the wrath of Savitar

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Anastasia pov

I sat in bed thinking about whether I should leave to keep them safe.

Mama called, asking if you're coming to work today?
She said Wally was hurt, and she couldn't figure out anything wrong with him." Leah asked me.

"I don't think I can, baby. My old friend gave the police information about me; they will come and get me soon.
I need to go away." I told her.

"Why would you go away?" She asked as tears left her eyes. "Are you going to leave me and Mama?" She sat next to me.

"No, no baby, it's for your safety..."

"NO, it's because you are nothing but a coward!" She cried and ran out.

I sighed and got ready to go to S.T.A.R labs.


"I feel fine," Wally said as I checked him.

"So now Savitar's mind-punking you... Oh, boy.
This never stops, never stopping." Cisco chuckled.

"How long has this been going on, Wally?" Barry asked.

"Like a week," Wally answered.

Barry scoffed, "A week."

"Wally, why didn't you say anything before?" Iris asked.

"Because I didn't know what this was.
I thought that this was just maybe in my head.
You know, I wasn't looking at it like I was keeping it to myself." Wally walked closer to Iris.

"That's exactly what you did, though, Wally.
You did keep it to yourself,
And with Savitar, that's not something we can do.
This is Iris' life we're talking about." Barry scolded wally.

"Yes, I know that." Wally sighed.

"Do you, though, Wally?" Barry asked.


"Uh, okay.
Until now, you only saw him, right?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah, this was the first time it was physical," Wally answered, and Barry got up from his seat. "What... he wasn't there!
Okay? You weren't fighting him.
He was messing with your head.
It was all in your mind."

"I've been there. Done that.
It's miserable." Julian added.

"Okay, why don't we run a brain scan on Wally, see if he was similarly affected to when Julian was possessed?" Caity looked at me.

"Yeah, that's fine. Why don't we do that? Wally shouldn't be in here anyway." Barry said, wait, what?

"What?" Wally asked.

"Barry, he knows he messed up..." Joe told Barry.

"That's not what this is about, okay? Look, it's... If Savitar's using Wally the same way he used Julian, how do we know he's not spying on us through Wally right now?" Barry said and wally laughed. "Wally, we don't know how this works.
How do we know he can't see and hear everything we're doing?
Look, you're out." Barry continued.

"I'm out?" Wally asked

"I'm sorry, Wally," Barry told him.

"Yeah, you don't sound real sorry," Wally told Barry.

"All right, fellows, let's take a quick ten.
We're all still the "Four Amigos" here, right?" H.R asked.

"What?" Cisco asked as Wally left.

"You don't have that movie on this Earth?" H.R asked.

"I'll go talk to him," Jesse said.

"Yeah, talk some sense into him," Barry added.

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