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Anastasia pov

"What kind of idiot still thinks I can't outrun bullets?" Barry asked as he walked in, "ana? Since when do you have white hair?"

"Since forever..." I said confused.

"That guy should be the criminal poster boy for what not to do against The Flash." Wally Highfived Barry.

"So what are we gonna call him?" Barry asked.
it's too early for this.
I sighed and drank my coffee.

"You mean like a nickname?" Wally asked.

Cisco does it for all of them, he's like the master of it.
Can't just call him Suspect on a Motorcycle, Right? What do you think?" Barry asked.

"I don't know." Cisco sighed.

"I'll take this one.
Uh, The Crook. Lame?
A Five-Finger..." barry started but was interrupted by Cisco.

"How about Thief?
He robs stuff. Let's just call him Thief.
Gotta get to the gym. Excuse me." Cisco said and I walked with him, it took me forever to convince him to go to therapy, and he agreed only if I will come as well, so I did.

"I am so proud of you for going," I said and held his hand.

"Thank you... for making me go." He smiled.


"I hated that we never spoke.
I think the thing that haunts me the most is the fact that I never told him I loved him.
Or that I idolized him.
I have memories of Dante all the time.
But they don't feel like gifts.
They feel like reminders...
of what I did wrong, and how I'll never make
another memory with Dante again." Cisco explained himself to the group and then looked at the exit. "Excuse me." He said and left, is that Barry?"

"... wait a second.
Now you wanna be there for me?" Cisco asked as I got to them.

"I'm just trying to understand," Barry said.

"My brother's dead.
There's nothing to understand.
Exit's that way." Cisco said and got back in.

"Don't come here anymore Barry, it's not your place, it took me way too long to convince him to come here without your help he doesn't need you now," I said and got back in as well.

"As I was saying..."


"This hits the spot, huh?" Barry smiled.

"You can thank Grandma Esther," Joe answered.

"No, I mean, it's good. I just meant, um... all of us, actually, just here, together.
I was actually thinking, um, that maybe it'd be fun if we all went away together for a few days.
Just like a little Team Flash vacay." Barry suggested.

"And do what?" Iris asked.

Reconnect." Barry answered.

"You mean like a retreat?" Caitlin asked

"Nah," Barry said.

"With trust exercises?" Iris askes

"Epic fail, a party of six," Cisco said.

"I just... I just feel like we're not the team that we were or can be." Barry sighed. "No one?"

"I'd be down for it." Wally smiled.

So other than Wally,
I'm the only one that thinks that's a good idea?" Barry asked.

"I don't think The Flash really takes vacations," Caitlin said, I tried to keep my mouth shut, I might say something I'll regret later.

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