twiddle your thumbs. 
"Hey..." They both come and sit next to you. "Stella will be fine... I'm sure of it and certain..." Andy smiles at you and they both kiss you on both cheeks. "Thank you boys, you are cheering up a little..." You chuckle and start to get up and head to the backyard. 
"Hey where are you going?" Ransom starts to turn his head
"I need to go to the garden, clear my head a little..." 
"We can come with you..." Andy holds him back.
"I'll be fine, don't worry, just give me a few minutes and I'll be back." 
"Okay..." He nods his head.
You walk out into the backyard, sit on the deck chair and start crying. They hear you crying and come to you. You sob. They both hug you. After a few minutes, the three of you go back into the house, your phone starts ringing and you go to answer it. 
"Mrs. Clark?" 
"Yes?" You turn around looking at Andy and Ransom. 
"Yes, this is Dr. Harrison, I have some good news for you, regarding Stella." 
"Hey beautiful..." Stella's voice, makes you happy and makes you cry.
"Hi..." You wipe away your tears. "How are you feeling?" 
"A little stunned but hearing your voice makes me feel happier. I can't wait to see you..." 
"Me too." You giggle. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" 
"See you tomorrow, mommy-to-be." 
She laughs. "See you tomorrow, future godmother... Have a good night, doctor. Thank you so much..." She hangs up and leaves to join Andy and Ransom. 
"What's up? Ali?" 
"She woke up... and she talked to me..." She giggles. 
"That's great! Ali, you get to see her tomorrow..." 
"Yes..." Ransom kisses you tenderly. 
"Come on, let's get some rest..." Andy kisses you on the cheek. "You can sleep here Andy." 
"Yes stay with us brother..." 
The three of you go to bed. You feel safe with them and fall asleep peacefully between the two brothers. Tomorrow will be an emotional day as you are happy to see your best friend back. 
Notes from Alicia:
Hey everyone, I hope you're okay.
Here is a beautiful part with Andy, Alison et Ransom.
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