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*POV of Ransom*
I wake up feeling great, I can't find Alison, I head outside, I see her asleep on the outdoor couch.
She's so cute when she sleeps. She looks like an angel, she's my little angel.
I crouch down and shift her chestnut hair to kiss her cheek. She opens her eyes and looks at me with a smile.
"Hello beautiful..." I stroke her cheek.
"Hello Ranny..." She replies as she stands up.
"A new nickname?" I raise my eyebrows.
"I like it, otherwise I would have called you Hugh but-" She giggles before I interrupt and kiss her.
"Don't you want to take another day off?"
"Your brother will go crazy if I don't come back... I'll go get ready..." She gets up and leaves in the direction of the bathroom.
After taking your shower, you go downstairs and see Ransom in the kitchen. You cross your arms.
"Well, that smells amazing..." You smile at him.
"It's not much, but at least I thought you'd like it..." He puts the plates on the work surface.
You sit down on the stool and start eating. You close your eyes.
"Isn't it good?" He looks at you with a worried expression.
You smile and open your eyes again. "It's very good... I've never had a great breakfast..." You chuckle.
A phone rings, yours.
"It's your brother, I answer it, and I’ll be right back." You head out into the garden.
"Hi Andy, how are you?"
"Very well thank you, and you are better?"
"Yes, thanks. I'll be back this morning."
"Alison, as soon as you come into the office, I'm going to need to talk to you..."
"I hope it's not too serious..."
"No, no, I'll see you later, okay?"
"Okay, see you later..." You hang up and go back to Ransom.
"It was your brother, he didn't look so good..."
"Really? That's not like him..." He frowns.
You look at the clock, "Oh, I'm going to be late!!!" You run towards the bedroom to get dressed. Ransom laughs at this and cleans the dishes. You finish getting ready and see through the mirror, a box.
You grab the box and sit down on the bed. You open it and see a lot of memories, you see a picture of him and Andy's kids, and you smile and place it on your chest. You hear Ransom coming up the stairs, you put the box back and put the picture in your pocket.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, and you're not ready..."
"I'll be ten minutes..." He kisses you.
"I'll give you five minutes, not a minute more."
"You're going to lose on this one..."
He grabs some clothes and leaves for the bathroom.
You giggle and take the picture back into your pocket. You look closely at the picture, and shed a tear. You wish you had a brother as kind and caring as Andy.
Ransom opens the door, you wipe away the tear with your thumb and put the picture back in your pocket.
"I won!!!"
You turn around and see Ransom well dressed "Wow, I really like that sweater..."
"Thanks... Shall we go? You'll be late..."
"Oh yes! Let's go!"
You leave and Ransom walks you to work.
"Thanks a lot Ransom, see you tomorrow?"
"I'll see you tonight in your apartment..." He kisses you gently.
"See you tonight then..." You start to get out of the car and blow him a kiss.
You arrive at your desk, and you see a letter sitting on your desk. You open it and can't help but shed a tear.
Someone knocks on the door, you quickly hide the letter in the drawer and wipe it up.
"Come in!"
"Hi Alison!"
"Oh, hi Andy!" you smile and hug her.
"Are you okay?"
"Uh, yeah. Did you want to tell me something? You didn't sound good on the phone..."
"Oh, uh yes!" He leans against the wall, crossing his arms. "I wanted to ask you something..."
"About work? I can stay until 9pm, that's no problem, I can cancel my evening with Stella."
He laughs. "No, I don't want to talk to you about that... I wanted to ask you if you would like to go with me tonight."
Oh, so that's what Ransom was talking about... I think Andy is talking about the famous birthday party...
"Okay. I'll go."
"Really?" He raises his eyebrows.
"Yeah, I'm down for tonight."
"Cool, I'll pick you up tonight." He kisses you on the cheek and closes the door.
You take the letter back, and toss it in the trash. The day passes, you are soon done with all the files you had to deal with and you give them to Clarissa to pass on to Duffy and Neal.
Your phone rings.
"Hi angel, how are you?"
"Oh hi Ranny, I'm fine and you?"
"Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that we won't be able to have our party together, I'm sick..."
"Oh okay, that's fine... I'll be stuck at work anyway..."
"Oh okay."
"Have a good rest..."
"Thanks, good luck"
"Thanks, bye."
What a big liar I am...
"Oh, hi Andy..."
"Are you ready? We'll be right out..."
"I'm not going to go like this... You look at your outfit. You giggle. "My whole outfit is wrinkled..."
"Don't be silly, you look great like this and besides, it's not like it's a prom." He laughs.
"You're not wrong, but I still want to look good in front of your family."
"Don't worry." He kisses your cheek and you blush.
Oh no... I think I'm falling in love with him. But what am I doing? I can't do this, not to Ransom, not to Andy, I'm going to have to make a choice before it goes wrong...
"Shall we go?" he smiles at you, giving you his arm like a gentleman.
"Let's go."
You leave the office and head for the Thrombey mansion.
"So, Alison. To sum up, you live with your friend Stella, whom you consider a sister, you came here to start a new life and you met two boys who think you're nice. Is that correct?"
You chuckle. "Almost, Stella has been my best friend since we were little and I've met two boys I particularly like..." You lower your head.
"Really? How do you like them?" He turns his head and smiles at you.
"I wouldn't know how to describe them, they're both very sweet, charming..."
"Uh huh..." He looks at the road again.
"I think I've pretty much said it all..."
"That's pretty much it..." He smiles. "Here we are..."
"Wow, this is huge..."
Huh, Ransom's car... Wait, he lied to me?! I'm not better either... Oh no... What am I going to do?
You start to approach the front door and you see Andy and Ransom's mother, Linda, who is smoking.
"Hello mother..." He walks up the few steps to hug his mother.
"Hello big guy..." She hugs and kisses him before placing her hands on Andy's cheeks.
"I missed you terribly..." She tilts her head to the side to look at you. "Who is this beautiful young lady?" She smiles.
"Mom, this is Alison. My work partner and a very good friend." He places his hand on your back.
A very good friend? Huh, interesting...
"Very nice to meet you Mrs. Drysdale..." You extend your hand toward her.
"Call me Linda honey..." She hugs you. "I've heard a lot about you..." She aims at Andy.
"Uh yes mom, can we come in?" He blushes and looks away from you and his mother.
"But of course dear..." You start to walk back into the house. "Ah, by the way, Ransom is here too..."
"Okay thanks mother."
He gives you a tour of the house and takes you out into the garden. He leaves you for a few minutes while he greets his grandfather who is with the dogs. You walk around for a while and come to a beautiful arch decorated with ivy, you approach and enter a garden full of flowers. You hear footsteps, but you are so taken by the garden that you don't even hear.
Oh shit...
You turn around and see Ransom.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to spend the evening working…” He crosses his arms and leans against the arch.
What am I going to say to him?
"I wanted to surprise you but well, it's a bust..." You chuckle and sit down on the bench. "What about you? I thought you were sick?" You raise your eyebrow.
"Ummm, no it's better, it was just a temporary thing..."
"Liar..." You chuckle.
"You're not a bad liar either..." He sits down next to you. "It was Andy who asked you to come to our dear grandfather's birthday party... Am I wrong?"
"No, you're not wrong..." You lower your head. "I didn't know what to tell you..." You shake your head. "I even thought you would have gone crazy..." You laugh.
"I would never be mad at you..." He lifts your chin and kisses you.
"Shall we go?"
"Yes, your brother is probably waiting for me on the terrace..." You get up and head towards the house. The evening is likely to be long...
Notes from Alicia:
Hi everyone, I'm sorry for the delay... I come to forgive myself by sharing with you this part. I hope you'll like it...
Enjoy your reading ♡

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