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Boston wakes up to rain and falling leaves. Your alarm clock rings, you turn it off and turn around to see Ransom asleep, some hair hiding his eyes. You smile and get up to wash yourself. After a relaxing shower. You leave to make breakfast, your phone starts to ring. Unknown number. You refuse to answer. You go back to your room and put down the breakfast next to your dressing table. You sit down next to him, you caress his back which makes him turn around.
"Good morning, Ranny..." You place a kiss on his lips.
"Good morning, sweetheart." He smiles and opens his eyes. "Are you ready yet? He sits up.
"I just got dressed in comfortable clothes..." You get up and bring the breakfast. "I know, it's not like you made it for me when I came to your house but I hope you like it..." You chuckle.
"I really like it..." He kisses you. "Thank you very much..."
Your phone starts to vibrate. You get a message from Andy.
Hello Ali, I hope you are well. I'm going to come by and see you in a couple of hours. I want to talk to you... about Ricky and something else...
I'll see you then.
Andy x
You sigh, and come back to the bed.
"Are you ok Ali?"
"Yeah, your brother texted me, he wants to see me in two hours..."
"I'll get ready then..." He starts to get up but you hold him back and kiss him. He puts his hand on your cheek. You stop the kiss. You look at each other for a few seconds before Ransom strokes your cheek and gets up to go get ready.
Someone knocks on your bedroom door.
"Ali, is it me can I come in?"
You giggle. "Sure Stella you can come in, Ransom is in the shower."
"Yes, tell me Stella..." You turn around and see Stella in tears.
"Hey, what's wrong?? Come and sit down..." You both sit down and you caress her arm.
"Remember when I told you about kidney pain?" She bows her head.
"Yes... Stella you're scaring me now..." You are very worried about her.
"I got a call from the doctor this morning about my results, and they're not very conclusive, even awful..."
"Oh my God Stella..." You move closer to her and take her in your arms. She breaks down in tears.
"He told me I'm going to have to go to the hospital tomorrow..."
A tear rolls down your cheek. You can't help but cry because Stella really is everything to you, losing her would be an empty world without her. 
"I'm scared Ali..."
"I'm here, it's okay..." You stroke her back. Ransom gets out of the shower, you turn around. He doesn't understand what's going on. You shake your head to warn him that Stella is not well.
He approaches the bed, squats down and strokes Stella's back before Ransom looks at you and understands the situation. Stella takes her head off your shoulder and looks at Ransom who gives her a slight smile to let her know that he has her back.
"I don't want to spoil the mood... Let's do something tonight for Thanksgiving..." She wipes away her tears and smiles.
"Okay, I'll get the decorations ready this afternoon while you two go shopping for tonight's meal... Deal?" You hold out your hand, which Ransom and Stella take.
"Deal." Both say at the same time.
After Stella and Ransom leave, you start to take out the decorations you had already bought in advance when you arrived on your first day in Boston. You put up a curtain of red, yellow and brown leaves to remind you of the fall colors, some acorns, and a red checkered tablecloth. You set the table until the doorbell rings. You go to the entrance and see Andy. You open the door for him.
"Hi Andy."
"Hi Ali..." He kisses you on the cheek. "I see you are planning something for tonight..."
"Oh yes, I'm going to celebrate Thanksgiving with Stella. I proposed to Ransom who agreed, do you want to come spend the evening with us?"
"Yeah, why not... Besides, it's been a while since I had a party like this..." He chuckles.
Oh, I think I hit a nerve…
"Come in Andy, don't stand in the doorway." He enters the apartment and you close the door behind him. 
"Wow..." He's transfixed by the decorations you've started to put up. "It's beautiful..."
"Oh, to tell you the truth, this is the first time I've ever had a party with people I really like" You giggle as you climb the step ladder.
"Yes..." Shut up Ali, don't screw it up... "Could you help me hang this artificial plant please?" You make eyes at her.
"I'm coming, wait." He climbs up and takes the plant from your hands. He touches your hand. You both turn your heads. Butterflies in your stomach, you dare not move. You look at each other for a few seconds just before Andy puts the plant down and rests his gaze on you. You are only inches away from kissing. He places his hands on your cheeks.
"We're going to fall off this stepladder."
He climbs down first before lowering you like a gentleman. You leave to get more decorations but Andy catches you by the wrist. You turn around and he rests his hands on your cheeks.
"Andy, I-" He kisses you tenderly, you don't want to push him away. You wrap your arms around his neck with the artificial maple decoration. He pulls back.
"I'm sorry, excuse me, I should go..."
Before he reaches for his things, you catch him and kiss him again.
What am I doing?! I don't know what to do anymore... Do I love Andy or do I love Ransom? I'm totally lost...
You put down your foreheads. "We should continue decorating..."
"Yes, good idea..."
After finishing the decoration, you prepare the table. Ransom and Stella arrive.
"Hello, we are back!!! Oh hi Andy!!!" She hugs him.
"Hi Stella" You look at Ransom who smiles slightly to see if you are okay. You wink at him.
"I'm starving... Aren't you?"
"Oh yes, I am, believe me..." You all prepare the meal together, which makes you smile pleasantly. Ransom throws flour at his brother and it quickly becomes a flour fight. After the meal is prepared, you sit down to eat, talking about everything and anything, laughing. You've never experienced this before, you're so happy with them that you didn't want to lose this beautiful moment between the four of you. So you decide to take out your camera, and you have fun taking pictures of each other. This will make a beautiful photo album. One thing is sure, this moment will remain engraved in your memory.
Notes from Alicia:
Hey everyone, I know I’m late and I'm sorry...
Well, what a part...
Have a good reading and don't forget to comment and vote

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