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Anastasia pov

"This is insane," Barry said as the whole gang walked into the speed lab where I was doing the salmon ladder, "and that's even more." He said as he looked at me.

"Something tells me you've never been in this room before," Cisco said and I got down to hug Jesse, as the boys talked Jesse and I started our own conversation.

"Mom, you will not believe it, I have speed now, I'm fast, just as Barry maybe even more."

"That's awesome, детка." I smiled at her and hugged her again.

"So when did you do it?
After we returned to earth-2?" Harry asked and Jesse and I walked closer to the group.

"Look, Harry, only a couple of things are different." Barry sighed.

"I'm sure. Not."

You guys are doing not on Earth-2 now?" Cisco asked.

"No. That's all him." Jesse sighed and held my hand, this kid got me wrapped around her fingers.

"Okay, let's just get Jesse on the track and see what she can do," Caitlin said.

"Yeah, let's do it," Jesse said and took off her jacket. "All right. Check this out." she sped around.

She really can move." Joe said, Impressed.

"Yeah, she can.
I got to go." Wally walked out.

Oh, man." Joe sighed.

"I'll talk to him." Iris volunteered.

"Hey, Joe.
Look, it's just... it is better if he doesn't have speed." Barry told Joe.

"Oh, you don't have to convince me of that.
The last thing I want is two of my kids
zipping around the city, running into danger." Joe sighed.

"'Cause he looked pretty disappointed," Barry said.

"This is about that other timeline, isn't it?" Joe asked.

"No, I just... I think you should keep an eye out."


"So how did I do?" Jesse asked after she stopped running.

"Blood pressure, heart rate, metabolic rate all excellent.
And you've got some serious speed, girl.
I think you're good to go." Caitlin smiled.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
I still want to run a few more tests." Harry said quickly.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like more tests," Harry answered.

"Hey, so, is Wally here?" Jesse asked.

"No, not yet," Caitlin answered.

Okay, I'm gonna... I'm gonna go grab some food.
I'm starving." Jesse sighed.

'Yeah, there's some power bars in the workshop.
Help yourself." Cisco smiled.

"Cool." Jesse smiled back.

"Harry?" I asked.


"What're you doing?" I asked.

"Being thorough," Harry replied.

"Yeah? 'Cause, it seems like you're stalling." Caitlin said.

"Okay, fine. I'm stalling.
I'm stalling. So what?"

"So what? So why?" Cisco asked.

"So why? Why?
Why? Do I get to explain myself to you two? Oh, I guess I do, 'cause you're not parents.
That's my daughter, okay?
And she spent months on this very Earth
Watch Barry Allen defeat meta after meta after meta...
and Zoom... and all of a sudden, bam!
She's got speed,
and now she wants to be a hero just like him.
And I think that's a great idea.
Not!" Harry said, angry.

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