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Awakened by kisses on your neck by Ransom and on your cheek by Andy, you giggle and open your eyes. 
"Good morning boys..." You get up and head to the bathroom. 
You take a shower and come out with the towel around your body. You see Ransom and Andy asleep. You smile and grab your camera as a souvenir.
You get ready to go see Stella, and you leave to make breakfast. 
"Good morning angel" He brushes his hair back and kisses you. "Good morning Ranny... How did you sleep?" 
"Fine with you by my side..." He puts his hands around your waist. "How is he?" He strokes your belly.
"Do you think it's a boy? I don't know if I want to know the sex of the baby... I want to keep it a surprise..." 
"Okay..." He kisses your neck. "I'm going to go take a shower and come back okay?" 
"Okay." You kiss him again. He leaves for the bathroom. 
"Hi Ali..." Andy kisses your cheek. 
"Hi Andy..." You smile and kiss him. "How are you?" 
"Good, I've never slept so well..." He rubs his eyes. "Oh look at you, you're beautiful..." He spins you around. "Aww Andy..." You giggle. He kisses you tenderly. "I'm going to get ready..." 
"Okay..." He leaves to change and you finish making breakfast. 
"We'll pick you up in an hour, okay?" 
"Okay, see you guys later" You greet them and enter the hospital. "Hi, I'm here to see Dr. Harrison." 
"Yes of course, I will accompany you to his office." The secretary takes you in front of the office, she knocks on the door. "Come in." 
"Doctor, Mrs. Clark for you." 
"Do come in." 
"Good morning, Mr. Harrison." You shake hands. 
"Hello Mrs. Clark, how are you?" 
"Fine, thank you, Doctor. How is Stella?"  
"Well, she's looking forward to seeing you and she asked for my phone number so she's fine." 
Oh Stella... You can't help yourself for a second when I'm not around...
"Should I take you to see her?" 
"Sure. Let's go" 
He walks you to her room. 
"Hello, my beloved mother-to-be..." She holds out her arms to you. 
"Hello my beautiful..." You embrace her. 
"How do you feel about this pregnancy?" 
"So you heard me when you were...?" 
"Sure, and even your assault... I'm sorry about what happened with Ricky..." 
"It's in the past, he can never hurt anyone again.... Not to you, not to me..." 
"Good for you... he was still a big jerk... Admit it..." 
You chuckle. "Yes, he was..." 
"So, how do you feel?" 
"Nervous... I don't know who the father is, I love Andy and Ransom very much. But..." 
"I wish I knew, but it would destroy both of them." 
"Listen to me..." She takes your hands and squeezes them. "If you really want to know... Ask yourself, who do you love more? Ransom who loves you more than anything and wants to have children with you, or Andy who also loves you and wants what's best for you?" 
"You know you're not helping me?" You chuckle.
"I know... but at least think about who you want to spend your life with..." 
"What if, I want to live with both of them?" 
"Wow, a threesome?! I'm not saying no to that..."
"Stella!!!" She starts to laugh.
"Oh, I'm just kidding... But think about it" 
"That's good, I had to go to the ultrasound later and they will be there, will you come with me?" 
"You know I'll go with you to the end?"
"Thanks Stella..." You hug her. The doctor knocks on the door. 
"Hello again Stella, good news... You can go out today..." He smiles at her. 
"No, seriously?! Oh my God Ali, I'm going to be able to stay with you!" She is so happy, she starts dancing. 
"But you will be watched by your friends..." 
"Okay... Not a problem..." She is still dancing. You laugh.
"Are you ready for your ultrasound Alison?" 
"Oh... um..." 
"I'm here Ali, don't worry, everything is going to be fine..." She takes your hand and smiles at you.
"Okay, I'm ready." 
"Let's go then..." Stella is put on her wheelchair and accompanies you. 
"Oh, I can't wait to find out what this is!" She claps her hands. The boys are outside waiting for the result.
"Oh, I'm scared Stella..." 
"Hey, don't be scared... It's going to be fine okay? You've been there for me, now it's my turn. Come on, we can do this..." 
"I can do it..." 
"That's it, that's it... Just breathe easy, and everything will be fine." 
"Okay..." You follow what Stella tells you.
"Are you ready Alison?" You nod your head. "Let's go..." 
A few minutes later, he looks at his screen. 
"There's your baby..." You look at the screen and start to cry and giggle. 
"Oh Ali, look..." Stella holds your hand. 
"Hey there..." You giggle.
"Right now we can't find out the sex, we'll have to come back in a few months..." 
"Okay, thanks, doctor." You shake her hand and Stella comes out of the ultrasound first.
"Well?" Ransom asks Stella. 
"She can't know right now. We'll have to wait a little while..." 
"Oh okay, how does she feel?" 
"Nervous, she might cry but don't worry, it's the hormones." You walk out of the room and join them. 
"Hey...are you okay?" You nod and show them the ultrasound. 
"Ali, this is the most beautiful thing you can show us." You giggle and get tears in your eyes. Everyone hugs you. 
After a great emotional moment, you went home, Stella stayed with you, and Andy went to get her things. You have a great day, you rest and have fun. You are like a family. That's what you were missing, and that's what you got. After all, you've been through a lot with your family, you deserve a family that loves you and wants you well. You look at Ransom Andy and Stella and smile. You take a picture to capture this moment. 
You join them and you all cook together. You all eat together and enjoy the pool. Ransom moves closer to you and Andy moves next to Stella. 
"So, all of a sudden you're going to call Dr. Harrison?" You sip your water. 
"What?" Andy chokes on his wine glass. Stella laughs. "No, no he's engaged..." 
"Oh. I'm sure you'll find someone. Don't worry..." 
"That's kind of you." Andy strokes Stella’s back, and she smiles.
You sigh. "What's wrong with you?" Ransom is worried, "Nothing don't worry..." you get out of the pool and go into the living room. "I'll be right back..." Ransom gets out of the pool and joins you.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He puts his hands on your shoulders and strokes them. 
"I really want to know who the father is, I can't take it anymore, I... Stella looks happy with Andy, look." He turns around and puts his gaze back on.
"I want..." You sigh. "I want everything for Stella to be happy and I think Andy will be perfect for her." 
"Are you telling me you want me to be..." You nod. "Oh Ali..." He hugs you. "I love you Ranny..." You sob.
"I love you too sweetheart." You pull back and look at him. He puts his hand on your cheek and kisses you. 
"I need to talk to Andy, but I'm scared." He takes your hand. "I'm sure he'll understand, I'll go with you if you want..." 
"No, I'll go alone." 
"Okay but wait..." He goes to get your towel and puts it around you. "So you don't catch a cold..." 
"Thanks." You kiss him and leave to see Andy. 
"Andy, can we talk?" 
"Yes, of course, I'll be right there Stella." You step aside and you see Ransom talking to Stella. 
"What did you want to tell me, Alison?" 
"Um... I think Stella really likes you and I think she would like to go out with you..." You play with your hands. 
"Ali..." He takes your hands "I know you love my brother very much, love me too, but Ransom talked to me when you were in the hospital and... I think you should be with him..." He chuckles slightly. "He loves you very much and I will always be your co-worker and then my sister-in-law. I wish you all the happiness in the world with my brother." 
"Aww, Andy..." You hug him. "Stella loves you very much, and so do I..." You step back.
"She asked me out to dinner..." 
"Really? Oh but I'm so happy for you two!" You put your hands on her cheeks and kiss her cheek. "She's going to be happy..." You join Ransom and Stella and end the night in front of the TV and you fall asleep on Ransom, as for Stella she fell asleep on Andy. Two beautiful couples.
Notes from Alicia:
Hey everyone, inspiration was here today !!
The end is coming soon... 😔 but don't worry, a new story will come soon 😉
Hope you'll like this part 😊
Don't forget to vote and leave a comment 💕

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